Settled in the Maritimes of Canada, surrounded by the forest and Acadian Mountain Chain, I live a simple life of gratitude. This blog is a journal of my art, food, furkids, garden, home, my life and my thoughts. Thanks for reading!
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Thursday Art Date: 🎶🎶🎶 Musical 🎶🎶🎶
Hello Friends!! 😊😊
Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Musical. One of my favourite musical movies is The Sound of Music. I grew up watching this movie! It was on TV every year around Christmas time and I never got tired of it. I think I fell in love with Christopher Plumber in that movie! Bugs Bunny had a great time singing in the mountains while posing as Julie Andrews! 😊
I'm just as happy as Bugs is today because I had my first Pfizer vaccination on Tuesday! My arm was very sore and my lower left eyelid started to twitch like crazy for about 3 hours (so annoying). Yesterday my upper lip went numb for an hour and I felt like I'd taken a few Valiums, sigh...very heavy head, dizziness, white pasty tongue...cotton body doesn't like this chemical injection! But you know what? I'm on my way to being safe and I will endure the second shot next month and possible side effects for that reason. 😊 Please get your vaccination and always wear a mask, Covid is not gone yet.
In June we had the theme "Jump!" and a few of my friends mentioned that they always think of that Van Halen song when they hear the word Jump...This is for you TB, Aimeslee and Traude! I haven't done charcoals on white paper in a long time, but decided to try it out again - here is David Lee Roth for this week's musical theme. I don't know what's bigger...David Lee's hair or his ego lol! What a great entertainer!
Here is the video for Jump by Van Halen. It's so much fun! 😊 Eddie Van Halen (r.i.p.) is so cute in this...the drummer is Eddie's older brother Alex, you can definitely see the family resemblance!
Speaking of Eddie Van Halen, here he is in ink and graphite. He has great eyes and a very unique smile. That smile can light up a room. Love that rock and roll hair!!
Another musical movie that I really loved was Grease. I saw it in theatres and it was so much fun! Here is John Travolta in ink and graphite. What a character he played! I loved that story so much that I went to the staged show when it came to Montreal in the 1990's. Adrian Zmed played Travolta's role of Danny Zuko. Besides seeing Shakespeare plays and Death of a Salesman in high school, that was the only "Broadway" play I've ever seen.
Here's the scene in Grease where John Travolta and Olivia Newton John sing "Summer Nights" - one of my favourite scenes!!
During the summer I try not to use the oven as much as possible so we've been eating lots of sandwiches. This is my favourite, a CLT (Cheddar, lettuce and tomato).
I'm happy to announce that I have two more art tutorials up on my YouTube Channel! Click on the images or on the links below if you'd like to see them! In the Annie Lennox video, I have Jack with me during the introduction! 😊
Feeling Ducky Lately! (photos taken by me from 2015-2019)
This week's highlighted artist and/or blogger is my friend Louise from Standing Into Danger blog!! 💗 Louise and I have a special bond, we both have a pull to the Fundy Bay and the Maritimes of Canada. She is such a lovely person who is not only a geologist (OMG SOOO cool!), but a well-traveled lady about town, a pinball wizard 😊 and a talented writer and photographer! The photo above is part of her contribution to last week's theme of "Your Favourite Decade"'s of her lovely mother who taught her some amazing life lessons! Please visit her blog!! 💗💗
I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, or at least trying (!!), please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! 😊
Click on the links for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨
Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).
Glad you got your vaccination, it's so important. Lovely art again today. Sorry, I'm not joining in today, I'm not feeling good and need a bit of rest. Hugs, Valerie
i think music is purely to feed our souls dear Rain :)
i am a great music lover and i think music has power to straighten and sooth our thoughts ,widen our horizons and clearing the fog from our minds .
i share the dance with bugs and with you :)
congrats for the vaccination ,yes i too felt all this for few days let's see what happens with second one .
Oh goodness your art is becoming more and more powerful with time Rain ,i saw this FLAWLESS indeed and really impressive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the fun videos ,i enjoyed .
oh we both are Huge fan of John and Nicholas since we saw "Face OFF " and we saw it many times together ,we have seen his many movies but not that old one ,but i think we will :) Food is tempting as always . you are amazingly talented and all rounder indeed :) hugs and blessings!
