Settled in the Maritimes of Canada, surrounded by the forest and Acadian Mountain Chain, I live a simple life of gratitude. This blog is a journal of my art, food, furkids, garden, home, my life and my thoughts. Thanks for reading!
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Thursday Art Date: Inventions
Hello Friends!! ๐๐
Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Inventions. I had so much trouble with this theme, sorry in advance if you did too! I didn't know what to draw. I kind of cheated...Bugs is channelling his inner Salvador Dali - who didn't invent Surrealism or Cubism...but certainly made it popular!
If you are an SCTV fan, you'll enjoy this quick skit with Joe Flaherty imitating Dali. (Pop!)
Drawing Bugs with Dali's trademark mustache got me thinking about mustaches. (Or is it spelled moustache???) I saw an article about mustache cups - they are meant to keep the mustache dry while you sip your tea. The mustache cup was invented in the 1860s by British potter Harvey Adams (Wikipedia).
Men, do you or have you ever sported a moustache? What was your style? Ladies, do you like a man with a mustache? Men, do you like a lady with a mustache? ๐
I just happened to be watching the movie Tombstone the other night and there are some fine moustaches in that movie! I wasn't going for realism here, just doodling cartoon-style! I drew these with ink and graphite. I really love that movie.
Here's the trailer, it's a great movie!
Grilled Cheese and Fries...Swiss Cheese Fondue
Here are some foodie photos. Now that Google Photos is charging if you go over 15mg of storage, I haven't been taking as many photos but I purchased a backup hard drive so I can now back them up on my own instead of paying! Expect more delicious photography in the future!
Look At My Garlic!! It's Insane How Tall It Is!!! And Wildflowers In My Back Woods!
As you may have noticed, I have caught up with everyone's art posts since the beginning of May - I've commented on all of your art date posts! And I've visited blogs this week plus answered every comment from the last post! I'm back baby! I feel a lot better! I think the depression has lifted and my bad luck seems to be a thing of the past! (Knock on wood???)
Flying Grackle - Eating Me Out Of House And Home
I took out my hummingbird feeder and have LOTS of customers! I've had new birds at the feeding station in the last month too, I'll post photos soon! Since I posted last week about being attacked by that swarm of aggressive bees, I noticed that the beekeeping boxes were removed from the blueberry fields along the walking trail. A few days ago, I faced my fear and went back to that trail. There were no lingering bees, I was safe ๐ฐ, though I was extremely terrified. I have my walking trail back! It's a commercial blueberry field and they harvest every 2 years. For a month sometime in May during the harvest year, they bring in the bees to pollinate and make blueberry honey, then they remove them (NOW I know). My neighbour informed me of all this when I bumped into him. The harvest is in August and I intend to seek out the owner to ask him to post warning signs the next time.
This week's highlighted artist is Andrea from From The Sol blog! Andrea is the sweetest lady, she has a great sense of humour and an eye for photography. This is just one of the contributions she made for last week's theme of "In The Water" - you can see her sense of humour here! Andrea has been such a great supporter of my art and I cherish knowing her. Please visit her blog! ๐
I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, or at least trying (!!), please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! ๐
That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "Inventions" creations! If you know of any fellow artists/creators...can you let them know about Thursday's Art Date friends?
Click on the links for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! ๐จ
Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).
great selection for your inventor topic! But that grows like, beautiful your forest meadow and your garlic These are delicious foodie photos. Thanks also for taking on so much work and feeling better again (Knock on wood on my table ???) Nice to see these totally different birds with you It's good that the beehives are gone now. I happy week, hugs, Elke Congratulations to From The Sol!
A fun post. My partner has a moustache. I am not a fan - but it is his face. I do like a lot of Salvadore Dali's work though. His Swans Reflecting Elephants is a favourite of mine. Andrea is a lovely lady isn't she? I have been following her blog for years.
Hi Rain, challenging theme this week! Your wildflowers out back look spectacular, it's likely you will have some healing herbs in there, hope you can find some that are useful to dry. I love seeing what's happening around your land - hummingbirds must be wonderful to watch. Betty
The fact the hummingbirds are choosing to visit your feeders is a cause for celebration and joy. And if your other feeders are well patronized too then all is well with the world. I suspect that the bees would have been unlikely to sting, but if you have an inherent fear of them that's not much comfort is it. Glad you are feeling renewed, Rain.
