Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Thursday Art Date: May Flowers - Sun and Water!! ๐ŸŽจ Share Your Art! ๐ŸŽจ

Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art Date (posted on Wednesdays)!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š Today our theme is May Flowers - Sun and Water! Following the prompt is optional! Please feel free to share any of your art, we would love to see it! ☺

Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny are spoiled rotten aren't they? I'd love to live their lives of luxury in the Sun and Water!! I've been busy this week with videos for the YouTube Channels!

For Rain's Kitchen and Garden channel, I have two videos, in one I talk about Leggy Seedlings, how to help them and I share some frugal ideas on how to trellis them!

In the other video, How To Fertilize Your Garden, I talk about the conifer trees we planted last fall and what I'm using as fertilizer to help them thrive.

On Rain Frances Art For Kids, I'm sharing a new video: How To Draw A Green Pepper!! Thanks to everyone for their support on this channel, I've gotten some great feedback and the channel is slowly growing!

Here is Lily, a wonderful young artist, proudly showing her beautiful starry sky painting! She followed along with my painting lesson "How To Paint A Starry Sky"!

That was part one of the video; this is Lily showing her painting from part two! Way to go Lily! ♥

Here's my latest #shorts video for Rain Frances Art. It's about 45 seconds, I'm drawing the Road Runner with some funky 60's music in the background!

I'm so excited, my asparagus is starting to pop up!! I planted roots in the spring of 2020. When you plant asparagus roots, you need to leave them be for 2 years. The third year (which is now!!!), you can harvest about 1/3 of them (so I've read). This will help them really develop a good root system. After the 3rd year, you can harvest them all and they should come back for 10 years or more! Nicole my IS worth the wait if you have the space!!! 

I put up my Hummingbird feeders this week. Cloudia, Jeanie, Nancy, David, Phil, Irma, Eileen, Jenn, Tom, Diane, Monica, Carol, Traude, Bill, Sallie and all of my bird-loving pals will be proud of me, I've been keeping an eye on the migration map! There was a Ruby Throated sighting in a town about an hour away from me just this week, so I'm hoping they'll be back soon to visit my feeders!

On the food front....I will try not to drool as I type this....I MADE THE BAGUETTES! Oh dear...those of you who follow me on Instagram saw this already! They turned out amazing! We had them with my Homemade Camembert Cheese and it was such a delight! PS: arteries thank you, but wanted to let you know that Rain eats plenty of leafy veggies and drinks her fair share of red wine to help with those cheesy fats! ๐Ÿ˜

Here's a 15-second video to show you the crunchy outside and the soft, fluffy inside!!! Those pans were definitely worth it. I will share the recipe in the next few weeks, I need to tweak it just a wee bit and my intent is to film myself making them for a foodie video!

I'm linking up with Kathy's Food Wednesdays this week! Why not join in? We share foodie posts and recipes!!! ☺ It's great for new ideas! Here's what I call my pizza-fish-soup. I just put a fillet of white fish in foil (this is Tilapia I think), top it with homemade Pizza Sauce and some Parmesan cheese and bake it in the foil at 450 F for about 20-30 minutes. The Parm mixes with the sauce to make it a nice creamy type of broth. I topped this with a bit of Mozzarella, very delicious!

Thanks for all of your lovely comments on this blog, on YouTube and on Instagram!!! ♥♥ Let me know in the comments what you're all up to! Any gardening? Baking? Spring has sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere!!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more artistic creations! See you soon!!! ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images!

May 19th - May Flowers: Pollination
May 26th - May Flowers: Flowers Blooming

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Wednesday!



  1. Good morning Rain, thank so much for sharing with Food Wednesdays. your bread looks amazing. years ago I would bake all of our breads and I really enjoyed making all sorts of breads-then I realized I had celiac ugh and hubs was brought up on wonder bread so didn't mind going back to store bought-double ugh haha I told him wonder bread was not allowed-so I found better breads for him now do to our ages and carbs we don't eat much anymore.
    I will join in one day for art soon, this weather has been very up and down so I am far behind with outside work- I decided to get rid of all the grass here and change over to herbs and wildflowers but it rained for a month and now it's in the 90s with humidity so things are a bit crazy.
    enjoy your day hugs Kathy

  2. Hey Sis! Great videos. I love how the bread turned out. Glad you got that pan. I am so far behind your you tube channel. I promise to get over there by the weekend. Have a great day today.

  3. Fun art and the food looks amazing. You need a little greenhouse don't you Rain, it would be perfect for your seedlings. I enjoy your seedling videos.

  4. You certainly keep busy!
    Love your art and your food looks delicious.

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

  5. Lily is a very talented artist. Van Gogh would love her starry night series.
    You have indeed been busy. Fresh asparagus? HUGE yum.