We have both had our shots now, Rain, and thankful that we have. After the first shot neither of us had any reaction at all, but Miriam had a day after the second one when she felt lousy and a little nauseous. I was fine. There is nothing especially musical about sharks so I resisted the temptation to add my link. Now had the book been about whales.......
Todays art The Sound of Music makes me wonder if Bugs can sing. :) I think everyone knows Travolta and the song Summer nights! But I can´t remember actually seen the movie. I think I was too busy that time.
I loved watching The Sound of Music as a kid as well with ours. That's a great film and the music is awesome! I can tell Bugs had a good time posing for the scene. I thought about doing this one briefly but at the same time another popped in my head.
It appears those who've been vaccinated aren't totally safe. Some are getting the Delta strain. This is all too new for scientist get a handle on things and it may be like the flu where they are always trying to hit the nail on the head with each year's shots. Common sense is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and don't worry about how others perceive what you're doing to protect yourself. I hope you feel better soon only to get another round of this stuff that's dragging you down. lol
Your charcoals are nice. I think my favorite is of John Travolta. In my opinion that's your best one. Thanks for hosting the weekly fun. I managed to get a post pulled together for today. Have a great weekend!;)
My grandparents emigrated from Switzerland in the early 1920s. When "The Sound of Music" came out in movie theatres in the 60s, my grandma went to it six times -- just to see that opening sequence of Julie Andrews singing in the Alps! She was homesick for the mountains. (They lived in flat, flat Saskatchewan).
Thank you for the lovely shout out, Rain! You made my day! And thanks for the videos. I was jumping and singing! You are so good at portraits, and I especially like John Travolta's. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's art. Mine will go up late tonight. XOXOX!
You are so cleaver with this theme. I of course ran out of time and had to improvise. I will be over later to see you newest you tube. Hope you are feeling better.
So glad you were able to get your vaccine, Rain. I admire your attitude about the side effects you're experiencing. I hope your second shot isn't too bad in that regard. Your Maria stand-in, Bugs, is terrific. And I imagine we all fell a little in love with Christopher Plummer when watching The Sound of Music. ;^)
Haha, bugs as Julie Andrews! : -DDD Wonderful! Did you know that the Trapp family comes from my home country Austria? And thank you VERY for Van Halen :-) I also liked Grease (and Night fever too, I even had the LP). Great drawings! Congratulations on your first vaccination! It's a shame that you had so heavy reactions - I only felt the arm (Pfizer too) - and no reaction at all with the 2nd vaccination.) My husband has already had his second vaccination, too (with a litte headake) and now we feel a lot more free. But tonight we will be working as extras again, and for that we had to be tested, despite the vaccination. (Of course the test result is negative). All the best and happy weekend, Traude
Odd story about the The Sound of Music: we performed it as a musical in High School. The movie is much better than the musical libretto (some careful editing on someone's part there!).
Jump. Junior Prom. My goodness, what memories. That song always makes me smile, no matter what my mood.
The ducks are lovely! Watching ducks always makes me happy.
Piece of advice from someone that underwent both rounds (Moderna in my case): Plan to do nothing for the day after the second shot. Trust me.
I always love the sound of music and our kids did too! Sorry about your side effects and I hope that you reported this to your doctor? A lot of people don't and I think that's a real problem. I was talking to somebody a few days ago and she and her husband and four kids got the vaccine and we're really really sick for a full month. That's not really normal. So please report that to your doctor if you haven't already they really need that data. You may want to ask your doctor if you should get the second vaccine if you had such a bad reaction the first time?
Bugs is adorable! Sound of Music and Grease are two movies I so love as well- and can watch them over and over and over:) Fabulous portraits - you are SO good at this Rain!! Sorry to hear you've had some nasty side effects from the vaccination. I sure hope the second one goes much better for you. Sandwiches are a great summertime choice! Happy PPF!
Love the Bugs and the Sound of Music. I could watch that movie over and over. I like Grease too! Your sketches are fabulous, your videos look great too. I was lucky I only had a sore arm after my two doses of Pfizer vaccine. Cute ducks and a great mosaic. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.
