Thursday, April 27, 2023

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Twisted!


Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is Twisted! Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it! Bugs is enjoying a carrot martini with a twist of lime! 

Comments: I counted 79 comments that I posted on Wednesday morning and I didn't get that message. I know I left a lot less comments on Blogs last week, so who really knows why I got shut down like that!

⬆️⬆️ I also painted a watercolor seahorse with a little twisted tail! I was just playing around with dots!


⬆️⬆️ I got some nice photos from the trail cam. I've been trying to distinguish Ravens from Crows. I consulted my birding book and I'm a little confused about the tail feather shape. According to my book's drawings, they really look like Ravens...but they don't seem to have the shagginess of a Raven. Are these American Crows?

⬆️⬆️ This is the heartbreaking scene I see any time I leave the house! Oh the guilt lol!!! Jack is still stable!!

😋For our 😋 Dinner Date 😋,  I made a Cauliflower and Cheese (Jarlsberg) Quiche. I was inspired by Christine's Crustless Quiche last week!

On the video front:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art, I'm sharing my Seahorse Dot Painting!

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art For Kids, I have How To Draw Fuzzy Monsters!

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I've got the Cauliflower and Cheese Quiche video!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images! (Prompts are optional!)

May 4th: Embossed
May 11th: Hats
May 18th: Moon Phases
May 25th: Petals

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Sunday at midnight!



  1. Hey Rain! I bought cauliflower today at Aldi. Blogger is weird with comments.
    My spam folder catches comments that are good as spam. It's nuts.

    1. I know Ivy! I regularly check spam to make sure my friends' comments don't get forgotten! I can't wait until cauliflower is in season, I'm loading up the freezer when that happens! But I am still hoping I can grow my own this year and that the turkeys don't get at my seeds again!! ☺

  2. What a beautiful seahorse! I love it, it looks so happy. I'm sure David can help you with the Crow-Raven question. He's my go-to person if I have a bird-related question. Your quiche looks delicious - I will watch your video tomorrow and maybe will make one for one of our future dinners. Cauliflower and cheese simply sounds very tempting.

    1. Thank you Carola! Cauliflower and any kind of cheese is tempting for me!! ☺

  3. I love the seahorse. Poor old Jack. You must get a wonderful though when you come back!! Glad he's still stable

    1. Thank you! Oh yes, the doggie greetings when I come back are heartwarming!!! ☺♥

  4. The photos are beautiful.
    I think the seahorse is great.
    The food looks delicious.
    Greetings Irma

  5. Blogger is very, very skilled at messing with our minds.
    Nearly as skilled as our fur babies are at filling us with guilt. I am so glad that Jack is stable - and love the seahorse.

  6. American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) for sure, Rain. Great visitors to your backyard. I hope you become firm friends and that they visit you often. Enjoy the weekend coming up.

    1. I can always count on your knowledge David, thank you! I do love seeing the crows back there!

  7. Hello,
    Love the seahorse watercolor, beautiful art. Poor Jack, he doesn't like being left behind. I would say your birds are crows, but I have been wrong. David knows all the birds. Yummy quiche. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. Thanks Eileen! Oh I'd love to bring Jack everywhere with me but he gets so carsick now that he's older, sigh...

  8. I had that comment for awhile and then it went away. I'm not sure why it was there, but it might be some kind of glitch in the program. I like your take on twisted. And I can see why your heart breaks when you leave. Those faces...but the best thing about pups is when you come home they are always thrilled to see you. I bet you know exactly what I mean. Smile. Your quiche looks great and that trail cam gets super photos. It's fun to see what's going on that you don't get to see. I hope your black flies are mild this year. I'm not looking forward to them either. What a way to ruin (at least for us, not those who eat them) the nice weatehr that finally arrives. Have a great rest of your week Rain. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes Erika, I know EXACTLY what you mean when you come home to the pups! It's so heart-warming! I'm all ready for black fly season...head net, screen tent, and DEET spray - though I hate using it because it's so chemically harsh. At least here they're gone by the end of June, but then mosquito and deer fly season starts lol...never ends! ☺

  9. I like your crows, but I love your seahorse! You are so creative.

  10. Cheers and bottoms up, Bugs! Love the rainbow dot seahorse too!

  11. Love your twisted art pieces rain! The seahorse is so pretty. Glad I inspired your quiche! I made one with cauliflower no broccoli too and that was my favourite!

    1. Broccoli is great in quiche, and I want to try your crustless one. Sometimes the pastry is a bit too heavy on the tummy for me!

  12. Love the bird videos. And your twisty garnish in the painting. Sweet Jack. And I love your seahorse. Thanks for stopping by Marmelade Gypsy this week -- lovely to see you!

  13. The seahorse painting is wonderful Rain.

    Pretty sure they are American Crows - I can tell by the accent...

  14. The dot seahorse is great. Almost looks like it could be swimming. My dog sits by the back door when I leave. Even if someone else is in the house he stands there and waits for me to come home.

