Thursday, November 30, 2023

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Pockets


Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is Pockets! Daffy Duck just realized he's late for the party! Better get a move on Daffy! ☺ Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it!

Speaking of pockets, Dancin' Santa has some cute little pockets on his be-hind that he shows off as he's swingin' his hips! Yes, Dancin' Santa has made his yearly appearance already! 😀 

For our 😋 Dinner Date!! 😋 I made a Mocha Yule Log Cake with Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting and Meringue Mushrooms! (Click the links for the written recipes) Those of you who have followed my blog for years know that I make one of these cakes every year! This time though, I got in on film! I'm learning about Google Analytics 😕 and apparently the searches for Yule Log Cakes are at their peak at the end of November, so I decided to make this video now and publish it to see how it fares. Most of the cake (I ate some lol) is in the freezer for Christmastime! 🎄

Here are my latest videos:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art For Kids : How To Draw An Acorn.

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden : Here is my video where I make the Mocha Yule Log Cake.

⬆️⬆️ On my channel, Spiritual Rain, my latest "Bedtime Stories Podcast" features me reading the fairy tale Little Snow White.

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date:  (Prompts are optional!)

Dec 7: Snowed In
Dec 14: Christmas Lights
Dec 21: Christmas Cookies
Dec 28: Word(s) for 2024

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Sunday at midnight!



  1. Yay, Dancin' Santa! It's booty shaking time! I've never been brave enough to attempt making a yule log cake. Yours looks great!

  2. Pockets are an essential. And how I wish that more women's clothing manufacturers realised that. Your Christmas fare looks delicious.

  3. Daffy is looking so dapper! Your yulecake looks delicious!

  4. Love your Daffy, he is looking dapper. The dancing singing Santa is cute. Your cake looks delicious, thanks for sharing.
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. Looks like you are getting ready for Christmas. I do like Daffy's outfit. Have a great day today.

  6. Dear Rain, I hope that Daffy gets to the party in time - but the late guests are supposedly the best anyway ;-)
    Wow, Santa's hip swing is really sexy!
    I also have some kind of Santa WITH pockets but WITHOUT hip swing ;-)
    Your cake and other sweets look delicious!!!
    Hugs, Traude

  7. I'll have to watch the video for the Yule log cake. I made one... once. It was tough. But my grandson scoffed the whole thing down. He was a growing teenager at the time. Your recipes are lovely. I'm putting some in my Xmas book

  8. You should call him Dapper Daffy ... such a handsomely dressed duck. I had forgotten about Dancing Santa ... are you going to show us his dance and his pockets? I hope so :) I will definitely be watching your Blue Night Scene video. I need to learn more water color technique and I love how it looks. Your Mocha Yule Log cake looks yummy ... and you would know since you already tasted it (if I had made that cake it would be gone by now LOL) and I love meringue in any shape or form and your mushrooms look yummy. Now a nice glass of Egg Nog would go perfectly with all of this. Do I have to wait until Christmas to eat Christmas goodies? Actually I am cutting out sugar again so I can be in shape for my trip to Thailand and Australia ... so this will be a real test of my will power (No Christmas goodies :( ). I have been so busy. This week Jackie has two doctors appointments, my granddaughter has one appointment and I have a hair cut appointment ... this all in addition to all the other stuff that keeps me on the run. Makes me tired just thinking of it (and I am laying ground for my excuse for being remiss in staying in touch. Hopefully today I will be able to shoot you a text :) Hope all is well with you ... next weeks prompt is perfect timing as we are sort of snowed in already 🤣 Stay warm, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. That Santa is such a cutie. And I'm so impressed with your yule log cake. I've made pumpkin rolls and ice cream cake rolls before but never one decorated for the holiday. Maybe this year!

  10. I came back to add a little art -- not mine, but the crafty little grands!

  11. I do like your Dancing Santa :)

    All the best Jan

  12. Thank you for your wonderful post, dear Rain. Thank you also for hosting.

    Art in everyday life helps - as it does for me - to overcome the heaviness of these days with war and differences. I write it several times and can always repeat it.

    Now I wish you and your dear family a festive 1st Advent. Hugs from Heidrun

  13. I love seeing your dancing Santa, Rain. Yours is the best!

  14. The Dancing Santa was fun, Rain, and we have singing snowmen and another that plays a sax. The yule log cake and meringue mushrooms looked to good with the nice candy canes added. I made a pumpkin, craisin bread last week. It was good and so easy.

  15. Dancing Santa is really cool. Have a great week, Rain.

  16. It's always fun to visit your blog. I would love to taste your cake. It looks great, too pretty to eat.

  17. I saved your Mocha Log Yule Cake video to watch later, It is so pretty!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!