So where to start ... Well, Bugs of course. Bugs as Julie Andrews, what a hoot. This will tell you where I am age wise ... it was my daughter who grew up loving Sound of Music. She must have watched it a million times and still refers to it now. I do remember Van Halen though and loved his song "Jump". He was a handsome son-of-a-gun, so fun to watch for many reasons :) As for Travolta he started in my times and went right through my daughter's times (My son wasn't big on musicals, but he did like Trevolta). I remember him more for "Saturday Night Fever" ... who could forget that strut :). Of course your art pieces are perfect ... I love your art work!!! Your duck pictures are awesome and you have some ducks I haven't seen so that is cool. I have always been a sandwich person. It started when I spent a summer break in Chicago. I used to stop at a Deli on the way home from work and get the greatest Ham sandwich with cheese, onion tomato lettuce and mayo on yummy bread. Your sandwich reminded me of those days. I still love a good sandwich and they almost always include cheese and tomato ... my fave. I am saving the best for last ... Hooray for you getting your Pfizer shot and if you are anything like me, you will feel a great sense of relief after you get your second. I am guessing your twitching eyelid was more a response to the stress of it all rather than the actual shot, but the rest of it was pretty normal. I was lucky and other than feeling tired after my second, I really didn't have any reactions. Now we have to be concerned with the Delta Variant ... not so much for ourselves, but for those we could infect if we get it. So it is back to wearing a mask , but I can live with that ... literally "live with that" :). So on to next week and with Ditches and Holes ... Yikes, my mind is a blank. This will take some thought :) Once again, I am glad you are on your way to being safe ...
Hi, Rain! In spite of my best intentions, I didn't get my post up until last evening. I was lost in "Jesus Christ Superstar" and photos for many hours. Near the end I felt like I was writing a paper for a professor and racing to get my paper under his door before the deadline. LOL But it was lots of fun. Thanks for organizing this. You are an inspiration, my friend! XOXOX!
Alright alright alright! Thanks! And I'll take a sexxy sketch of The McConnaugHUNKaHEY next, if you please! He's mulling over a run for Governor here. Haha, got my first chuckle at Bugs Von Trapp, too funny. I went to high school with the guy who taught Travolta to dance in Saturday Night Fever. Watch the lighted disco dance scene and how balletic Travolta is. That's was my friend Johnny's trademark as he'd taken 15 years of ballet. As a student, he choreographed all our musicals in high school. :-) Oh and have you read Valerie Bertinelli's memoir? Lotsa good stuff in there on Eddie, I was shocked! xoxo
I can't tell you how many times I've watched The Sound of Music and Grease, Rain! I went with a friend to the theater to watch Grease when it came out and I fell in love with it. I think my husband and I are due again to view it. :) Loving your videos! I've got your latest on my watch list.
I totally love that you're into music 🎶, because I am too. Grease is the word! So sad about Eddie van Halen, such a gifted entertainer. Jump is a classic 👌 Hugs, RO.
What a cool post - love the art and wow, I forgot about the song Jump - i use to love that. Good job on those portraits. I will check out your friends' blog. And Musicals - i agree with your choices. All good~
Rain - we ARE sisters from different mothers! The Sound of Music and Grease are two of my favorite musicals!!! And then there is Mary Poppins (the original), The Wizard of Oz and the Greatest Showman! Love your duck photos, especially "duck love"! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
That is such a cute cartoon of Bugs Bunny acting as Julie Andrews. I, too, loved that movie and must have watched it more than 10 times, crying often throughout, as it was so moving and touching. I love that sandwich. May I have a bite of t. And congrats on getting your vaccine!
I LOVE musical theater -- we saw one production in New York City years and years and years ago -- it was Annie (with the original cast) not my favorite musical of all time, but a special place in my memory because Broadway!!! We've seen a few "Traveling Broadway" shows when they come to Eugene. The latest one was 'Wicked" -- the actress who played the Witch had been the understudy on (the real) Broadway -- I thought the whole cast was wonderful. But I still love the real old fashioned ones from my younger days best -- Oklahoma, Carousel, My Fair Lady, and, yes, Sound of Music (who couldn't love that one!). This was fun. ... loved your talent and your food (and suggestions) as always!
