Sunday, September 10, 2017

Cheese Cave Is Filling Up! Winter Garden and Year of Projects Update (Yop Week 11)

Hello Everyone!

I hope you've all had a nice week and a lovely weekend! Things have slowed down a bit here. I didn't make ANY cheese this week - GASP! Actually as I type this, I have some curd cheese ripening for tonight's poutine! :) I ordered a bunch of new cultures to make new cheeses, I can't wait to try them out! My next attempt will probably be a Camembert! I can't wait! But I wanted to show you my cheese cave...aka the old bar fridge. I have SEVEN cheeses aging!! How exciting! (I posted a more detailed update on Rainy Day Cheese Making).

I did have eight cheeses aging, but we decided to try the Mozzarella on Pizza Night! My little aging experiment really turned out well. I aged this Mozza just for a week but it really changed the texture into a cheese that was easily grate-able. It melted perfectly on the pizza and tasted wonderful!

The two Cheddars were finally dry enough to seal. The one on the left will be aged for a year and the Newcastle Cheddar on the right...well, we'll try to wait until Christmas!! :)

Garden Update: I spent a few days in the garden this last week. I had to move my Morning Glories...they just haven't even bloomed yet, oh well. The tops look healthy but the bottom of the plant is very dry and brittle. Not sure what happened there but I do hope I get some flowers before winter!

One of my projects for the year is to plant a winter garden. I'd been doing lots of reading up on what crops can handle cold climates.  So I got to work on a very muggy but warm afternoon!

The two spots I have planned for the winter garden are on either side of the porch. These are the best areas because they are protected from the North wind plus they are on the South side of the house so they should get lots of sunshine and warmth! I planted carrots, Brussels sprouts, beets, turnips and green onions on one side. Then I planted Miners Lettuce, Corn Salad (Mâche), Leeks, Mustard Greens and Spinach on the other side. This is yet another first for me, so I'm hoping with lots of mothering, my winter garden will give me some freshness throughout our cold snowy winter. They are currently protected each night under poly-tarp until I can manage to build two cold frames. I didn't plant too much since it's my first winter garden. If things work out, I'll plant more next year.

I ordered some garlic bulbs to plant as well as a bunch of seed packs for the spring. I'll be planting the garlic at the beginning of October for next year's harvest. I also plan on planting some of my favourite lettuce too...but somehow grow it indoors without grow lights...more to come on that! :)

Knitting Knews: :)  I had to make an extension to the neck band for Jack's sweater. It started to stretch a little and fall down to his shoulders. I'm hoping this will keep it all up and comfy for him!

Enjoying the fall weather with his "twin" Marlene - joined at the hip!

Here is another non-planned knitting project: I finished the "Man Hat" as suggested by Farmgirl Sam, who is a great inspiration to me! It's a nice pattern, very easy! I'm going to knit another one for myself because it's just a wee bit loose on me. I know I'll get a slap on the wrist for this, but I NEVER check my gauge (and you can't make me!)...but it does make for adjustments and sizing surprises now and then! Still, I'm really proud of myself, despite the double-pointed-needle-stress at the end lol! I'm very happy I joined the Ravelry group. It's really got me knitting again! 

Bargain Hunting!!!  Alex and I spent last Thursday hitting the thrift stores, what a haul we got! I've always wanted a Raclette machine, but they are a bit expensive. We got this one for $6 and we tested it, it works! I can't wait to melt some cheese on way to add melted cheese to my life, go figure.

I also scored on cookbooks. It's not easy to find English books in this area, but I guess some Anglophone was generous lately with the thrift stores and I snatched them all up!

This book was a great find! I love all things Halloweenie...and we got some  board games for fun too...we are building a huge collection of those! The gal on the "Yum" board game seems to be having fun! :)

We got a duo of blankets and barware too. And we only spent a total of $27 so it was a nice treat!

