Settled in the Maritimes of Canada, surrounded by the forest and Acadian Mountain Chain, I live a simple life of gratitude. This blog is a journal of my art, food, furkids, garden, home, my life and my thoughts. Thanks for reading!
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Thursday Art Date: Mornings ------ 🎇🎇 My YouTube Art Channel Is Live! 🎇🎇
Hello Friends!! 😊😊
Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Mornings. Tweety Bird likes to start his day with some morning meditation. We should all be practicing some mindfulness these days, cuts down on the stresses of life!
Instead of portrait art this week, I decided to play around with my acrylics. This is how I would spend an ideal morning. Out in nature, the sun rising, surrounded by my pets as I create art! My friend Martha from from Mystical Empowerment recently showcased a beautiful Tarot deck and one of those cards inspired this painting. Thanks Martha! ♥
Morning comfort food: Potato, onion and mushroom hash with buttery toast!
Foggy mornings on the blueberry fields.
A photo I forgot to post last week, I just wanted to show you the enormity of these rocks on the coast of the Fundy Bay before the tide comes in!
Drum Roll Please!!
My new YouTube Art Channel is now live! I have a few videos so far, and there will be more weekly! The videos will all be instructional and informative. The tutorials will include a stencil, a supply list and a time-lapsed bird's eye view of me drawing. Anyone can follow along by slowing down the video in YouTube or pausing it. If I get more interest I may post the full-length tutorials with voice-overs. It's a heck of a lot of work creating a video! I had to get some good lighting, a special tripod arm to record over my head, video editing software, graphic design I needed to learn Photoshop and everything about YouTube! I'm still learning!
I'm so excited about this channel, I've been wanting to do this for years and I finally had the confidence to start! I hope to see you there!!! And if you have any constructive criticism, please let me know! I have a contact form on my right sidebar → but most of you know my email address anyway! 😊
Okay back to food and critters...Phil, you asked if I would have cooking videos up on my channel. Not on that one, but I do have high hopes to start a foodie/homesteady type channel in the future!! Of course it will include cheese making videos too. But that may have to wait a few years! This year, I'm concentrating on EATING cheese!! I opened two of my Camemberts the other day, oh they taste so good! These Cams are the best cheeses I've ever made!!
I don't have any recent bird photos, but wanted to share a photo of this Great Blue Heron that I saw when I lived on Prince Edward Island back in 2009/2010.
Check out that wingspan!
This week's highlighted artist and/or blogger is Valerie from Bastelmania blog! 💗 Valerie creates beautiful, uplifting art. She's a coffee nut and brings us on lovely walks through her photography. This was one of her many contributions to last week's theme of Criss Cross! Please visit her blog! 💗
I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, or at least trying (!!), please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! 😊
Click on the links for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨
Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).
Oh I love your morning art and the breakfast. Yummm. Great photo of you and the dogs too. I have been advertising your channel so you should be getting some subscribers. Have a great Thursday.
Hi Rain! Thanks for the shout out! Lovely post as always. Great photo of you in front of those hugs rocks. Love your morning painting. And congrats on getting your YouTube channel up and running. Hugs, Valerie
Hi Rain, I love your self potrait with pets and think you should frame it - it's lovely. Looking forward to checking out your new art tutorials on You Tube - thanks for sharing. Hope this week is full of relaxing days, walks in nature and delicious cheese picnics for you :) Betty x p.s. if you haven't got any, try and plant some valerian, I am using it in an oil diffuser for Mollie cat and am finding it very calming for me too!
Good Morning Rain, i'm hand in hand with you today it's a wonderful start to the day taking in the air of the morn, glad Tweety Pie has thrown a little bit of meditation into the mix. Congrats on starting the YT channel, look forward to spending extra time with you and maybe the Furbabies..?? Happy TAD Hugs Tracey xx
Rain, congratulations on your YouTube channel! Good for you for taking the plunge! I liked the fast motion video for the Sean Penn drawing. I think it worked well. As always, lovely photos and drawings in this post.
Your morning art is beautiful. But, I doubht that it wold be as peaceful having your fourlegged friends with you. They probably would want to help you painting!
Your breakfast is dinner to me. Your cheese looks tasty. I wish I was not allergic to milk products.
Congratulations Rain! All the best for your channel! Love, love, love the second pic of you surrounded by the critters, doing what you love. We hope to check out our 'blueberry fields' soon, as with all this rain, there should be a crop this year.
The shot of the rocks dwarfing you at the Bay of Fundy is wonderful, showing just how dramatic it is. And your cheese looks absolutely wonderful. I have the same bowl of cereal for breakfast every morning, but maybe it's time for a change one of these days!