I agree Baili! :) Music does soothe the soul, and sometimes I think it feeds my spirit. Definitely gets me dancing and smiling! :) My second shot will be in September I think, if I can find an appointment. I hope the side effects aren't so bad though, but I'm willing to endure it. Face Off!!! I saw it! I thought John Travolta was great in that! :)
David, any creature can be musical...please join in any time you have the slightest bit of the theme in your blog post because we definitely love to see your contributions!! :) Glad to know you both got the second shots and it's all over now. I wonder about the rumour of yearly boosters though.
Thanks so much Cathy! :) I have heard about the Delta strain. It hasn't hit the Maritimes here yet, but despite me having the second shot imminent I doubt I will ever go maskless unless the virus is 100% wiped out.
That's really neat Debra! Yeah...flat Saskatchewan for sure. When I live on P.E.I. for a year, I really missed the mountains. I can understand how your grandparent's felt.
Thanks Traude! :) YES!!! I loved seeing the scenery of Austria in that movie. I JUST watched Saturday Night Fever over the weekend to relax and I loved watching John Travolta dance! :) I'm glad your shot didn't effect you too much, I am really hoping not to feel bad after the second shot next month. I think it's so neat that you and hubby work as extras!!! :)
Junior Prom memories TB! Great stuff. I STILL can't get that song out of my head. The lyrics don't make much sense to me, but I am usually fixated on David Lee Roth anyway lol...I trust you, the day after the vax, I felt horrid. I will be planning a complete sleep and nothing day after the next one.
Thanks so much Linda!! :) I watched Grease and Saturday Night Fever over the weekend, got my Travolta fix!! :) I really hope the second vaccination isn't as hard!!!
LOL about Sound of Music Phil!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the YT videos! I'm trying to do more talkies now that I'm a little more comfy in front of the camera! :)
Thanks Eileen! :) I'm glad your vaccinations went okay. I'm not looking forward to the next one...I really felt like I was on drugs the next day it was horrible.
Thanks Andrea!! :)) I really REALLY loved your post this week! Especially that you tried my Bugs tutorial!!! LOL the Travolta strut...the first scene where he's walking with the paint can always comes to mind...Saturday Night Fever is an awesome movie, but sad as well. I watched i again the past weekend. The Chicago sandwich sounds amazing, though I'd hold the onions...or I'd be tasting them for days lol...remember the movie "Harvey" with Jimmy Stewart? One of the characters in that movie asks for an "egg and onion"...your comment made me think of that scene!! Honestly I feel relief after getting my first shot but like you said, I will feel it again in about a month. I don't think I'll ever stop wearing a mask until the virus is gone and not just gone, wiped out. Maskless is not for me anymore.
Thanks Aimeslee! :) I actually did a stencil of THE McConnaughHUNKaHEY lol...and was going to do him for the "Jump" theme but ran out of time. I saw a photo of him jumping into a pool and that was enough for me lol! ;) I will do a drawing of him for you in the near future!! DENEY TERRIO!!! So neat that you're friends!!! I remember his infomercial on TV "I taught John Travolta how to dance, and I can teach you!!" :))) I haven't read Valerie's memoir, but I do love that lady, I need to read it! :) Loved your comment! :)
Thanks Angie! :) Duck Love!!! Yes, I was lucky to get that photo!!! They are such sweet animals to watch. The Wizard of Oz...I watch it yearly!!! Love that you're into the musicals! :)
Thanks Sallie! :)) I forgot about Annie! I watched the movie when it came out. Oklahoma!!! I saw the movie, would have loved the play though!! Glad you enjoyed the post! :)
Yeah for you, Rain, on getting your first vaccination and sorry to read about the temporary discomfort. In the end, it's well worth it to know you have level of protection something those anti-vaxxers can't seem to understand (aargh). I enjoyed listening to the Jump tune while reading through this post, thanks. I agree with you on Grease being a fun musical, but the Sound is Music is not a big favorite, but I did enjoy seeing it at least once. Agreed that not using the oven in summer is a good thing and that sandwich looked sooo good. The duckies were fun to see too!
❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun! Love, Rain
We both chose the Sound of Music, well done Rain! Sorry about the covid side effects you had.