Yes, this theme was a bit difficult for me until my cell phone rang with yet another spam call. Hee hee hee. So I went for that. I love you art and the mustache drawings. Ohhh your garlic is amazing. I just can't get it to grow here. Too cold and wet? Love that your hummers are around. You sound good. Have a great day.
I was lucky enough to visit the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL. It was a wonderful museum and I really enjoyed it. I also really loved the various mustaches you shared with us.
Coincidentally, on that same trip, a friend and I went to a fondue place for dinner. We were there for FOUR hours. We started with cheese fondue and all the goodies that go with it, including the best homemade bread, then went on to the main course, which instead of using oil, they used vegetable broth to dunk fish, shrimp, beef, and veggies. After that, we had the chocolate dessert fondue with all kinds of fresh fruits and cakes. It was rather expensive, but the experience was one I wouldn't have missed for the world because I'm a BIG fan of fondue, too.
Glad you got caught up visiting everyone and hope you have a great week, dear Rain.
Ahhh, the best news is that you are feeling on top of things again. "knock on Wood" is on of my favorite expressions. People look at me like I am strange when I say it, but it works to relieve me of my concerns about whatever is ailing me ... Knock on Wood again and here is hoping that those sad moments are a thing of the past and I must say It is great to have you back in the saddle again :) You have such an imagination and using the mustache as your source of invention is brilliant. I bet there won't be another like you in the bunch. I love Bugs as Salvador Dali and I bet (with your help) he will make a most accomplished artist :)And the Movie Tombstone ... you remind me of so many old goodies that I have forgotten. I loved that movie and all of the actors in it. I might have to dig up an old DVD if we have it and enjoy it again.
You make so many good cheeses and cheese dishes. Cheese is one of my favorite foods, but on my current Covid diet, I am only allowed 2 ounces per meal as my meat. Of course, I can't cut out meat so I am even more limited than that :( But, when I get my svelte body back, it will be worth it :)
I am flattered, even slightly embarrassed by the kind words you say in choosing me as your Highlighted artist. All the same could be said of you and maybe you are projecting your kindness and humor on me ... but for what ever reason, Thank you for your thoughtful words.
So now I expect you to come up with a recipe using blueberry honey ... you did, after all, contribute to the effort, right? Stay happy, Rain, it suits you and we are thrilled to have you back!
Grackles are the work of the Devil. We have them by the thousands here: they are loud, obnoxious, and generally unlovely.
Your garlic is amazing! So jealous!
The correct spelling is in fact moustache (at least, in my world). There really is only one: the handlebar. Being the proud owner of one (and one, I might add, that elicits comments from the most remarkable cross section of the population), I may also be biased...
Hi Rain! So happy the skies have lifted and you are back! I have had periods of melancholy that come out of nowhere all my life and I've learned FOR ME to just wait them out. Thank God, they always lift. Your post includes things I love too, anytime Tombstone is mentioned, I'm like, it's the BEST Earp movie, don't argue with me. Val over Dennis any day! hahaha And hey, Dali RE-invented art for sure, and that counts, right? Enjoy the rest of Spring up there and get your Vitamin D! XOX
I have finally caught up with everyone's blogs too. I was 2 weeks behind. My hubby has had a mustache for about 35 years and a full bear for the past 14 years. I don't mind it as long as it is taken care of. Bug bunny looks quite dapper with his 'stache.
Hi Elke :) Thank you for knocking on wood for me!! I'll take all the luck/prayers/thoughts I can get! :)) The garlic is getting a little scary lol it's so high!!!
Hi Betty :) Yes! I happened upon those wildflowers totally by accident. I was just walking around the edge of the property and boom, there they were. I hope I have time this summer to explore more of the plants and foliage back there!
Thanks Monica :) We have so many hummingbirds...the trail cam doesn't quite capture them so I need to take some time and hide out behind a tree to photograph them! Yes...those Westerns and their mustaches, I love them! :)
All is well in my world David! Thanks. Actually I'm not normally afraid of bees or wasps or any flying insect...but the ones that swarmed me were really attacking, hitting my head and my clothes...they followed me for quite a long while, it was unnerving. A beekeeping friend of mine said it could have been the extreme heat and also that part of the hive had been moved likely just before I walked there. But they're gone now and I'm grateful!
Thanks Nicole :) Oh that spam, very annoying! Honestly I think it's the compost that helped the garlic. And you definitely have more rain than I do. It's still a bit of a mystery to me!