Congrats on your YouTube channel, Rain! I hope you get lots and lots of views! I'm going over there right now to check out your videos! I really like the silhouette of you and your animals against the glorious sunrise!
Dear Rain, Tweety Bird has a good, relaxed start to the day - but you also on your beautiful acrylic picture with sunrise and surrounded by your lovely animals :-) Your breakfast with potato, onion and mushroom looks delicious. Today I also had a "British-American-inspired" breakfast: bacon with egg and baked beans (this is not common in Austria, but we have learned to love it while traveling and sometimes spoil ourselves with it). Very nice morning photos - and the rock is really huge! Hihi, Fred Astaire - great ... and also wonderful the Great Blue Heron! Congratulations on your new YouTube Art Channel - and on your artistic, tasteful Camemberts! :-D All the best, Traude PS: Oh, you really have a lot of rain barrels. But in times of such changeable weather this is a good investment!
Congratulations on getting your YouTube channel up, that is wonderful. I love the photo of the blue Herron. Birds are always so interesting to watch. Your #frugalworkshop #frugalworkshopblog #frugalworkshoppodcast #blogger #frugalblogger #podcast #frugalpodcast #frugal #frugalliving #frugallife #savingmoney #debtfree #debtfreelife #debtfreecommunity #frugalinfluencer #yardsalesaturday #thrifty #prudent #shopsecondhand looks delicious. I need to make some of that soon.
I loved this post! From Tweety and then the silhouette painting (I recognize you and your pets) to the drumroll - the drumroll made me laugh. I look forward to checking out and subscribing to your Youtube channel. Thank you for sharing yourself that way, Rain.
I love the painting of the painting. ADORABLE. It is now 3:30pm and seeing your food I realized I have not eaten today...OOPS.....I am hungry after seeing your food and cheese. Going to try and play along again next week.
Congratulations on the Youtube Channel Rain! And yes, I completely vote for a channel on cooking!
The pictures are very lovely. And your painting with the cats and dogs is so, just, warming to my insides (with, I will note, a rather sad lack of rabbits. I can send you pictures...)
Lovely artworks! The first one is so cute and the second one is so beautiful! And congratulations on starting your youtube channel. I understand what you talk about confidence. I have also started a YouTube channel, on a whim but it's fun, especially when there's a shorts option. I'm going to check your channel. And the foggy morning photo is so serene. Stay well. :)
Excellent post, Rain! So excited for you, and I know it is hard work to do the video business. I am going to subscribe, as soon as I finish this post! How are the garlic doing? How are the furry babies? Have a fabulous weekend!
I like the idea of having a you tube show about your art, and having one about your cooking is not a bad idea, either. Anyway, I am glad things are looking up for you.
Back again... and I agree Valerie's work is always a delight to see. I can just imagine you sat outside with the animals catching to rising sun. Happy PPF Tracey x
So you did it ... you really did it. I am so proud of you( and a little jealous). I loved your tutorials and have already learned things from them. You might do a tutorial on how to post things on YouTube for those of us who will never be able to figure it out :) Your art is awesome and I agree, out in the early morning with our furbabies is the perfect place to be. Only I only have one furbaby that goes out with me. Your comfort food looks sooooo good, but I have to pass on it until I reach my goal weight. Potatoes and mushrooms, I can have in small portions, but buttery toast (as good as that sounds) I will have to wait for. Your pictures are wonderful, especially the one by the big rock and OMG, your cheese, did you notice the little face on the cut piece. Your cheese is smiling at you :) Your Great Blue Heron is a handsome fellow ... some day when you have a prompt that fits it, I will post some pictures of a side of him that surprised me when I saw it :) Sorry to keep you in suspense, but time will reveal ... Congratulations again, Rain ... you are a brave soul.
Rain, I'm working on my post today, and it's going to be connected to your morning theme. Thanks God I've still got 11.5 hours ~ LOL! I would like to post a picture of you because ''m mentioning your new you tube art channel. It's one of you on the Fundy shore in your 7/8/21 post. I'm taking a chance and assuming it's okay, but if it's not, let me know, and I'll immediately edit it out. Thanks, Louise
Love the silhouette art , and of course your cartoon as well! Congrats on setting up on you tube - I will look for you. Yummy food - oh the cheeses mmmmmmm! That is a HUGE rock formation-wow! Happy PPF!