ReplyDeleteGlad you got your vaccination, it's so important. Lovely art again today. Sorry, I'm not joining in today, I'm not feeling good and need a bit of rest. Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeletei think music is purely to feed our souls dear Rain :)
ReplyDeletei am a great music lover and i think music has power to straighten and sooth our thoughts ,widen our horizons and clearing the fog from our minds .
i share the dance with bugs and with you :)
congrats for the vaccination ,yes i too felt all this for few days let's see what happens with second one .
Oh goodness your art is becoming more and more powerful with time Rain ,i saw this FLAWLESS indeed and really impressive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for the fun videos ,i enjoyed .
oh we both are Huge fan of John and Nicholas since we saw "Face OFF " and we saw it many times together ,we have seen his many movies but not that old one ,but i think we will :)
Food is tempting as always .
you are amazingly talented and all rounder indeed :)
hugs and blessings!
We have both had our shots now, Rain, and thankful that we have. After the first shot neither of us had any reaction at all, but Miriam had a day after the second one when she felt lousy and a little nauseous. I was fine. There is nothing especially musical about sharks so I resisted the temptation to add my link. Now had the book been about whales.......
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the shots :)
ReplyDeleteTodays art The Sound of Music makes me wonder if Bugs can sing. :)
I think everyone knows Travolta and the song Summer nights! But I can´t remember actually seen the movie. I think I was too busy that time.
Happy Thursday to all. Its a Rainy Morning here in T&T.
ReplyDeleteI loved watching The Sound of Music as a kid as well with ours. That's a great film and the music is awesome! I can tell Bugs had a good time posing for the scene. I thought about doing this one briefly but at the same time another popped in my head.
It appears those who've been vaccinated aren't totally safe. Some are getting the Delta strain. This is all too new for scientist get a handle on things and it may be like the flu where they are always trying to hit the nail on the head with each year's shots. Common sense is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and don't worry about how others perceive what you're doing to protect yourself. I hope you feel better soon only to get another round of this stuff that's dragging you down. lol
Your charcoals are nice. I think my favorite is of John Travolta. In my opinion that's your best one. Thanks for hosting the weekly fun. I managed to get a post pulled together for today. Have a great weekend!;)
...what a great take on the Sound of Music! Good new about your vaccination. Thanks for hosting Rain.
ReplyDeleteMy grandparents emigrated from Switzerland in the early 1920s. When "The Sound of Music" came out in movie theatres in the 60s, my grandma went to it six times -- just to see that opening sequence of Julie Andrews singing in the Alps! She was homesick for the mountains. (They lived in flat, flat Saskatchewan).
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely shout out, Rain! You made my day! And thanks for the videos. I was jumping and singing! You are so good at portraits, and I especially like John Travolta's. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's art. Mine will go up late tonight. XOXOX!
ReplyDeleteYou are so cleaver with this theme. I of course ran out of time and had to improvise. I will be over later to see you newest you tube. Hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteSo pleased you've had your vaccination, but sorry about the side effects, hope they clear away soon.
ReplyDeleteLovely art and I enjoyed the music video.
Have a good week.
All the best Jan
So glad you were able to get your vaccine, Rain. I admire your attitude about the side effects you're experiencing. I hope your second shot isn't too bad in that regard. Your Maria stand-in, Bugs, is terrific. And I imagine we all fell a little in love with Christopher Plummer when watching The Sound of Music. ;^)
ReplyDeleteHaha, bugs as Julie Andrews! : -DDD Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteDid you know that the Trapp family comes from my home country Austria?
And thank you VERY for Van Halen :-) I also liked Grease (and Night fever too, I even had the LP). Great drawings!
Congratulations on your first vaccination! It's a shame that you had so heavy reactions - I only felt the arm (Pfizer too) - and no reaction at all with the 2nd vaccination.) My husband has already had his second vaccination, too (with a litte headake) and now we feel a lot more free. But tonight we will be working as extras again, and for that we had to be tested, despite the vaccination. (Of course the test result is negative).
All the best and happy weekend, Traude
Odd story about the The Sound of Music: we performed it as a musical in High School. The movie is much better than the musical libretto (some careful editing on someone's part there!).
