Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thursday Art Date - Guest Hostess!

Our friend Christine is guest-hosting TAD for a little bit! Please visit her blog here:

Thank you! ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“


  1. Thinking of you dear friend and glad you are taking a break.
    Stay well, be strong, and know you are loved by many.
    Mary X

  2. Rain,

    Continued prayers go out for you as I send to you much love and hugs, my dear. ๐Ÿ˜˜

  3. Rain, I'll miss your usually Thursday blog post, but so glad you're taking care. Thank you for thinking of us and keeping us going. Thank you to Christine for helping out!

  4. Sending hugs! Thanks to Christine for guest hosting!

  5. May you feel peaceful knowing Charlie is still at your side. Great of Christine to help out.

  6. Thinking of you ...

    Well done to Christine for helping out.

    All the best Jan

  7. I hope you are gathering your strength. Use it to do something cathartic in remembrance of your losses. I feel your pain, I know your pain ... but I also know you have it in you to come back to your strong place and join those of us who love you dearly and miss the aura of your presence. I just finished a photo book in honor of our Izzi ... it consumed me while doing it, but it felt good to spend time with her even in the abstract. I will send you a copy ... Be well, Rain. We miss you ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!