Hi Rain, congratulations on your new YouTube channel! I don't often post but I do always read your blog. I just visited your channel, and I'm going to try to draw Sean Penn!! And your cheeses look wonderful. Now I really want to see Fundy Bay! Best, Celie
Hello Rain, Tweety bird was one of my favorites, cute sketch! Your photo of you and your dogs, brings back memories of our trip to the Bay of Fundy. Great captures of the Heron and it's wing span. They are beautiful birds. The cheese looks yummy! I just subscribed to you You Tube channel, congrats. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.
Thanks Betty! :) Oh thanks for the Valerian tip. I actually used to take that tincture myself when I had very high anxiety, now I take passionflower, it helps a lot in the background for generalized anxiety. I have my aromatherapy infuser going all the time here, fragrance does wonders! I hope Mollie benefits from the Valerian!!
Thanks Rosalea! :) I really like the silhouette painting I did, shame I didn't record it for my channel! There will be more though. Our blueberries are still quite small here, harvest is usually August. I hope you get some nice sweet ones!! :)
Thanks David! :) It's funny, I used to eat the same breakfast for decades...toast with butter and a slice of Velveeta (before I made my own cheese that is!)...I still crave that a lot but I've tried to branch out a little more! :)
Thanks Traude! :) Ooooh...I love that British-American-inspired breakfast!!! I call that "diner food"...I usually make a breakfast like that a few times a month! Yes! The rain barrels are a great idea, so happy to see you set up with one, I hope you have room for more! :)
Thanks Tarang! :) Yeah, the confidence was the thing stopping me! But now that I'm getting the hang of everything, it feels natural! I just subscribed to your channel too! :)
Thanks Dino! :) I know...I've been obsessed with videos lol...the garlic is still in the ground! I pulled one up and it's still a wee bit small, I'm going to leave it a while. The furries are all very healthy and happy! :)
Thanks Andrea! :))) You've been so supportive of my art, I want to thank you so much for that! to post things on YT lol..that was a lesson for me! I'm really not as technically inclined as I may seem. I had a lot of trouble, watched loads of videos on it. HA HA HA HA...I see my cheese smiling at me!!! Awesome!!! Oh the suspense...I can't handle it lol! :)
Thanks Celie!! :) So happy to read your comment! Oh neat...please let me know how it goes with your Sean Penn drawing!!! The Fundy Bay is a special's so filled with earth and water energy...I can't even describe it! I hope you visit one day! :)
Thanks Baili! :))) You me and Tweety share our way of starting the morning!!! :) I'm getting lots of hints at starting a cooking channel and it's something I really want to do, it's a project for the next few years!! :)
Thanks Eileen! :) The Fundy of the reasons I chose New Brunswick for my nesting grounds! I just love going there, plan on going back in the next week! :)
Thanks for visiting! I love your art, but your cheese makes me drool. I really should get out my sketchpad. I've had enough cooking this week for the grandies...
Your morning art is beautiful. Breakfast looks delicious and your new venture on YT is great, wish you the best. I know video can be tricky and takes a lot of time plus photoshop on top of that. That's quite the workload. Have fun and don't stress. Have a great week, Rain.
I do like your morning art. I also like the photograph of you in front of those rocks, they are so BIG! Hope all goes well with the YouTube channel, I wish you every success.
It's Saturday as I type this - enjoy your weekend.
I can't think of a better morning than starting out meditating ala Tweety (I'm wondering if he listens to meditation tapes and if so what? Bird song? Enya?...) and then coming out of it to a delicious vegetarian breakfast like the one you show -- what a wonderful life! Congrats on getting your channel up and running!
How on earth do you make Camemberts? I do love soft cheeses and there are lots of good ones at the mo in our local Aldi. Including English soft and blue cheeses after some customer pressure, including me. The naughty French have been pretty nasty to us after Brexit and shoppers have been boycotting their products in favour of home made. I'm heading over to You Tube now to check out a new player in town.
What a thoroughly talented lass you are Rain. I had no idea so I'm very happy I visited and looked around some of your posts. So much creativity you are sharing; makes me think of those watercolours I have in a drawer. Take care now.
Fred Astaire, cheese, a heron -- could you have any better images/words to jump to my heart and push my happy buttons? And now a youtube channel! Very fun and I'm thrilled -- can't wait to see what you are doing!
Hi Rain! I've had about 24 hours to relish that wonderful comment you left for me on my blog. Goodness sakes, thank you so much! It delighted me in many ways. I love to hear that you've increased your hummer feeders to 3. That is great. More hummers are headed your way ... that is for sure. Your post Mornings is excellent! :-) Thank you for telling us about your YouTube Art Channel ... I will be checking it out! Thanks again, Rain, I hope you have a happy week ahead and take good care! John
Thanks Phil! :) Cams are very easy to make!!! You just need the right bacteria cultures so they get their bloomy white mould growing! They take about 6 weeks. I just made my last ones, it's too hot right now, so I'll make more in the fall, if I have my kitchen "camera-ready" I'll film the process!