ReplyDeleteJump. Junior Prom. My goodness, what memories. That song always makes me smile, no matter what my mood.
The ducks are lovely! Watching ducks always makes me happy.
Piece of advice from someone that underwent both rounds (Moderna in my case): Plan to do nothing for the day after the second shot. Trust me.
I always love the sound of music and our kids did too! Sorry about your side effects and I hope that you reported this to your doctor? A lot of people don't and I think that's a real problem. I was talking to somebody a few days ago and she and her husband and four kids got the vaccine and we're really really sick for a full month. That's not really normal. So please report that to your doctor if you haven't already they really need that data. You may want to ask your doctor if you should get the second vaccine if you had such a bad reaction the first time?
ReplyDeleteBugs is adorable! Sound of Music and Grease are two movies I so love as well- and can watch them over and over and over:)
ReplyDeleteFabulous portraits - you are SO good at this Rain!!
Sorry to hear you've had some nasty side effects from the vaccination. I sure hope the second one goes much better for you.
Sandwiches are a great summertime choice!
Happy PPF!
Just love bugs in the sound of music. Fantastic sketch of John Travolta.
ReplyDeletehave a great weekend.
Now that was a real surprise. Never pictured you as a Sound of Music fan. Even an old square like me would not watch that !!
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying your tubes. And don't you have a wonderful, soft lilting voice?
As soon as I saw bugs I thought Sound of Music.
ReplyDeleteI knew immediately what Bugs was! So cuter! Amazing portraits as well! happy PPF!
ReplyDeleteHello Rain,
ReplyDeleteLove the Bugs and the Sound of Music. I could watch that movie over and over.
I like Grease too! Your sketches are fabulous, your videos look great too. I was lucky I only had a sore arm after my two doses of Pfizer vaccine. Cute ducks and a great mosaic. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.
Congratulations for the jab. I like your charcoal.
So where to start ... Well, Bugs of course. Bugs as Julie Andrews, what a hoot. This will tell you where I am age wise ... it was my daughter who grew up loving Sound of Music. She must have watched it a million times and still refers to it now. I do remember Van Halen though and loved his song "Jump". He was a handsome son-of-a-gun, so fun to watch for many reasons :) As for Travolta he started in my times and went right through my daughter's times (My son wasn't big on musicals, but he did like Trevolta). I remember him more for "Saturday Night Fever" ... who could forget that strut :). Of course your art pieces are perfect ... I love your art work!!!
ReplyDeleteYour duck pictures are awesome and you have some ducks I haven't seen so that is cool.
I have always been a sandwich person. It started when I spent a summer break in Chicago. I used to stop at a Deli on the way home from work and get the greatest Ham sandwich with cheese, onion tomato lettuce and mayo on yummy bread. Your sandwich reminded me of those days. I still love a good sandwich and they almost always include cheese and tomato ... my fave.
I am saving the best for last ... Hooray for you getting your Pfizer shot and if you are anything like me, you will feel a great sense of relief after you get your second. I am guessing your twitching eyelid was more a response to the stress of it all rather than the actual shot, but the rest of it was pretty normal. I was lucky and other than feeling tired after my second, I really didn't have any reactions. Now we have to be concerned with the Delta Variant ... not so much for ourselves, but for those we could infect if we get it. So it is back to wearing a mask , but I can live with that ... literally "live with that" :). So on to next week and with Ditches and Holes ... Yikes, my mind is a blank. This will take some thought :) Once again, I am glad you are on your way to being safe ...
Andrea @ From the Sol
Hi, Rain! In spite of my best intentions, I didn't get my post up until last evening. I was lost in "Jesus Christ Superstar" and photos for many hours. Near the end I felt like I was writing a paper for a professor and racing to get my paper under his door before the deadline. LOL But it was lots of fun. Thanks for organizing this. You are an inspiration, my friend! XOXOX!