But honestly? Being out in really takes its toll on us. We spent most of the day Friday in bed watching movies and putting our new little liqueur glasses to good use! Living a hermit life is exactly what we love...but when we need to get out into humanity, our bodies and minds are never prepared for it! I don't know that I'll ever be comfortable around people again...but somehow that doesn't really bother me. :)

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Scribble Picnic: Tie It Up; Cheese Update and Foggy Morning

This is my first contribution to the weekly art-themed Scribble Picnic (follow the link to see the other member's art contributions). :) My favourite medium these days is watercolour so that's what I'll be doing, even though it really did start as a "scribble"! It's so hard to take a good photo of a watercolour...the sky is actually a lot darker than it looks, but I'm happy with it! It graduates to the watercolour wall now. :)

The theme is "Tie It Up" this week. I was inspired by the weather and my garden. My pumpkins are really doing well...(as far as I know since it's the first year I've grown them!) The tendrils and vines curl up and get all tied up on one another, so that's what inspired me for my watercolour this week. :) Last week's theme was "Curly" so I guess my idea could have applied to both! :)

Cheese Making Update

The Colby and Mozzarella were finally dry enough for me to seal, but the Colby was too big for my bag! So I cut it in half, and lo and behold...HOLES!! Is it me or am I crazy? Colby DOESN'T have holes does it??? Did I accidentally make a Swiss-style cheese lol?

Me thinks it didn't get pressed with enough weight long enough...I'll have to confirm with the folks on the Cheese Forum. Oh my, it smelled SO GOOD...Alex and I kept looking at each other with that tempting look in our eyes...but in the end we were good and the cheeses got sealed for more aging!

With some leftover Italian sausages, I made Polish Kolaches, courtesy of Joyce from October Farm! They turned out delicious! We had them with some Cheddar cheese spread; and Joyce, that pastry is amazing! I have half left so I might make croissants out of them! Thanks for the recipe! :)

Walking the dogs on the mountain has been so wonderful the last few days. No tourists and some nice fall weather. Our summer was so chilly and rainy that Alex and I didn't get to fish more than a few times, which is sad for us! We have higher hopes for next summer, that lake is full of wonderful trout! I took this photo yesterday.

And I took this photo just this morning, it was so foggy you couldn't even see the lake! Gave the woods a bit of a creepy feel to them! :) Even though I crave the heat and humidity each summer, likely due to overly long winters; I have to say that Fall is my favourite time of year!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Two New Cheddars; Leafy Sea Dragon, Jack's Sweater (YOP Week 10) and Potatoes!!!

Hi Everyone :)

How are you all doing? I feel great. Every day the past week was sunny, though very much sweater weather. I don't mind the rain today because it's the weekend and at least the weekender neighbours are stuck indoors lol. The garden is at a stand still. Oh well, I wonder if my tomatoes will ever ripen! I did a lot of my hobbies this last week too. I painted this leafy sea dragon in watercolour which I started sketching with the watercolour pencils - I LOVE those pencils!! It's a funny looking creature, here is an image I found off Google:

Alex is fascinated with sea creatures and asked me to paint one for him. It's now up on the watercolour wall! There is also a "weedy sea dragon" that I'll be painting for him as well. At the suggestion of Tammie Lee from Beauty Flows, I will be joining the Wednesday "Scribble Picnic". It's a group of bloggers who follow a weekly theme to encourage them to create art. So every Wednesday (if I can keep it up!) I should have a new watercolour that I'll be posting! I'm excited, because I love to create, but I also love structure! :) It's open to anyone who would like to join, just follow the link above! :)

My knitted beach cover up is on hold for a while, but now that I have the knitting bug, I had to knit something! I decided on Martha Stewart's dog sweater pattern. This wasn't on my original list of projects for the year. If anyone wishes to check out the Year of Projects group on Ravelry, here is the link. Is it me or are some of these patterns written in an overly complicated way? I love Martha, but she takes 6 lines to write out instructions that I condensed to one easily understandable line! Anyway, this was easy and fun to make, and Jack seems to like it! He's had it on for about an hour after I washed it and it's already full of Marlene's hair - oh my gosh she is shedding badly! We live in a hairy house these days!