Thanks John! :)) I just looked out the window before responding to this comment, I'm seeing 2 hummers...but they are taking turns...I hope they feel confident enough soon to feed together and bring their friends!!! Every year I will add to the feeder collection and keep my fingers crossed!!! :)
That silhouette image is amazing, Rain. You Empress, you. :) And I'm so excited for you with that YouTube channel. I have your latest on my watch list. I save your videos for when I can sit and enjoy them, usually with a cup of coffee or tea. Looking forward to all the videos you will share!
Well, my goodness, my bp was instantly lowered a bit at the sight of Tweety Bird meditating! Love that Fred GIF! And I'm very curious, just what is that green stuff growing at the base of that gigantic rock? Is it grass, lichen, what? Very cool stuff texturally! Love Valerie, glad you spotlighted her. And look at YouTubeYou! I've gone over and subscribed, even watched your first video and will get to the others in my time. CONGRATS!!!!! xoxo
Rain - congrats on your channel! When things slow down a little in the fall, I will definitely check it out. And my, oh, my those Cam cheeses look SOOO good. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
Thanks Aimeslee! :) You're so sweet!! If I'm not mistaken, that's seaweed covering the base of the Rocks. There may be other things mixed in there but I'm sure that's what it is. There are PILES of it all over the beaches at low tide. It sure smells like it! The dogs couldn't get enough, they were on sniff patrol!! :)
Congrats and best wishes on your new art channel, Rain, and I plan to catch up and watch a couple even though I am not an artist, it will be nice to "see" you, my friend. This is a catch-up week of blog reading as we were away for a week-long visit and work trip (for my husband) to see family in RI and CT last week. Tweety has a good way to relax, but I also enjoyed your version of relaxation surrounded by the pets and working on your artwork.
Tweety has the right idea. I love you sketch! :) Your beautiful painting of your ideal way to spend the morning is good, too. Your potatoes look yummy. I'll take mine without the mushrooms, though. :) Foggy mornings are hauntingly beautiful, even mysterious. Did you pick a bucket of blueberries from these fields yet? I'm sorry for the late visit. I hope all is well with you and Alex. Oh yeah, I'm following you on YouTube! Best of luck in your newest venture. I'm excited for you!!
Thanks Cathy! :) Thanks for following me on YT!!! :) I hope that my charcoal tutorials show you how easy it is to use that medium. You have the supplies, now get to it! :))) I have so many wild blueberry plants all over my property, I'm waiting a little bit to see if they grow bigger! Unfortunately the blueberry fields have been sprayed with pesticides, sigh...nothing organic over there!
Congrats Rain! So happy for you!!! Love both art pieces! And, I love mushrooms, onions and potatoes!! Yummy! Great picture of you in front of the rocks!! Big Hugs!
Great silhouette art. That was a fun GIF. Hash sounds yummy. I don't I'd ever get tired of potatoes. The husband picked up a bag yesterday during his Costco run.
❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun! Love, Rain
Oh I love your morning art and the breakfast. Yummm. Great photo of you and the dogs too. I have been advertising your channel so you should be getting some subscribers. Have a great Thursday.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the incredible beauty you share. I am drooling at that breakfast.
ReplyDeleteAnd congratulations on your new venture.
Hi Rain! Thanks for the shout out! Lovely post as always. Great photo of you in front of those hugs rocks. Love your morning painting. And congrats on getting your YouTube channel up and running. Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteHi Rain, I love your self potrait with pets and think you should frame it - it's lovely. Looking forward to checking out your new art tutorials on You Tube - thanks for sharing. Hope this week is full of relaxing days, walks in nature and delicious cheese picnics for you :) Betty x p.s. if you haven't got any, try and plant some valerian, I am using it in an oil diffuser for Mollie cat and am finding it very calming for me too!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Rain, i'm hand in hand with you today it's a wonderful start to the day taking in the air of the morn, glad Tweety Pie has thrown a little bit of meditation into the mix. Congrats on starting the YT channel, look forward to spending extra time with you and maybe the Furbabies..??
ReplyDeleteHappy TAD Hugs Tracey xx
Congrats to Valerie. Featuref today.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thursday everyone
...the foggy morning image is beautiful. I stopped by your channel last night, good luck to you.
ReplyDeleteRain, congratulations on your YouTube channel! Good for you for taking the plunge! I liked the fast motion video for the Sean Penn drawing. I think it worked well. As always, lovely photos and drawings in this post.