  6. look at you wild woman!!! you are just too busy! i hope you have a really great harvest this year. i, sadly, might have none. i just don't have the time this year. i haven't planted one thing yet. thank heavens i can get all kinds of really good locally grown things. i can't wait to see how your garden and the tire taters grow!

  7. Hurrah for asparagus. The roots I planted last year are really growing, so next year I should get some. I will be patient. I haven't seen any coming up in my older plant, so I hope I still get some. And your baguettes look so delicious and your new pan is getting a nice work out. I bet it is delicious with your cheese. And I finally have hummingbirds, so yours will be there soon as I imagine you are just a bit behind me being a bit further north. It is so exciting. Aren't they the best? Your seedlings look like they are doing well and your art is lots of fun once again. Hope your week is going well. I'll be linking up probably tomorrow morning one I get my post finished. hugs-Erika

  8. Wow, this post has a little bit of EVERYTHING! Glad that your art videos for kids are proving to be so popular! Lily is making some fantastic art thanks to your coaching!

  9. Great for kids to get into art! bread looks great! We had record SNOW here 2 days ago, CRAZY!!! 80 coming next week, hopefully will settle down soon.

  10. I love Lily's art and the crunchy baguettes and bugs and Daffy!

  11. Fabulous post. Your food and especially the bread looks so enticing. And wonderful that yur asparagus is growing! Hugs, Valerie

  12. Hi Rain, I watched the seedling video. I too have a problem getting seedlings going as we are north facing with woods behind and don't get enough sun until really late summer but I persevere and like you improvise with windows and bottles and stuff like that :) I have some tomatoes outdoors but they really would like more sun :) that's why I am waiting for the council allotment so I can grow veg in an open spot. Anyhow I haven't finished my art for this week so might post late. Little Lily has a nice artistic style :)

  13. I would not mind beeing on that beach :)

  14. Hello, Rain

    Love the Daffy and Bugs at the beach, so cute. Your seedlings are growing well. Lily is talented, love her Starry Sky painting. Asparagus is one of my favorite veggies. The Hummingbirds are coming to your place soon. I have two feeders up and the male is chasing away any bird that comes close. Your baguettes look delicious, with cheese and red wine YUM!! Take care, have a great day!

  15. Your bread looks fabulous, Rain, and good bread is one of life's greatest treats. Give me bread cheese and wine and my life is complete!!

  16. Hi Rain! finally popping in and hope to post my card later this am :) I see you've added lot's of great videos to your list of talents ~ That's exciting. Asparagus takes patience, and your about to receive your reward ~ Enjoy!!

  17. That is excellent. I've been putting out my flats in the sun. I burned some of the flowers. Dang.
    The pumpkins, squash, are doing really well. I have done what you do, and set them out in the afternoon. I even have blossoms!
    (ใƒ„) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  18. Oh my, now I cannot think of anything but homemade bread! So happy for you that you found the bread pans. We have a double one but I never take my dough out of the breadmaker to use it. It's really hard for me to knead bread but maybe I can get Honey to do it for me, hmmmm. Have a great week, xoxo

  19. Lily is so adorable and doing great art ~ love the starry sky ~ and Bravo to you with your video and love your Bugs Bunny creation ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. I tried to link last night, but the link gadget was missing. I gave up and went to bed.

    Daffy and Bugs are so sweet when they are relaxing like that. Nicely drawn, too.

    I don't get leggy seedlings because I am starting everything in pots in which they will grow. I got a late start this year, is why. Good tip, though.

    I love your green pepper. So cute and I am sure children love it, too. Lily did a great job with the starry sky. She is very talented.

    My grandfather was the gardener in our family and he told me we had to wait three years to harvest asparagus. After the first batch of asparagus could be harvested, he panted more. That way, we always had fresh asparagus every year. Well worth the wait, Rain!

    Wow. Your baguettes look beautiful and it appears that baking tray worked great.

    Your fish looks great. I am always impressed with anything you cook.

  21. I'd love to be sitting with Daffy and Bugs right now:). How busy you are with your You Tube videos in addition to your art, cooking and gardening! I love seeing the photos of Lily with her art inspired by you.
    And ooh la la- those baguettes, and with homemade camembert- OH yes please!!
    Hope you are able to catch the arrival of hummingbirds. I finally was able to get one of ours on video and I'll share that in my next post. They really are a delight to watch.

  22. I don't know how I missed the asparagus photo. OMG! how cute is that? I know it takes at least 2 and even 3 years to get a crop. Glad you started yours when you moved in there.

  23. I'm sharing an oldie today from last summer, but it had my water practice in it and so why not?!

    Now, those baguettes! They look perfect -- and with your homemade camembert, I can't think of anything more delicious! All that and asparagus, too? Oh, my! Three of my favorite food groups!