I had to wing the size because Jack's rib cage is really outstanding, but his neck is tiny. So it's between a small and medium. If I make this again, I'll have to alter it just a little more to make the underside wider.

Do you ever find things that you forgot you had?? This is a book that I found this morning! It was under a bunch of my old school books in a drawer gathering dust. I'm going to look through it for the next project!

Speaking of projects, I made TWO more Cheddars!! They are both drying out before I start to age them. The one on the left is going to be aged for a year, ready for Labour Day 2018. The one on the right is going to be aged until Christmas or New Year's. I infused it with Newcastle Brown smells DIVINE...I'm conjuring up all of my will power to leave it alone without sneaking a bite!

The Colby and the aging Mozzarella are dry enough to be sealed today for aging. I made these a few weeks back; the Colby should be ready to try in 6 weeks, and the Mozza, since it's an experiment...not sure how long it'll age!

I started my cheese making in July. My goals for the entire year were 4 Cheddars, a Pizza Mozzarella, a Cream Cheese, a Camembert and a Blue Cheese. I haven't done too bad at all for the first TWO months lol...I guess Leigh is right, I'm addicted. Not a bad addiction though! :) I highly recommend Leigh's blog by the way 5 Acres and a Dream. It's a wonderful homesteading blog, I love it. I've been following Leigh for many years now and have learned a lot. 

Remember the 40 potatoes that I harvested on Wednesday? Half are gone! :) I made a dish with sausage and potatoes called French Quarter Potatoes. Very comforting! And I used up the green onions I harvested and made a Green Onion and Potato Soup with homemade bread. MUCH better than leek and potato in my opinion! I love that everything for that dinner was either home grown or home made (except the butter!!).

More potatoes! Last night was fish and chip night with some of the Newcastle beer. Check out the fun baskets and basket liners!! Alex and I try our best to shop online as much as possible to avoid going out. Pretty much everything except for groceries gets bought online so when we have an Amazon order, we check out what they call their "add on" items. These are items that are really inexpensive, but you can only get them if you "add them on" to your already $25 purchase. The baskets were 6 for $4.99 and the liners were in a bag of 24 for $3.99. Makes it fun, like being in a diner! :) Mama Pea the baskets and liners would go well on burger night with the milkshakes in those glasses we bought! :)

What's up for your coming week? It's Labour Day weekend, and OMGAWD...the tourists are here in groves, yeegad. It's so loud in the village...we are totally hibernating this weekend. We'll have our quiet back on Tuesday, at least until Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Potato Harvest!

A familiar sight. :) When I woke up this morning, it really felt like autumn at 4 degrees Celcius. The dogs and I had a great walk up the mountain. They are so obedient, I love this pack. All I say is "Everybody stop" and they stop, then "Everybody sit" and they sit. It's nearly sweater-weather for Jack!

I took this photo last autumn right after I made Jack a hoodie. My hands were still really bothering me so I couldn't knit him anything, but Alex had an old sweater that didn't fit him anymore and I altered it to fit Jack. He'll be wearing this on walks in the morning now until I knit him a sweater, which I started yesterday and will post about on the weekend! :)

Two hours later the sun was out and it was 27 degrees!! I was wearing a sundress the whole day!

I harvested my potatoes today!! I got a varying size-assortment of 40 potatoes!! :) I was conservative in the spring when I planted the seed potatoes because I really didn't know what to expect, so next spring I'm going to amp it up and and maybe get some more garbage bins, they're not expensive at all. I have two bins, I have the potato bag that Dianna sent me as a gift...and maybe 8 more bins and we should be set for the winter at least! Now I have to figure out how to store them without a root cellar and a potential mouse problem in the basement!

The garden cleanup continued today.  I had two dead tomato plants, sigh. So I had room to move the 3 Roma tomato containers into Tomato Land where they'll get more sun. Nice to see some red cherry tomatoes in all that green!

Last night I made a Coq Au Vin from my "Snow Country Cooking" cookbook. I usually make mine in the slow cooker with de-boned chicken breast. But this was more authentic, using the whole chicken and the addition of turnip, which gave a nice flavour.