ReplyDeleteYour morning art is beautiful. But, I doubht that it wold be as peaceful having your fourlegged friends with you. They probably would want to help you painting!
ReplyDeleteYour breakfast is dinner to me. Your cheese looks tasty. I wish I was not allergic to milk products.
Congratulations Rain! All the best for your channel! Love, love, love the second pic of you surrounded by the critters, doing what you love.
ReplyDeleteWe hope to check out our 'blueberry fields' soon, as with all this rain, there should be a crop this year.
Beautiful morning art pieces such a cute tweety. Congrats on getting your youtube channel up so much work.
ReplyDeleteAnd Valerie is so talented.
ReplyDeleteThe shot of the rocks dwarfing you at the Bay of Fundy is wonderful, showing just how dramatic it is. And your cheese looks absolutely wonderful. I have the same bowl of cereal for breakfast every morning, but maybe it's time for a change one of these days!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your YouTube channel, Rain! I hope you get lots and lots of views! I'm going over there right now to check out your videos! I really like the silhouette of you and your animals against the glorious sunrise!
ReplyDeleteFantastic art, food and photos Rain! Congrats on getting your YouTube up and running! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Rain,
ReplyDeleteTweety Bird has a good, relaxed start to the day - but you also on your beautiful acrylic picture with sunrise and surrounded by your lovely animals :-)
Your breakfast with potato, onion and mushroom looks delicious. Today I also had a "British-American-inspired" breakfast: bacon with egg and baked beans (this is not common in Austria, but we have learned to love it while traveling and sometimes spoil ourselves with it).
Very nice morning photos - and the rock is really huge! Hihi, Fred Astaire - great ... and also wonderful the Great Blue Heron!
Congratulations on your new YouTube Art Channel - and on your artistic, tasteful Camemberts! :-D
All the best, Traude
PS: Oh, you really have a lot of rain barrels. But in times of such changeable weather this is a good investment!
Congratulations on getting your YouTube channel up, that is wonderful. I love the photo of the blue Herron. Birds are always so interesting to watch. Your #frugalworkshop #frugalworkshopblog #frugalworkshoppodcast #blogger #frugalblogger #podcast #frugalpodcast #frugal #frugalliving #frugallife #savingmoney #debtfree #debtfreelife #debtfreecommunity #frugalinfluencer #yardsalesaturday #thrifty #prudent #shopsecondhand looks delicious. I need to make some of that soon.
ReplyDeleteI loved this post! From Tweety and then the silhouette painting (I recognize you and your pets) to the drumroll - the drumroll made me laugh. I look forward to checking out and subscribing to your Youtube channel. Thank you for sharing yourself that way, Rain.
ReplyDeleteI love the painting of the painting. ADORABLE. It is now 3:30pm and seeing your food I realized I have not eaten today...OOPS.....I am hungry after seeing your food and cheese. Going to try and play along again next week.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the Youtube Channel Rain! And yes, I completely vote for a channel on cooking!
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are very lovely. And your painting with the cats and dogs is so, just, warming to my insides (with, I will note, a rather sad lack of rabbits. I can send you pictures...)
Lovely artworks! The first one is so cute and the second one is so beautiful! And congratulations on starting your youtube channel. I understand what you talk about confidence. I have also started a YouTube channel, on a whim but it's fun, especially when there's a shorts option. I'm going to check your channel. And the foggy morning photo is so serene. Stay well. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd, Valerie's artworks are so pretty. I love her nature photos. :)
ReplyDeleteThe drum roll is groovy!
ReplyDeleteExcellent post, Rain! So excited for you, and I know it is hard work to do the video business. I am going to subscribe, as soon as I finish this post! How are the garlic doing? How are the furry babies? Have a fabulous weekend!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of having a you tube show about your art, and having one about your cooking is not a bad idea, either. Anyway, I am glad things are looking up for you.
ReplyDeleteBack again... and I agree Valerie's work is always a delight to see. I can just imagine you sat outside with the animals catching to rising sun.
ReplyDeleteHappy PPF Tracey x
So you did it ... you really did it. I am so proud of you( and a little jealous). I loved your tutorials and have already learned things from them. You might do a tutorial on how to post things on YouTube for those of us who will never be able to figure it out :)
ReplyDeleteYour art is awesome and I agree, out in the early morning with our furbabies is the perfect place to be. Only I only have one furbaby that goes out with me. Your comfort food looks sooooo good, but I have to pass on it until I reach my goal weight. Potatoes and mushrooms, I can have in small portions, but buttery toast (as good as that sounds) I will have to wait for.