ReplyDeleteIt feels great to get the vaccine and have that protection. Love your art...John Travolta is a favorite and he lives here in Ocala. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteAlright alright alright! Thanks! And I'll take a sexxy sketch of The McConnaugHUNKaHEY next, if you please! He's mulling over a run for Governor here. Haha, got my first chuckle at Bugs Von Trapp, too funny. I went to high school with the guy who taught Travolta to dance in Saturday Night Fever. Watch the lighted disco dance scene and how balletic Travolta is. That's was my friend Johnny's trademark as he'd taken 15 years of ballet. As a student, he choreographed all our musicals in high school. :-) Oh and have you read Valerie Bertinelli's memoir? Lotsa good stuff in there on Eddie, I was shocked! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how many times I've watched The Sound of Music and Grease, Rain! I went with a friend to the theater to watch Grease when it came out and I fell in love with it. I think my husband and I are due again to view it. :) Loving your videos! I've got your latest on my watch list.
ReplyDeleteI love your bugs!
ReplyDeleteSandwiches are the best.
I totally love that you're into music 🎶, because I am too. Grease is the word! So sad about Eddie van Halen, such a gifted entertainer. Jump is a classic 👌 Hugs, RO.
ReplyDeleteSound of Music is one of those classics, I could recognise Bugs right away. Wonderful portraits. Hope you feel better soon.
What a cool post - love the art and wow, I forgot about the song Jump - i use to love that. Good job on those portraits. I will check out your friends' blog. And Musicals - i agree with your choices. All good~
ReplyDeleteRain - we ARE sisters from different mothers! The Sound of Music and Grease are two of my favorite musicals!!! And then there is Mary Poppins (the original), The Wizard of Oz and the Greatest Showman! Love your duck photos, especially "duck love"! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
ReplyDeleteJump... Yesssss, I did if I could. 😂 But love the Music. It's my time.
ReplyDeleteLove your painting, Rain, they are funny. I need some fun.
Happy MosaicMonday
That is such a cute cartoon of Bugs Bunny acting as Julie Andrews. I, too, loved that movie and must have watched it more than 10 times, crying often throughout, as it was so moving and touching. I love that sandwich. May I have a bite of t. And congrats on getting your vaccine!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE musical theater -- we saw one production in New York City years and years and years ago -- it was Annie (with the original cast) not my favorite musical of all time, but a special place in my memory because Broadway!!! We've seen a few "Traveling Broadway" shows when they come to Eugene. The latest one was 'Wicked" -- the actress who played the Witch had been the understudy on (the real) Broadway -- I thought the whole cast was wonderful. But I still love the real old fashioned ones from my younger days best -- Oklahoma, Carousel, My Fair Lady, and, yes, Sound of Music (who couldn't love that one!). This was fun. ... loved your talent and your food (and suggestions) as always!
ReplyDeleteOh PS: so glad you are getting your jabs! I'm so glad wew did.
ReplyDeleteThanks Christine! :) I love what you did with The Sound of Music!!
ReplyDeleteSorry you couldn't join in and that you're not feeling well Valerie, please take care!! xx
ReplyDeleteI agree Baili! :) Music does soothe the soul, and sometimes I think it feeds my spirit. Definitely gets me dancing and smiling! :) My second shot will be in September I think, if I can find an appointment. I hope the side effects aren't so bad though, but I'm willing to endure it. Face Off!!! I saw it! I thought John Travolta was great in that! :)
ReplyDeleteDavid, any creature can be musical...please join in any time you have the slightest bit of the theme in your blog post because we definitely love to see your contributions!! :) Glad to know you both got the second shots and it's all over now. I wonder about the rumour of yearly boosters though.
