Thursday, January 26, 2023

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Scarves


Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is Scarves! Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it! Bugs Bunny is sporting a nice bright orange scarf for winter!

😋For our 😋 Dinner Date 😋, I made a pizza! (Go figure!) I topped it with my homemade Quick Mozzarella and some goat cheese!

I also made some Sweet Potato Cornbread. Delicious!

On the video front:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing How To Make Sweet Potato Cornbread!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images! (Prompts are optional!)

Foodie February!!

February 2nd: Fruit
February 9th: Veggies
February 16th: Bread
February 23rd: Drinks

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Sunday at midnight!


Thursday, January 19, 2023

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Collage


Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is Collage! Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it! Bugs Bunny decided to make a collage as a tribute to the late and great Mel Blanc who voiced pretty much all of the Looney Tune voices. He was also the voice of Woody Woodpecker and Barney Rubble from the Flintstones. Mel Blanc did a lot of old time radio as well before he got big with his cartoon voices! I drew Bugs and made the collage from internet images using Photoshop!

😋For our 😋 Dinner Date 😋, I managed to do a little vegan baking and cooking this past week! I made a vegan pineapple upside-down cake. I hope to have a recipe transcribed in the near future! It tasted just like a cake made with eggs, milk and butter!

⬆️⬆️ I got some canning done the last week as well. Homemade Mild Salsa and Homemade Chunky Pizza Sauce. I got about 20 pints of each done so we're set well into the spring!

⬆️⬆️ I also tried a few vegan "cheeses". The "cheese" on the left is made with cashews and tastes a bit like a nutty cream cheese. The "cheese" on the right is like a cheez whiz, and it really has a good cheesy flavour! I wanted to try these out before making videos and sharing recipes because they both need a wee bit of tweaking still! 

⬆️⬆️ Bread LOVE!! I made some Lemon Yogurt Muffins and some Old Fashioned White Bread.

On the video front:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art For Kids, I have How To Draw A Quesadilla!

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing How To Make Lemon Yogurt Muffins!

⬆️⬆️ I'm also showing a video of Jack and Raven playing in the snow!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images! (Prompts are optional!)

January 26th: Scarves

Foodie February!!

February 2nd: Fruit
February 9th: Veggies
February 16th: Bread
February 23rd: Drinks

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Sunday at midnight!


Thursday, January 12, 2023

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Aerial View!


Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊 I keep saying this, but I WILL drop by to visit every art/dinner date post I've missed in the past month! I will also be visiting all of my blog friends very soon! Don't give up on me! 💕  And thank you so much to my friends who sent me Christmas cards this year!!! 🎄

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is Aerial View! Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it! Granny and Tweety Bird were kind enough to pose for me this week! I think I got Tweety Bird's aerial viewpoint okay, but Granny's was challenging!

I painted a galaxy with watercolours this week too! I feel like I'm in my 20's again...going to school part time and working full time! My watercolour course is going well, I'm learning a lot - and I plan on taking more courses! I'm pretty much working full time on my YouTube channels now too. I have lots of things I'm a-cookin' up for 2023!!

😋For our 😋 Dinner Date 😋, I don't have much to show! Thanks so much for the well wishes last week, we are both feeling much healthier! I did make some Corn Bread and it was delicious! I've been experimenting with vegan food lately too, trying to adapt some of my recipes without using animal products...I'll keep you posted!

On the video front:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art, I'm sharing How To Paint A Watercolor Galaxy!

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art For Kids, I have How To Draw Humpty Dumpty!

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing How To Make Comforting Mushroom Soup!

⬆️⬆️ I'm also showing How To Make Corn Bread!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images! (Prompts are optional!)

January 19th: Collage
January 26th: Scarves

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Sunday at midnight!


Thursday, January 5, 2023

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Glass and Soup!


Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is Glass! Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it! Bugs is up to something looking through that magnifying glass!!

😋For our 😋 Dinner Date 😋, it's been a soup week for us. We both have some kind of stomach flu that we can't shake. I've been hibernating in bed mostly. I hope you're all well! I made a chicken noodlish style soup for me and an Italian Pasta Soup for Alex. I made enough so that we had at least a week's worth! Making more tonight!

⬆️⬆️ David, this is for you and all of my bird loving friends out there! The Evening Grosbeaks are back at the feeder! The Wild Turkeys put in an appearance too!

On the video front:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art For Kids, I have A New Year's 2023 Drawing Tutorial!

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing How To Make Whole Wheat Bread!

⬆️⬆️ I'm also showing a short Blooper from the Whole Wheat Bread video!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images! (Prompts are optional!)

January 12th: Aerial View
January 19th: Collage
January 26th: Scarves

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Sunday at midnight!


Posting Later Today!