Your pictures are wonderful, especially the one by the big rock and OMG, your cheese, did you notice the little face on the cut piece. Your cheese is smiling at you :)
Your Great Blue Heron is a handsome fellow ... some day when you have a prompt that fits it, I will post some pictures of a side of him that surprised me when I saw it :) Sorry to keep you in suspense, but time will reveal ... Congratulations again, Rain ... you are a brave soul.
Andrea @ From the Sol
The Cut Outs Would Be Perfect With Our Shadow Puppet Shows - Enjoy Your Weekend
Rain, I'm working on my post today, and it's going to be connected to your morning theme. Thanks God I've still got 11.5 hours ~ LOL! I would like to post a picture of you because ''m mentioning your new you tube art channel. It's one of you on the Fundy shore in your 7/8/21 post. I'm taking a chance and assuming it's okay, but if it's not, let me know, and I'll immediately edit it out. Thanks, Louise
ReplyDeleteLove the silhouette art , and of course your cartoon as well! Congrats on setting up on you tube - I will look for you. Yummy food - oh the cheeses mmmmmmm!
ReplyDeleteThat is a HUGE rock formation-wow! Happy PPF!
The sunny art is great.
ReplyDeleteOkay, my Mornings post is up. I'll incorporate an art post into my Friday posts as often as I can.
ReplyDeleteHi Rain, congratulations on your new YouTube channel! I don't often post but I do always read your blog. I just visited your channel, and I'm going to try to draw Sean Penn!! And your cheeses look wonderful. Now I really want to see Fundy Bay! Best, Celie
ReplyDeleteheartfelt congrats for the opening of the channel dear Rain !
ReplyDeleteyour art is amazing and now people including me of course can learn how th create such a lovely and perfect drawings :)
Sean Pen has powerful and really expressive face so drawing him must be challenging but you did it wonderfully and skillfully indeed :)
your food channel will also be so popular believe me as i am inspired by your skills of cooking either already :)
beautiful shot of Heron ! .
best of luck for all you do my talented friend .
rock is really huge and image is stunning
and yes Tweety shares my way of starting morning :)
ReplyDeleteHello Rain,
ReplyDeleteTweety bird was one of my favorites, cute sketch! Your photo of you and your dogs, brings back memories of our trip to the Bay of Fundy. Great captures of the Heron and it's wing span. They are beautiful birds. The cheese looks yummy! I just subscribed to you You Tube channel, congrats. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.
I love the thought of Tweety Bird meditation.
ReplyDeletebest... mae at
Love the morning art. You are a talented lady. Congrats on the YouTube channel. I'll have to check it out. Beautiful heron!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nicole! :) You're such a good supportive friend!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Elephant's Child! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Valerie! :) Seeing that photo of me in front of the Rocks was awesome because while I was there, I didn't feel so little lol!
ReplyDeleteThanks Betty! :) Oh thanks for the Valerian tip. I actually used to take that tincture myself when I had very high anxiety, now I take passionflower, it helps a lot in the background for generalized anxiety. I have my aromatherapy infuser going all the time here, fragrance does wonders! I hope Mollie benefits from the Valerian!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracey! :) Oh yes, the furries will likely show up in videos in the future!!! They are internet stars lol...nice to see you here! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by Gillena! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Leigh! I'm glad you enjoyed that video! :)
ReplyDeleteLOL Monica! :) There would likely be cat footy prints all over the painting, it's happened before!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Rosalea! :) I really like the silhouette painting I did, shame I didn't record it for my channel! There will be more though. Our blueberries are still quite small here, harvest is usually August. I hope you get some nice sweet ones!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Christine! :) The task of editing the videos is the longest and most challenging for me, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks David! :) It's funny, I used to eat the same breakfast for decades...toast with butter and a slice of Velveeta (before I made my own cheese that is!)...I still crave that a lot but I've tried to branch out a little more! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Debra! :) So happy you like my painting! I really love that style. The acrylics really make the warm colours pop! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Martha! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Traude! :) Ooooh...I love that British-American-inspired breakfast!!! I call that "diner food"...I usually make a breakfast like that a few times a month! Yes! The rain barrels are a great idea, so happy to see you set up with one, I hope you have room for more! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Belinda! :) When the mushrooms are on sale, it's a nice frugal meal! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Becki! :) I love Fred Astaire in that movie...that was such a good scene! :) I'm glad you recognized the pets!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Pam! :) I love silhouette paintings!! EAT! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much TB! :) Oh, a sad lack of rabbits??? Send me photos! I just emailed you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tarang! :) Yeah, the confidence was the thing stopping me! But now that I'm getting the hang of everything, it feels natural! I just subscribed to your channel too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sharon! :) I thought it was neat! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Dino! :) I know...I've been obsessed with videos lol...the garlic is still in the ground! I pulled one up and it's still a wee bit small, I'm going to leave it a while. The furries are all very healthy and happy! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Gigi! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Andrea! :))) You've been so supportive of my art, I want to thank you so much for that! to post things on YT lol..that was a lesson for me! I'm really not as technically inclined as I may seem. I had a lot of trouble, watched loads of videos on it. HA HA HA HA...I see my cheese smiling at me!!! Awesome!!! Oh the suspense...I can't handle it lol! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment The Padre! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for thinking of me Louise, as mentioned, go for it! :) So glad that you joined in this week, your post was super touching! ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda! :) I'm so excited about the channel! I'm a little obsessed actually, gotta find balance lol...maybe more cheese! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Lin! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Celie!! :) So happy to read your comment! Oh neat...please let me know how it goes with your Sean Penn drawing!!! The Fundy Bay is a special's so filled with earth and water energy...I can't even describe it! I hope you visit one day! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Baili! :))) You me and Tweety share our way of starting the morning!!! :) I'm getting lots of hints at starting a cooking channel and it's something I really want to do, it's a project for the next few years!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Eileen! :) The Fundy of the reasons I chose New Brunswick for my nesting grounds! I just love going there, plan on going back in the next week! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Mae! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Betty! :) Nice to meet you! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting!