Thanks Elizabeth! :) Oh I'm envious of you visiting the Dali museum! And your fondue dinner! I wonder if I could even have room for chocolate fondue after all that!!! The broth fondue is called a "hot pot" or a "Chinese fondue"...we have that a few times a year as well!
Hi Andrea :))) Thanks for the knock on wood!! I just did it again lol...I hope you dig up your old Tombstone DVD, I could watch that movie every weekend...the build up scene during the thunderstorm gives me chills!! :) I hope you get your svelte body back so you can have more cheese lol! I want to lose weight too, just a little, but I can't bring myself to limiting my cheese more exercise it is! Ha! Yes, I guess I did contribute to the blueberry honey lol...and I'm very happy to have highlighted you, every word I said was true and I know many other people feel the same way! xx
LOL TB...I have to agree with you about those grackles, they are squeaky and annoying and they eat everything! Oh nice that you have a handlebar moustache!!! Love those. Alex has one too, and he's grown out his beard, I do like facial hair on a man!!! The garlic...all I can figure is that it's the compost that I used to plant it in. I've never seen it grow that much!
Thanks Aimeslee!!! Oh yes, Tombstone to me as well is the best Wyatt Earp movie...every cast member was brilliant! Still gives me chills when I watch it!! You are so right, a re-invention is still an invention lol! :) I'm out getting Vitamin D daily now! I'm also very grateful these depression episodes don't last long anymore...though 6 weeks is still long for me!
Hi Marsha :) I agree that facial hair is much nicer when it's taken care of. Alex recently grew out a handlebar mustache and a beard too. I can't imagine him without it now!
So glad to know you are feeling much better dear Rain. Interesting about the bees for the blueberry fields - agree you should be warned in future! Have a wonderful weekend with sunshine and happy moments. Mary x
Great post. No I have never sported a moustache. I always think that food gets lodged in them. Anyway, I couldn't be bothered with all the fuss of trimming it etc. I like to keep thing simple.
So glad you are feeling better, Rain! Your garlic looks amazing. What...? No critter shots? How are the guys and gals? Interesting on the bee hives to pollinate the blueberries. Blueberry honey sounds delicious. Have a great week. OH, by the way, my Hubby has a moustache, and he shaved it off once, long ago...Never again..he was a stranger without it!!
Hi Rosalea :) The pets are all doing well! Thanks for asking! I'll have more photos next week...I got out of the habit of taking photos because of stupid google photos charging now, but I found a way to save them at home! :)
Thanks Heidrun! :) Our summer is beginning here too, but not as hot as you are having right now! Thanks for the knock on wood! :) I hope you have a lovely weekend!
So glad to hear you are feeling much better Rain, and I can hear your joy in this post! Fun art and such about the moustache:) Your food is always so yummy looking. And the hummingbirds- yes, what fun they are to watch- and such a delight! We have had them coming to our feeders for over a month- and now the young ones are venturing around- playing, and yes, fighting a bit (getting territorial) as well chasing each other around. Happy PPF!
Hello Rain. Looking at your garden and knowing the time of year, I just knew you had new bird species to report. I love those tache drawings. Should have known they would be Western moustaches. I’m so envious of your garlic. I can’t get enough of the stuff but I’m not too popular when I indulge but hide it when I cook certain dishes. But plain roast garlic is a little strong I admit.
We did the same thing, Rain! I bought a 6 terabyte external hard drive awhile ago, and so happy we got it! I have a hard time getting rid of my game camera videos, especially the ones with the new baby deer and turkey, and a black bear once in awhile! Lol ! So very happy that you are feeling better! Praying that love and light continue to heal and strengthen your resolve! Blessings to you and Alex and those fur babies from the ridge!
Thanks Linda :) I do feel a lot better, glad it came out in my words! I love watching the hummingbirds and I've finally gotten used to their used to scare me lol! :)
Hi Phil :) Oh I LOVE garlic and I guess I'm lucky so does Alex! We both enjoy garlic breath lol...I don't know what I'm going to do with all the garlic and the scapes, but I'll have to figure it out soon. I need to buckle down and stake out the bird feeding station so that I can get some nice bird photos for all of you!! :)
Thanks Dino! I know what you mean about the trail cam photos...there are so many of them and I want them in good quality. Doesn't 6 terabytes sound insane? But I guess by today's standards, it's what we need! ♥ I think mine is an 8 terabyte. We have about 6 of them, but most were 10gigs, they are filled with tv shows and movies and we had no room left, I had to invest in one JUST for photos and videos!!
