Hello Everyone!
I hope you've all had a nice week and a lovely weekend! Things have slowed down a bit here. I didn't make ANY cheese this week - GASP! Actually as I type this, I have some curd cheese ripening for tonight's poutine! :) I ordered a bunch of new cultures to make new cheeses, I can't wait to try them out! My next attempt will probably be a Camembert! I can't wait! But I wanted to show you my cheese cave...aka the old bar fridge. I have SEVEN cheeses aging!! How exciting! (I posted a more detailed update on Rainy Day Cheese Making).
I did have eight cheeses aging, but we decided to try the Mozzarella on Pizza Night! My little aging experiment really turned out well. I aged this Mozza just for a week but it really changed the texture into a cheese that was easily grate-able. It melted perfectly on the pizza and tasted wonderful!
The two Cheddars were finally dry enough to seal. The one on the left will be aged for a year and the Newcastle Cheddar on the right...well, we'll try to wait until Christmas!! :)
I did have eight cheeses aging, but we decided to try the Mozzarella on Pizza Night! My little aging experiment really turned out well. I aged this Mozza just for a week but it really changed the texture into a cheese that was easily grate-able. It melted perfectly on the pizza and tasted wonderful!
The two Cheddars were finally dry enough to seal. The one on the left will be aged for a year and the Newcastle Cheddar on the right...well, we'll try to wait until Christmas!! :)
Garden Update: I spent a few days in the garden this last week. I had to move my Morning Glories...they just haven't even bloomed yet, oh well. The tops look healthy but the bottom of the plant is very dry and brittle. Not sure what happened there but I do hope I get some flowers before winter!
One of my projects for the year is to plant a winter garden. I'd been doing lots of reading up on what crops can handle cold climates. So I got to work on a very muggy but warm afternoon!
The two spots I have planned for the winter garden are on either side of the porch. These are the best areas because they are protected from the North wind plus they are on the South side of the house so they should get lots of sunshine and warmth! I planted carrots, Brussels sprouts, beets, turnips and green onions on one side. Then I planted Miners Lettuce, Corn Salad (Mâche), Leeks, Mustard Greens and Spinach on the other side. This is yet another first for me, so I'm hoping with lots of mothering, my winter garden will give me some freshness throughout our cold snowy winter. They are currently protected each night under poly-tarp until I can manage to build two cold frames. I didn't plant too much since it's my first winter garden. If things work out, I'll plant more next year.
I ordered some garlic bulbs to plant as well as a bunch of seed packs for the spring. I'll be planting the garlic at the beginning of October for next year's harvest. I also plan on planting some of my favourite lettuce too...but somehow grow it indoors without grow lights...more to come on that! :)
Knitting Knews: :) I had to make an extension to the neck band for Jack's sweater. It started to stretch a little and fall down to his shoulders. I'm hoping this will keep it all up and comfy for him!
Enjoying the fall weather with his "twin" Marlene - joined at the hip!
Here is another non-planned knitting project: I finished the "Man Hat" as suggested by Farmgirl Sam, who is a great inspiration to me! It's a nice pattern, very easy! I'm going to knit another one for myself because it's just a wee bit loose on me. I know I'll get a slap on the wrist for this, but I NEVER check my gauge (and you can't make me!)...but it does make for adjustments and sizing surprises now and then! Still, I'm really proud of myself, despite the double-pointed-needle-stress at the end lol! I'm very happy I joined the Ravelry group. It's really got me knitting again!
Bargain Hunting!!! Alex and I spent last Thursday hitting the thrift stores, what a haul we got! I've always wanted a Raclette machine, but they are a bit expensive. We got this one for $6 and we tested it, it works! I can't wait to melt some cheese on stuff...lol...another way to add melted cheese to my life, go figure.
I also scored on cookbooks. It's not easy to find English books in this area, but I guess some Anglophone was generous lately with the thrift stores and I snatched them all up!
This book was a great find! I love all things Halloweenie...and we got some board games for fun too...we are building a huge collection of those! The gal on the "Yum" board game seems to be having fun! :)
We got a duo of blankets and barware too. And we only spent a total of $27 so it was a nice treat!
But honestly? Being out in society...it really takes its toll on us. We spent most of the day Friday in bed watching movies and putting our new little liqueur glasses to good use! Living a hermit life is exactly what we love...but when we need to get out into humanity, our bodies and minds are never prepared for it! I don't know that I'll ever be comfortable around people again...but somehow that doesn't really bother me. :)