ReplyDeleteI love your art, but your cheese makes me drool.
I really should get out my sketchpad. I've had enough cooking this week for the grandies...
Your morning art is beautiful. Breakfast looks delicious and your new venture on YT is great, wish you the best. I know video can be tricky and takes a lot of time plus photoshop on top of that. That's quite the workload. Have fun and don't stress. Have a great week, Rain.
ReplyDeleteHow did you ever learn to do so many things! I enjoyed all the pictures. Oh, I just watched one of your youtube videos and LOVED it!!
ReplyDeleteit is always so nice to realize a dream, i am super happy for you about your youtube channel!! i am going to visit it now!!
ReplyDeleteyour portrait this week is so lovable, i really enjoyed it...and the hash and cheese look amazing!!
Beautiful images, drawings, the artist, pure. I love your breakfast, yummy. And, the the wild Heron, luvit.
ReplyDeleteI do like your morning art.
ReplyDeleteI also like the photograph of you in front of those rocks, they are so BIG!
Hope all goes well with the YouTube channel, I wish you every success.
It's Saturday as I type this - enjoy your weekend.
All the best Jan
Fabulous art and that cheese looks wonderful. I will look out for your new channel. Have great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a better morning than starting out meditating ala Tweety (I'm wondering if he listens to meditation tapes and if so what? Bird song? Enya?...) and then coming out of it to a delicious vegetarian breakfast like the one you show -- what a wonderful life!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on getting your channel up and running!
Very interesting post and your art is lovely!
ReplyDeleteHow on earth do you make Camemberts? I do love soft cheeses and there are lots of good ones at the mo in our local Aldi. Including English soft and blue cheeses after some customer pressure, including me. The naughty French have been pretty nasty to us after Brexit and shoppers have been boycotting their products in favour of home made. I'm heading over to You Tube now to check out a new player in town.
ReplyDeleteI am overwhelmed by the beauty of your art. I especially love the colorful sunrise photo, but oh so much more. Your You Tube videos are fascinating.
ReplyDeleteWhat a thoroughly talented lass you are Rain. I had no idea so I'm very happy I visited and looked around some of your posts. So much creativity you are sharing; makes me think of those watercolours I have in a drawer. Take care now.
ReplyDeleteFred Astaire, cheese, a heron -- could you have any better images/words to jump to my heart and push my happy buttons? And now a youtube channel! Very fun and I'm thrilled -- can't wait to see what you are doing!
ReplyDeleteHi Rain, thank you for visiting my blog. Nice to meet you. Beautiful art and photos. Greetings Caroline
ReplyDeleteSweet tweetie bird art and lovely creativity here on your magical post ~ Xo
ReplyDeleteLiving in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Hi Rain! I've had about 24 hours to relish that wonderful comment you left for me on my blog. Goodness sakes, thank you so much! It delighted me in many ways. I love to hear that you've increased your hummer feeders to 3. That is great. More hummers are headed your way ... that is for sure. Your post Mornings is excellent! :-) Thank you for telling us about your YouTube Art Channel ... I will be checking it out! Thanks again, Rain, I hope you have a happy week ahead and take good care! John
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenn! :) Oh please do get your sketchpad out!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bill! :) It is a lot of work to put up a video but I'm starting to get the hang of it! It's getting easier! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Henny! :) I'm so glad to see your comment on my YT channel!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Debbie! :) You said the hash and cheese look amazing, I never thought to combine them, now that would be good!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob! :) Breakfast is delicious!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jan! :) I hope to go back to the Rocks this week! I never get tired of seeing those huge's so lovely there! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Wendy! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sallie! :) Oh you mentioned Enya!!! I love her stuff, that's definitely something to meditate to!! Life is very wonderful! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Magiceye! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Phil! :) Cams are very easy to make!!! You just need the right bacteria cultures so they get their bloomy white mould growing! They take about 6 weeks. I just made my last ones, it's too hot right now, so I'll make more in the fall, if I have my kitchen "camera-ready" I'll film the process!