Glad you're feeling better! That makes sense that somebody just brought those bees in temporarily but yes they should definitely have put up some signs. I still use Picasa software is free and works great with Windows 10 which I have. I just save all my photos on the hard drive laptop and we bought an external hard drive as well where I back them up. I just don't trust clouds that much since they've been hacked into previously.
Hello Rain, I am glad to hear you are feeling better! Your sketches are wonderful, I love your Bugs with the moustache. I am looking for another external hard drive for my photos, there are so many choices. I love watching the hummingbirds and the birds at the feeders. I like the shot of the bird coming in for a landing. The garlic looks like it is growing well. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!
Thanks Nancy :) You're right, there should have been a warning sign, mind you, I don't think anyone but me walks that trail. It's mostly used by quad people in the fall when they go hunting, so maybe they didn't realize it. I'll talk to the owner in August though. I don't trust the clouds too much either, but google photos was just so handy when it was free! :)
Hi Eileen :) I'm so glad to have linked up with Saturdays Critters again! :) We buy Seagate hard drives, have done so since 2013 and they stand up very well. Thanks, the garlic is really growing like gangbusters! I can't wait to see what's under all of that greenery!!! :)
such a pleasure to hear that you are feeling better dear Rain
i am sorry i don't know you confronted with bees during your walk though i try my best to read each post by you and i think i do it so nice to ask them for post warning signs
oh your plants are growing outstandingly wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved the photos stay safe and healthy and happy please !
Wow, your garlic looks good and I love the view of the flowers in the woods. So glad you are starting to feel better, you've had a lot of worry with dear Jack - give him a tummy rub from me.
A wonderful post, Rain. I just read about your issue with the bees from the previous post. That sounds frightening but glad you are recovered. Take care and have a nice weekend.
My husband has a big mustache! I've never known him without it. He grew a beard during covid, but thankfully he shaved that off a few months ago, preserving the
Glad you are feeling better, Rain. Take good care of yourself! <3
Hi Rain, It's good that you're feeling better again. My husband has no mustache and no beard luckily. I think the food looks delicious. I wish you a nice Sunday. Greetings Irma
Thanks Pat :) I'm glad your husband's mustache is back without the beard for you! :) I can't imagine Alex clean-shaven anymore, I'm so used to the 'stache! :)
Glad you are feeling better. Your invention challenge stimulated some very creative responses. I have had pencil moustache for many years but never knew it had a formal name. It started out reddish black and faded to white and for years has been barely visible. I don't have a good answer to "Why bother?" but keep tending to it anyway.
Rain - so glad to see you return to Mosaic Monday! I have never heard of a mustache cup before - clever idea! My husband has had a mustache and goatee for over 25 years, and I really like it (good thing, right?) He keeps it trim - I don't think I could handle kissing him if it was too thick and bristly!
I love your art and I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better. Sensitive people are just that....sensitive! And we feel so much more than other people. Take care and keep on sharing your talents!
Hello Rain! As a fan of Agatha Christie’s Poirot, I think Poirot (played by David Suchet) is the most charming with mustache. Mustache cup is new to me, nice invention out of necessity. Take care.
Dearest Rain, haha, I think the sentence "Bugs is channeling his inner Salvador Dali" is great. I love Dali's art by the way - I would like to be able to paint like him - at least a little. (And I could definitely be so crazy ;-)) You're so creative that you went from bugs to mustaches. The mustache cup is amazing :-DDD So nice that your hummingbird feeder has a lot of customers - I love these tender little birds! I am very happy that you are back and feeling better every day and that the pets are healthy: That's really wonder-wonderful!!! Hugs, best wishes and thanx so much for visitin my blog, Traude
Hi Traude! :) A little bit crazy is a good thing. Dali definitely had it! I'd love to have his imagination. Yes, things are so much better, thanks for your comment! ♥
I cherish Andrea too, your highlighted Blogger, she is such a great supporter even of little old me on the other side of the world, As are you Rain. Glad to hear you are 'back' your zest for life is shining through! Have a great week Wren x
Bugs has whiskers and now a mustache! Do you remember in old TV shows how a mischievous person would draw a mustache on someone's picture? I'm not sure why but it was funny. I know some guys are really into big mustaches. In the 80s I recall mustaches were quite popular with some of the leading actors. The late Burt Reynolds comes to mind and of course Tom Selleck who I had a crush on. Back then I really liked mustaches and DH even had one for several years but these days I'd rather have his face nicely shaved. Mustaches are okay but don't have the same affect on me now. I think I recall seeing a mustache cup in a movie once and I thought that was the funniest thing. Fabulous portrait sketches of mustache wearing men!