    1. Awww...our pets are just so adorable. I bet he goes nuts when you come home!!! ☺♥

  15. Fabulous art but the food looks so good! Hugs!

  16. You are seahorse is delightful!

  17. Rain, while I have received other blogger comments, I have never received the one you mentioned last week (fingers crossed). Jack and Raven do look sad 😟 to be indoors when you are out, but they know you will return😀The trail cam looks like such fun and it would have been super to have had one when we lived in VA, but living on the 5th floor of a mill apt makes it impractical now. The quiche recipe looked good and as we like cauliflower, but have to refrain from too much cheese now, it will have to wait awhile before being tried and enjoyed (sigh). The dot seahorse was very colorful and I bet it was a fun project too!

    1. Thanks Dorothy! The trail cam is so much fun. I have two actually, one in the back for the birds and one in the front, more for security. They're well hidden! ☺ Sometimes when I have to be out a long time I'll bring one in and put it in the house so I can see what the pets are up to when I'm away. I'm always expecting to see a tea party or something lol...too bad you can't have too much cheese now, as a cheese lover I am sad for you!! ☺♥

  18. Always great variety here ~ art, food, photos, videos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. I think crows have a lighter colour at the neck area and Ravens are jet black throughout.

  20. I do like both the carrot martini with a twist of lime and your seahorse.
    Your quiche looks and sounds tasty.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! Yes, that quiche is really delicious! Freezes well too. ♥

  21. ...I love your seahorse with the twisted tail. We will try the quiche! Thanks for hosting.

    1. Nice! Let me know how you like the recipe Tom! ☺

  22. Dear Rain, your carrot martini with a twist of lime looks really good, no wonder Bugs is enjoying it. And cute your watercolor seahorse - the points suit him/her very well 😊!
    I am sooo happy that Jack is still stable!!!
    Your quiche looks delicious, I'm glad I'm full at the moment 😉!
    In my current post there is, among other things, a tree with twisted branches - I think it fits the topic quite well...
    Have a good weekend and a perfect start to May!
    Hugs, Traude 😘

    1. Thank you Traude!! ☺ I would love to actually try a carrot martini lol...I think it would be so nice and sweet! With vodka though, not gin I think! ☺☺

  23. you nailed the "twisted" perfectly dear Rin :)))
    i loved the lime twist and seahorse is great as well !
    i am happy for Jack ,wishing him health !
    our crows are different dark and light gray at neck .
    loved the recipe specially

    1. Thanks Baili! Jack is continuing to be stable, it's such a relief! I feel like he should still have a few more years to go, fingers crossed!! ♥♥

  24. I always have fun bouncing around your site following links to the yummy recipes, heading over to youtube for a few minutes... I did all that today just on this post and now I'm going to catch up on some of your previous ones because I'm way behind. That quiche looks delicious, I am sure your own Jarlsburg makes it even better, but I am sure we'll love it with what we can get in the only cheese store available (a counter in the supermarket sadly).

    1. Thanks Sallie!!! Oh yes...with the homemade Jarlsburg, it makes it even more tasty! And satisfying! Which reminds me I need to make more, that cheese goes fast! ☺

  25. So, I am late, as usual writing my comments. I love bug's carrot martini. I was never a fan of Martinis, but I think if I had tried a carrot martini, I may have loved it. I love, love, love your Sea Horse and will sometime today watch your video. I will go to YouTube to watch it :) I enlarged the Trail Cam pictures and I am pretty sure they are American Crows. Ravens have a more prominent beak. Your quiche looks and sounds wonderful. I could make it, but I won't have homemade crust :( So maybe mine won't be as good as yours. And, do you really have a "Beware of Dog" sign on your house. This picture of Jack is soooo cute, but if a bad guy saw him in the window like that, he would probably bring him a treat instead of being "beware", Ha! I love little Jack and am so glad he is doing well. This month is screeching to an end ... another month flies by and I can barely remember it being here. I really wish time would slow down enough for me to appreciate everything more. Stay well, my friend ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Andrea, you are just as late as I am lol! I think a carrot martini would be delicious! Maybe I'll try to come up with a recipe one of these days (add that to the list lol)...I do have a Beware of Dog sign! It's a good safety measure actually! If they saw Jack, any seedy character wouldn't be afraid, but Raven, omg, is she ever protective. Whenever I get a delivery, she will sit by the window and bark and bark and watch to make sure the car drives away before she will move. Her bark is deep too! I's May already, time flies too fast! ♥

  26. this is what wikipedia says about crows and ravens:

  27. They look like crows to me, Rain. I don't know if I've ever seen an actual raven, but crows are pretty common around here. I love that dotty seahorse!

    1. Thanks Becki! ♥ The seahorse was a lot of fun to do, though I wish I'd added more dots now that I see it! ☺

  28. i've spent time also looking and researching the difference. I always find it hard to tell. Ravens to me look a little bigger than crows at least around here. I have two ravens that visit my fence every day. But I wouldn't be surprised to find out their crows.

    1. I know we have ravens here but I'm guessing they're much closer to the river. The crows stick to the woods here!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!