ReplyDeleteThank you Kenneth! :) So glad you enjoy my art! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jocelyn! :) Take those watercolours out!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeanie! :) Oh happy buttons!!! Glad I could push them!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline! :) Nice to meet you too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Carol! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks John! :)) I just looked out the window before responding to this comment, I'm seeing 2 hummers...but they are taking turns...I hope they feel confident enough soon to feed together and bring their friends!!! Every year I will add to the feeder collection and keep my fingers crossed!!! :)
ReplyDeleteLove your morning painting with all your furry family - what a way to start the day!
ReplyDeleteThat silhouette image is amazing, Rain. You Empress, you. :) And I'm so excited for you with that YouTube channel. I have your latest on my watch list. I save your videos for when I can sit and enjoy them, usually with a cup of coffee or tea. Looking forward to all the videos you will share!
ReplyDeleteWell, my goodness, my bp was instantly lowered a bit at the sight of Tweety Bird meditating! Love that Fred GIF! And I'm very curious, just what is that green stuff growing at the base of that gigantic rock? Is it grass, lichen, what? Very cool stuff texturally! Love Valerie, glad you spotlighted her. And look at YouTubeYou! I've gone over and subscribed, even watched your first video and will get to the others in my time. CONGRATS!!!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteRain - congrats on your channel! When things slow down a little in the fall, I will definitely check it out. And my, oh, my those Cam cheeses look SOOO good. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
ReplyDeleteThat would be my ideal morning too!
Cute Tweety Bird and your morning art surrounded by your pets. Love the foggy morning and giant rock images. Have a wonderful new week.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carol! :) Yes, that is my dream start to every day!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Martha! :) ♥ I'm so glad you enjoy the videos, you've really encouraged me a lot and I appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Aimeslee! :) You're so sweet!! If I'm not mistaken, that's seaweed covering the base of the Rocks. There may be other things mixed in there but I'm sure that's what it is. There are PILES of it all over the beaches at low tide. It sure smells like it! The dogs couldn't get enough, they were on sniff patrol!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Angie! :) I still have the Tete de Moines on my list to try! The Cams are just so good, that's why I keep making more of them! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your visit Soma! :) Yes...what a nice way to wake up!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Nancy! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats and best wishes on your new art channel, Rain, and I plan to catch up and watch a couple even though I am not an artist, it will be nice to "see" you, my friend. This is a catch-up week of blog reading as we were away for a week-long visit and work trip (for my husband) to see family in RI and CT last week. Tweety has a good way to relax, but I also enjoyed your version of relaxation surrounded by the pets and working on your artwork.
ReplyDeleteTweety has the right idea. I love you sketch! :) Your beautiful painting of your ideal way to spend the morning is good, too. Your potatoes look yummy. I'll take mine without the mushrooms, though. :) Foggy mornings are hauntingly beautiful, even mysterious. Did you pick a bucket of blueberries from these fields yet? I'm sorry for the late visit. I hope all is well with you and Alex. Oh yeah, I'm following you on YouTube! Best of luck in your newest venture. I'm excited for you!!
Thanks so much Dorothy! :) I'm glad you were able to get away to visit your family, even if it was a work trip for Patrick!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cathy! :) Thanks for following me on YT!!! :) I hope that my charcoal tutorials show you how easy it is to use that medium. You have the supplies, now get to it! :))) I have so many wild blueberry plants all over my property, I'm waiting a little bit to see if they grow bigger! Unfortunately the blueberry fields have been sprayed with pesticides, sigh...nothing organic over there!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Rain! So happy for you!!! Love both art pieces! And, I love mushrooms, onions and potatoes!! Yummy! Great picture of you in front of the rocks!! Big Hugs!
ReplyDeleteGreat silhouette art. That was a fun GIF. Hash sounds yummy. I don't I'd ever get tired of potatoes. The husband picked up a bag yesterday during his Costco run.