Hubs wore a mustache off and on when he was younger, and my sons have enjoyed trying them out. I am mostly amused by them. If they are neat/trimmed, I like the looks of a mustache. If they are not, I find them gross. The silly styles of olden days crack me up. I wonder... did people think handlebar mustaches were attractive in the day? Or were they just a fun thing men tried out to amuse themselves?
LOL Cathy! I drew mustaches on things when I was a mischievous kid lol...I think that Tom Selleck wore the mustache VERY well!! Thanks for your comment! :)
I like a moustache and maybe a beard too! I keep my moustache off my face! LOL! Your garlic is amazing! Wow! I am so happy you are doing well! Keep everything one day at a time and love yourself!! Big Hugs!
❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun! Love, Rain
great selection for your inventor topic!
ReplyDeleteBut that grows like, beautiful your forest meadow and your garlic
These are delicious foodie photos.
Thanks also for taking on so much work and feeling better again (Knock on wood on my table ???)
Nice to see these totally different birds with you
It's good that the beehives are gone now.
I happy week, hugs, Elke
Congratulations to From The Sol!
A fun post. My partner has a moustache. I am not a fan - but it is his face.
ReplyDeleteI do like a lot of Salvadore Dali's work though. His Swans Reflecting Elephants is a favourite of mine.
Andrea is a lovely lady isn't she? I have been following her blog for years.
Glad you are feeling better, Sweetie, that's great news! Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteHi Rain, challenging theme this week! Your wildflowers out back look spectacular, it's likely you will have some healing herbs in there, hope you can find some that are useful to dry. I love seeing what's happening around your land - hummingbirds must be wonderful to watch. Betty
ReplyDeletecool. Love your moustache theme this week. They really grow them in the old Western days. :) Nice faces this week.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found out about the bees and that you are feeling better.
Love the bird feeders. Hope to see some hummingbirds soon.
And, yes, I have read your comments. Thanks. :)
The fact the hummingbirds are choosing to visit your feeders is a cause for celebration and joy. And if your other feeders are well patronized too then all is well with the world. I suspect that the bees would have been unlikely to sting, but if you have an inherent fear of them that's not much comfort is it. Glad you are feeling renewed, Rain.
ReplyDelete...I wish that my garlic looked as good as yours! I'll be back in the morning, take care.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling better! Lovely art it is funny how you can stump yourself on your themes!
ReplyDeleteGlad you're starting to feel your spirits lift, Rain!
ReplyDeleteFondue. It has been forever! Lots of fun things here. Happy week!
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear you are feeling better Rain.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thursday, thanks for today's prompt
I am so happy and relieved to hear you are feeling better and the string of bad luck has come to an end. Big hugs!
ReplyDeleteYes, this theme was a bit difficult for me until my cell phone rang with yet another spam call. Hee hee hee. So I went for that. I love you art and the mustache drawings. Ohhh your garlic is amazing. I just can't get it to grow here. Too cold and wet? Love that your hummers are around. You sound good. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that your depression has lifted and that you are back in action. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteThe food looks amazing and so does your garlic. Have a wonderful weekend.
ReplyDeleteI was lucky enough to visit the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL. It was a wonderful museum and I really enjoyed it. I also really loved the various mustaches you shared with us.
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally, on that same trip, a friend and I went to a fondue place for dinner. We were there for FOUR hours. We started with cheese fondue and all the goodies that go with it, including the best homemade bread, then went on to the main course, which instead of using oil, they used vegetable broth to dunk fish, shrimp, beef, and veggies. After that, we had the chocolate dessert fondue with all kinds of fresh fruits and cakes. It was rather expensive, but the experience was one I wouldn't have missed for the world because I'm a BIG fan of fondue, too.
Glad you got caught up visiting everyone and hope you have a great week, dear Rain.