I planted 3 more pots of lettuce today too. I probably should have done that a week or so ago but I've been busy in cheese land! We still have a few pots left before the slugs get to all of them. Tonight will be a BIG chicken Cesar salad!! What's been on the menu for you all out there? I'm always looking for dinner ideas! :)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Mozza and Colby Cheese; Gardening and Project Updates (YOP Week 9)

Hi Everyone!

A new week is starting and I'm still catching up on last week! :) I finished the back of my beach/fall cover up during the weekend. This is an easy garment, it's just two pieces sewn together at the sides. I may or may not be putting this project on hold for a while because I want to knit us some winter hats and a doggy sweater for Jack. 

As some of you may have already read, I had success with my Pizza Mozzarella! It was my sixth try and I finally got a nice stretch from it. I got three balls of Mozza, just under a pound each I'd say. We're keeping one in the fridge to eat up, another is going in the freezer, and I'm going to try to age one in the cheese cave. The next one I try, I may add Lipase, that's a flavouring agent to give it more of a sharp taste. I also made a Colby cheese which is drying nicely! That ages for six weeks so we'll be able to try it around (Canadian) Thanksgiving. (More details on Rainy Day Cheese Making).

I'd prepared a wonderfully fattening comfort meal on Saturday for a "just in case" the sixth Mozza didn't work out. But what a nice surprise to find out that the Mozza grated well and melted wonderfully on our pizza for Pizza-Ghetti night! :)) The texture was just like the kind you buy in the bricks at the grocery store; and the taste was fresh and mild.

Now that I have the recipe for Mozza and the tools I need, I can make some whenever I like - I just have to get the timing right so I'm not up all night checking PH levels! Goodbye store-bought cheese-food Mozzarella! :)

The ONLY reason my Mozza worked was because I was able to read the PH (the red meter to the left). It worked like a dream, but took 22 hours for the PH to hit the sweet-stretch-spot. I also treated myself to a vacuum sealer. Not only will this come in handy for freezing, it will help me save lots of space in the cheese cave.

I already sealed up my aging cheeses! I also sealed one of the Mozzas for freezing.

Recognize my little fella? :)) I think that, of all the new projects I've started this year, the cheese making is my absolute favourite with the garden coming in at a close second! :) Speaking of the garden...

I cleaned up the garden this weekend too. I've discovered that flowers, root veggies and lettuces are the way to go in this climate. My poor tomatoes are all falling off the vine unripened. I never got one yellow bean or orange pepper. But my chamomile flowers have finally bloomed. They're so pretty!

My buttercrunch lettuce is still thriving! I have to find a way to grow this indoors over the winter, it's the only lettuce that my stomach can handle. And lookie lookie!!! A pun-kin is growing!!! Sometimes I see little surprises when I walk around the garden. This pumpkin was pushing its way out of the pumpkin patch. I tried to look more deeply in there but the stems are so pokey, even with gloves on, so I'm just waiting it out!

This seems like the last of the summer harvest. One little bit of spinach, 5 green beans, 4 cherry tomatoes and ONE cucumber (another surprise find yesterday!). I harvested the green onions too. I'll be harvesting my potatoes this week and we decided on a green onion and potato soup. We love green onions, but really don't use them that often and I don't want to freeze them.

Jack was watching me the whole time through the porch screen. He's a funny little guy, rarely wants to be outside, just likes the comforts of home I guess! :)

After the pizza-ghetti, we needed a nice light meal so with all of the garden goodies, I made a healthy and filling Cobb Salad.  The little cherry tomatoes were SO SWEET, delicious. I really hope we get more before the plants die from the cold nights.

I've come to terms with the fact that summer is more than likely over. I have to cover up the tomatoes and cukes each night now since it's down to around 5C these days. We had to put the heat on last night, ugh, in August! I hope everyone has a fabulous week, I intend to! :) 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

SUCCESS!!!!!!! 😋

After SIX attempts and nearly 50 liters of milk...I FINALLY got my Mozzarella to stretch!!!

I'm on such a cheese high right now I'm discombobulated so I can't write much more lol! Will update soon!!!
