Thursday, August 18, 2022

🎨😋 Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Figure Drawing and Pizza!

Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art and Dinner Date! 😊😊

🎨For our 🎨 Art Date 🎨, today's optional prompt is "Figure Drawing". Please feel free to share any art you've created, we would love to see it! Daffy Duck decided to let his hair down and let me draw his figure, he's looking pretty sexy! 😊😊

Taking time to draw is my happy is so busy and chaotic these days! I love Arnold Schwarzenegger! I know him as an actor, not a politician! During his body building days, he had a very chiseled physique. I thought it would be perfect for this week's prompt. I drew this based on the photo I found during his Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe days. I used ink and graphite pencils.

⬆️⬆️ 😋For our 😋 Dinner Date 😋, I made homemade pizza margherita! I made the dough, the sauce and the cheese!!! (Recipe and video will follow in a few weeks!)

⬆️⬆️ I recently treated myself to a juicer too, I made a delicious carrot and apple juice!

On the video front:

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art, I recorded "Painting Therapy: Abstract Painting!"

⬆️⬆️ For Rain Frances Art For Kids, I have "How To Draw Marshmallows!"

⬆️⬆️ For Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing a video showing you How I Brush My Dogs' Teeth!

⬆️⬆️ Because of the renovations, there are spots in the basement that are open and I've been catching SO many mice...I have a live trap and I catch and release them. I let them go in the blueberry fields. So far (as I type this) I've caught 27!!

⬆️⬆️ And I finally edited my video: "Harvesting, Dehydrating & Blending Garlic Scapes Into Garlic Scape Powder!!"



⬆️ The basement wall is done! My carpenter friend Doug came and built it, installed the new window and door, and he was good enough to help put the vinyl siding back up! I just have to give it a good wash and it'll look just like new! Plumbing is this week...hopefully next week is insulation!! ☺ Then I think it's harvest time!!!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more 🎨 artistic 🎨 and 😋 delicious 😋 creations! See you soon!!! 💗 💗 


Upcoming Art Prompts For Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images! (Prompts are optional!)

August 25th: Gestures and Movement

September 1st - Mazes
September 8th - Apples
September 15th - Silhouettes
September 22nd - Harvest Dinner
September 29th - Hair

This art and dinner date date is all about creating. For the art date, you can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! 🎨

And for the dinner date, please feel free to link up your foodie post! 😋

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Wednesday!



  1. Daffy looks very flirtatious and your pizza delicious.

  2. We have a juicer here somewhere I bought a few years ago and never used! I am not even sure why we got it, since we prefer to eat our fruit and veggies whole. I suppose it was the allure of blending "odd" combinations. Maybe time for it to go!.

  3. what a great job and such an improvement for you! and a whole new floor to the house. way to go rain!

  4. Great job on the figures Rain. I remember that fantastic photo of Arnold. Glad the basement wall is done,
    Will the hole be sealed to prevent the mice? The pizza looks amazing.

  5. Your construction looks amazing Rain. I bet you won't miss that garage door. And I love your real homemade pizza, all the way down to the cheese. I've been reading about garlic scapes and I am definitely adding them to my garden next year. Nice post today. Hope your week is going well and you have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  6. Hello Rain,

    Love your Daffy art, well done. Your pizza looks delicious!
    I am scared to brush my grand-dogs teeth, I am sure they need a good brushing.
    Your basement construction looks great. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Daffy is looking particularly devilish and debonaire today!

  8. I just gave my juicer away. I haven't used it in years and it is way too expensive to use here. All your hard work on the garage is done and looks great. Nice looking pizza for sure and I love the art. Don't study and work too hard. Leave some time for yourself.

  9. Daffy looks sexy and your garage... great. Hmmm... the pizza!!!

  10. Your sketch of Arnie turnd out really well, ook at all that muscle! Daffy Duck looks cute. Delicious pizza - it's mouth watering! And everything in it is homemade - wonderful!

  11. Ha, dear Rain, "our" Arnie, the "Styrian Oak" ;-DD - I only recently saw a film about his career. It's fascinating how this Austrian lad went from farm boy to Mr. Universe, from there to film star and from there to politician through sheer will and ambitious work on himself. I'm not sure if he was a good politician, but I can see that as a young man he had a body well suited for you to draw :-D Daffy Duck tries us on his own, highly personal way to impress. I'm also impressed by how patient your dogs are when brushing their teeth. And your new basement wall is also impressive - congratulations!
    All the best!

  12. I luv pizza.
    A good Thursday to all.


  13. Absolutely wonderful drawings and the pizza looks so delicious! Thanks so much for hosting!


  14. My figure is an elephant! Hugs, Valerie

  15. Hello Rain
    Your summer has been very productive, you are busy between the renovation, art, YouTube, catching mice, and cleaning the juicer! I always enjoy seeing what you are up to.
    Have a great weekend
    Wren x

  16. Oh wonderful post ~ great art work, delish foods and house construction, plus .... ~ when do you sleep? ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Rain, the food looks very delicious. At last we prefer soup, especially Minestrone.

    Love the Duffy 😘

    Have a good week.

  18. The basement door is beautiful. You must be so tickled to have that done. Your pizza looks delicious too, one of my favorite meals.

  19. ...your pizza looks delicious.

  20. Loosing it, Rain! I can't remember if I wrote a comment or not ~ lol. Getting rid of that big door in your basement wall is going to give you lots more functional space. It looks great. So does Daffy. And Arnold ~ you captured his face with a few strokes. Have a great weekend

  21. Wow. The pizza looks better than the ones on our TV screens. It's just missing a glass of puglia. The new wall looks so good, almost like a film set, the front of a showdown at the OK Corral maybe? LOL.

  22. Congratulations on the basement project! That's some serious work! How nice to have that space and just in time for harvest!

  23. A fun read from you today, as always. Good week to you! xoxo

  24. Rain - I took my car in for an oil change this week, and when they checked the air filter, they found a pile of nesting material - they showed it to me! Mice in the garage! They said to put Irish Springs bar soap in two places under the hood, and it keeps them out! Enjoy your weekend!

  25. Hi Rain I love the teeth video! I have a juicer, I had forgotten about it as we have little space it's in the garage! I love fresh beetroot or carrot juice. The new wall/door/window where the garage door was looks very professional.

  26. I love your figure drawing, and the pizza looks divine. Congratulations on the home improvement. I am all for it.

  27. It would seem that I haven't posted a comment on your post ... I think I am losing it. Anyway, I love Daffy and the look in his eye is alluring ... hmmmm. I am impressed with your Arnold ... you seem to have the muscle mass down to a science. Like you, I loved his movies. I don't think I missed any of them. Your pizza Marguerite looks oh so tempting and delicious. I await the recipe though I am certain that none of my ingredients will be home made :( As for the juicer, I would love to do that, but fruit is so expensive now ... I may wait on that until the inflation is brought under control.
    I watched your abstract video and it is amazing how simple you make it look, but the ideas have to come out of your head they way they did for you and I am not sure I could be that creative ... though I love the idea of the freedom and the relaxation. Maybe you should use Abstract as a prompt and see what we do with it :) You basement looks great and I am curious as to what you are going to do with it when it is all done ... a studio maybe? Anyway another lovely post, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  28. That pizza looks fabulous! Brushing your dogs teeth? Funny! The back of the house looks great! Hope you get a good week!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!