Ahhh, the best news is that you are feeling on top of things again. "knock on Wood" is on of my favorite expressions. People look at me like I am strange when I say it, but it works to relieve me of my concerns about whatever is ailing me ... Knock on Wood again and here is hoping that those sad moments are a thing of the past and I must say It is great to have you back in the saddle again :)
ReplyDeleteYou have such an imagination and using the mustache as your source of invention is brilliant. I bet there won't be another like you in the bunch. I love Bugs as Salvador Dali and I bet (with your help) he will make a most accomplished artist :)And the Movie Tombstone ... you remind me of so many old goodies that I have forgotten. I loved that movie and all of the actors in it. I might have to dig up an old DVD if we have it and enjoy it again.
You make so many good cheeses and cheese dishes. Cheese is one of my favorite foods, but on my current Covid diet, I am only allowed 2 ounces per meal as my meat. Of course, I can't cut out meat so I am even more limited than that :( But, when I get my svelte body back, it will be worth it :)
I am flattered, even slightly embarrassed by the kind words you say in choosing me as your Highlighted artist. All the same could be said of you and maybe you are projecting your kindness and humor on me ... but for what ever reason, Thank you for your thoughtful words.
So now I expect you to come up with a recipe using blueberry honey ... you did, after all, contribute to the effort, right? Stay happy, Rain, it suits you and we are thrilled to have you back!
Andrea @ From the Sol
Grackles are the work of the Devil. We have them by the thousands here: they are loud, obnoxious, and generally unlovely.
ReplyDeleteYour garlic is amazing! So jealous!
The correct spelling is in fact moustache (at least, in my world). There really is only one: the handlebar. Being the proud owner of one (and one, I might add, that elicits comments from the most remarkable cross section of the population), I may also be biased...
Hi Rain! So happy the skies have lifted and you are back! I have had periods of melancholy that come out of nowhere all my life and I've learned FOR ME to just wait them out. Thank God, they always lift. Your post includes things I love too, anytime Tombstone is mentioned, I'm like, it's the BEST Earp movie, don't argue with me. Val over Dennis any day! hahaha And hey, Dali RE-invented art for sure, and that counts, right? Enjoy the rest of Spring up there and get your Vitamin D! XOX
ReplyDeleteSo pleased you are feeling lots, lots better :)
ReplyDeleteYour garlic and wildflowers have grown so well.
All the best Jan
I have finally caught up with everyone's blogs too. I was 2 weeks behind. My hubby has had a mustache for about 35 years and a full bear for the past 14 years. I don't mind it as long as it is taken care of. Bug bunny looks quite dapper with his 'stache.
ReplyDeleteSo pleased you are feeling better. Love your art and the food looks delicious. I so wish we had humming brds. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteHi Elke :) Thank you for knocking on wood for me!! I'll take all the luck/prayers/thoughts I can get! :)) The garlic is getting a little scary lol it's so high!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Elephant's Child :) Yes, Andrea is a doll, I really like her! Dali's Swans Reflecting Elephants is a favourite of mine too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Valerie :) I worked hard to climb out of the dark pit!! Been there too often and time is too short.
ReplyDeleteHi Betty :) Yes! I happened upon those wildflowers totally by accident. I was just walking around the edge of the property and boom, there they were. I hope I have time this summer to explore more of the plants and foliage back there!
ReplyDeleteThanks Monica :) We have so many hummingbirds...the trail cam doesn't quite capture them so I need to take some time and hide out behind a tree to photograph them! Yes...those Westerns and their mustaches, I love them! :)
ReplyDeleteAll is well in my world David! Thanks. Actually I'm not normally afraid of bees or wasps or any flying insect...but the ones that swarmed me were really attacking, hitting my head and my clothes...they followed me for quite a long while, it was unnerving. A beekeeping friend of mine said it could have been the extreme heat and also that part of the hive had been moved likely just before I walked there. But they're gone now and I'm grateful!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tom :) The garlic stunned me this year!!! I think it was the compost I grew them in!
ReplyDeleteThanks Christine :) I know...I stump myself. I have all these great ideas and when it comes time to draw, I get drawer's block!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Debra! :))
ReplyDeleteHappy week Jeanie! :) The fondue is a monthly staple here! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Gillena :))
ReplyDeleteLet's keep hoping Martha :)) That string of bad luck was quite disturbing! But it seems over!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nicole :) Oh that spam, very annoying! Honestly I think it's the compost that helped the garlic. And you definitely have more rain than I do. It's still a bit of a mystery to me!