ReplyDeleteLOL Monica...I can hear Bugs' voice singing now, and it isn't as pretty as Julie Andrews!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Gillena!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Cathy! :) I have heard about the Delta strain. It hasn't hit the Maritimes here yet, but despite me having the second shot imminent I doubt I will ever go maskless unless the virus is 100% wiped out.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Tom! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's really neat Debra! Yeah...flat Saskatchewan for sure. When I live on P.E.I. for a year, I really missed the mountains. I can understand how your grandparent's felt.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome and thank you Louise!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Nicole! :) Feeling fine now and your take on the theme was music to MY ears!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jan! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Becki! :) I swooned for Christopher Plummer in that
ReplyDeleteThanks Traude! :) YES!!! I loved seeing the scenery of Austria in that movie. I JUST watched Saturday Night Fever over the weekend to relax and I loved watching John Travolta dance! :) I'm glad your shot didn't effect you too much, I am really hoping not to feel bad after the second shot next month. I think it's so neat that you and hubby work as extras!!! :)
ReplyDeleteJunior Prom memories TB! Great stuff. I STILL can't get that song out of my head. The lyrics don't make much sense to me, but I am usually fixated on David Lee Roth anyway lol...I trust you, the day after the vax, I felt horrid. I will be planning a complete sleep and nothing day after the next one.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Linda!! :) I watched Grease and Saturday Night Fever over the weekend, got my Travolta fix!! :) I really hope the second vaccination isn't as hard!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Wendy! :)
ReplyDeleteLOL about Sound of Music Phil!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the YT videos! I'm trying to do more talkies now that I'm a little more comfy in front of the camera! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you recognized it Lin! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jean! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Eileen! :) I'm glad your vaccinations went okay. I'm not looking forward to the next one...I really felt like I was on drugs the next day it was horrible.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Shiju! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Andrea!! :)) I really REALLY loved your post this week! Especially that you tried my Bugs tutorial!!! LOL the Travolta strut...the first scene where he's walking with the paint can always comes to mind...Saturday Night Fever is an awesome movie, but sad as well. I watched i again the past weekend. The Chicago sandwich sounds amazing, though I'd hold the onions...or I'd be tasting them for days lol...remember the movie "Harvey" with Jimmy Stewart? One of the characters in that movie asks for an "egg and onion"...your comment made me think of that scene!! Honestly I feel relief after getting my first shot but like you said, I will feel it again in about a month. I don't think I'll ever stop wearing a mask until the virus is gone and not just gone, wiped out. Maskless is not for me anymore.
ReplyDeleteThanks Louise! :) Oh I'm so glad you got your post in and I'm so happy you're joining us each week! :)
ReplyDeleteJohn Travolta lives in your area Diane???? OMG I'd totally be "accidentally" be trying to stalk him lol! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks Aimeslee! :) I actually did a stencil of THE McConnaughHUNKaHEY lol...and was going to do him for the "Jump" theme but ran out of time. I saw a photo of him jumping into a pool and that was enough for me lol! ;) I will do a drawing of him for you in the near future!! DENEY TERRIO!!! So neat that you're friends!!! I remember his infomercial on TV "I taught John Travolta how to dance, and I can teach you!!" :))) I haven't read Valerie's memoir, but I do love that lady, I need to read it! :) Loved your comment! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Martha! :) So glad for your support. ♥ Oh Grease, I can't get enough of it! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jenn! :)
ReplyDeleteLOL RO! Grease IS the word!!! :)))) Jump is definitely a classic! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Soma! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sandy! :) I think once you have that song in your head, it's hard to get it out lol! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Angie! :) Duck Love!!! Yes, I was lucky to get that photo!!! They are such sweet animals to watch. The Wizard of Oz...I watch it yearly!!! Love that you're into the musicals! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Heidrun!! :) ♥
ReplyDeleteThanks Gigi! :) Yes, that movie gets me emotional too. I just love the entire movie!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sallie! :)) I forgot about Annie! I watched the movie when it came out. Oklahoma!!! I saw the movie, would have loved the play though!! Glad you enjoyed the post! :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome portraits ~ Xo Creative post ~
ReplyDeleteLiving in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Yeah for you, Rain, on getting your first vaccination and sorry to read about the temporary discomfort. In the end, it's well worth it to know you have level of protection something those anti-vaxxers can't seem to understand (aargh). I enjoyed listening to the Jump tune while reading through this post, thanks. I agree with you on Grease being a fun musical, but the Sound is Music is not a big favorite, but I did enjoy seeing it at least once. Agreed that not using the oven in summer is a good thing and that sandwich looked sooo good. The duckies were fun to see too!
ReplyDeleteLovely post! Beautiful artworks and those landscape photos are 💚 I feel like painting the third one.
ReplyDeleteI have saved your video. Going to watch. And I didn't know about Rain's Thursday Art Date. I will participate next week.
Take care.
Congratulations 🎉 on the launch of your YouTube art channel.