  24. Hey Rain! I love ALLLLL of this. Just all of it. You are rockin' it for sure. And bread too boot. Yes, please!

  25. The seedling video was interesting and thanks for all the explanations. Patrick's seedlings are getting quite leggy in the window box he set up. Unfortunately, we cannot put them outside or plant them anywhere. He said he will see what happens, but may try again after we return home from a trip. Glad to read that the art videos are going so well and the young artists you showed have done great art!

    Those baguettes looked (and sounded) so good. I have made them only a couple of times, but did not use a pan, just freeform. I will look forward to the recipe when you are done tweaking it. Maybe I will have to get a pan as well and just make space for it in the pantry.

  26. Wow! This post has so much in it, Rain - something for everyone. I enjoyed the videos, but I might just be the most excited about your asparagus! While I didn't plant what we are harvesting now, I find asparagus growing and harvesting fascinating. Some of mine are already producing ferns, so I wonder if our asparagus days are going to be coming to an end soon. I will miss it, but am also finding it nearly impossible to keep up with it (eating and sharing it). Next year I hope to try pickling some.

  27. asparagus is up too, but I have yet to see a hummingbird. Enjoy a wonderful weekend.

  28. That Lily is an amazing kid! Nice name, too.

  29. You certainly are a busy bee ... so many projects all at the same time. So, yes, Daffy and Bugs are definitely spoiled, but then why not :) I think they deserve a little luxury in their lives, don't you? We are so late with our planting this year that we are having to put them right in the garden without the option of starting them in starter cups. It has been rainy and cold until this week and now we are suffering the 80's and 90's already, ugh. Putting your starter plants on the car hood is a great idea ... here, all of the cars are parked in the garage and they come and go so often that it probably wouldn't work, but I can see the advantage if you could do it. I doubt that we will have leggy plants this year as we seem to have constant sun at this point ... hoping it stays that way. We certainly have had more than enough cloudy, rainy, dreary days up until this week. My father was in horticulture so I have been dabbling in fertilizer all of my life ... your video was very good and appropriate. Love little Lily ... she has shown her talent to us before and she continues to learn from you. She will be grateful for your guidance and soon will venture out on her own ... I hope she continues to share with you (us). I will enjoy watching her progress. When I was a child we lived at a University Farm and we had a long row of asparagus plants along the side of one of the tractor paths ... my sister and I used to go out and pick them for my mother. I took them for granted and didn't realize how difficult they were to propagate until years later. I don't even remember how I learned it, but I was reminded of it when you posted on it. You are lucky to have your own asparagus plants ... they will last forever and you will get more and more each year. Awesome!!! Glad to see you are still feeding the humming birds. Were you ever able to get one of the little hand held feeders so they would come eat from your hand? They are surprisingly tame once they get used to you ... you should try, I know you would love it. All for now my friend ... keep up the good work and thank you for all you do for us.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  30. Rain! Your post is full of amazing artistic and delicious treats. Loving it.

  31. Rain - the Sun and Water theme made me smile - on Tuesday, we head to Grand Cayman with the whole family. Beach, here we come! You are an inspiration to these kids with your art channel! Our hummingbirds have arrived in Montana - they must be regretting it since it has been snowing off and on! In between the snow flurries, I have been trying to do a little gardening! Oh, and the bread looks delicious!

  32. Hay, I forgot your bread and your fish ... I am not much of a bread eater as a rule, but your baguette with homemade cheese makes my mouth water. As for the fish, I am excited to try your recipe. I try to eat fish several times a week so this will give me something new to try. It looks yummy ... I'll let you know what happens when I try it :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  33. Rain, what amazing're a rock star! Between your art lessons, garden videos, and recipes you have your own T.V. show! I really enjoyed the videos...thank you!

  34. i wish i had time more to watch videos from start to finish ,i loved them all dear Rain .this is amazing that your talents and skills are getting better and more with time ,you are such an inspiration for all of us !!!!!!!!!!!!

    i loved the sun and water art ,gorgeous indeed ,
    your plantation looks very impressive as well ,i can imagine how gardening is giving you healing time :)
    heartfelt best wishes for harvest !
    you 15 second video stole my heart lol such crunchy bread ,hats off to you and the way you do everything so perfectly :)

    hugs and blessing

  35. Andrea: I never got the hummingbird hand feeder, I guess it was a case of in one ear, out the other lol...but thanks for reminding me!!! I hope the fish dish turns out well for you!! Let me know!! ♥

  36. It's terrific how you're encouraging art out there. Your baguettes look amazingly perfect. I've made garlic bread with the baguettes the husband picked up during last week's Costco run. Today I tried to make a paste with the garlic cloves and mix it in with soft butter sticks.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!