ReplyDeleteThanks Gigi :))
ReplyDeleteThanks Kristina, enjoy your weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Elizabeth! :) Oh I'm envious of you visiting the Dali museum! And your fondue dinner! I wonder if I could even have room for chocolate fondue after all that!!! The broth fondue is called a "hot pot" or a "Chinese fondue"...we have that a few times a year as well!
ReplyDeleteHi Andrea :))) Thanks for the knock on wood!! I just did it again lol...I hope you dig up your old Tombstone DVD, I could watch that movie every weekend...the build up scene during the thunderstorm gives me chills!! :) I hope you get your svelte body back so you can have more cheese lol! I want to lose weight too, just a little, but I can't bring myself to limiting my cheese more exercise it is! Ha! Yes, I guess I did contribute to the blueberry honey lol...and I'm very happy to have highlighted you, every word I said was true and I know many other people feel the same way! xx
ReplyDeleteLOL TB...I have to agree with you about those grackles, they are squeaky and annoying and they eat everything! Oh nice that you have a handlebar moustache!!! Love those. Alex has one too, and he's grown out his beard, I do like facial hair on a man!!! The garlic...all I can figure is that it's the compost that I used to plant it in. I've never seen it grow that much!
ReplyDeleteThanks Aimeslee!!! Oh yes, Tombstone to me as well is the best Wyatt Earp movie...every cast member was brilliant! Still gives me chills when I watch it!! You are so right, a re-invention is still an invention lol! :) I'm out getting Vitamin D daily now! I'm also very grateful these depression episodes don't last long anymore...though 6 weeks is still long for me!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jan :) I do feel a lot better!
ReplyDeleteHi Marsha :) I agree that facial hair is much nicer when it's taken care of. Alex recently grew out a handlebar mustache and a beard too. I can't imagine him without it now!
ReplyDeleteThanks Wendy! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat mustache drawings! Your wildflowers are so pretty! Have a great PPF!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to know you are feeling much better dear Rain.
ReplyDeleteInteresting about the bees for the blueberry fields - agree you should be warned in future!
Have a wonderful weekend with sunshine and happy moments.
Mary x
Great post. No I have never sported a moustache. I always think that food gets lodged in them. Anyway, I couldn't be bothered with all the fuss of trimming it etc. I like to keep thing simple.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jean :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Mary, I hope you're having a wonderful day with lots of sunshine too! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you John :) I like simple too for myself...but I do like a nicely groomed moustache!
ReplyDeletegreat topics!
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & I'll follow you back. thank you.
Thanks Roseline :) I'll be checking out your blog. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling better, Rain! Your garlic looks amazing. What...? No critter shots? How are the guys and gals? Interesting on the bee hives to pollinate the blueberries. Blueberry honey sounds delicious. Have a great week. OH, by the way, my Hubby has a moustache, and he shaved it off once, long ago...Never again..he was a stranger without it!!
ReplyDeleteHi Rosalea :) The pets are all doing well! Thanks for asking! I'll have more photos next week...I got out of the habit of taking photos because of stupid google photos charging now, but I found a way to save them at home! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a funny, funny idea, dearest Rain. I love the thin mustache of Dali so much.
ReplyDeleteAnd I 'm glad ๐ hearing you feeling better than before. Yes, knock on wood.
Have a wonderful fine Weekend, sweetheart. Here it's very hot. We have summertime now.
Hugs ๐
Thanks Heidrun! :) Our summer is beginning here too, but not as hot as you are having right now! Thanks for the knock on wood! :) I hope you have a lovely weekend!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling better and what a lovely variety of creative artworks ~ Xo ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
ReplyDeleteLive in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thanks so much Carol! :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear you are feeling much better Rain, and I can hear your joy in this post! Fun art and such about the moustache:) Your food is always so yummy looking.
ReplyDeleteAnd the hummingbirds- yes, what fun they are to watch- and such a delight! We have had them coming to our feeders for over a month- and now the young ones are venturing around- playing, and yes, fighting a bit (getting territorial) as well chasing each other around. Happy PPF!
Hello Rain. Looking at your garden and knowing the time of year, I just knew you had new bird species to report. I love those tache drawings. Should have known they would be Western moustaches. I’m so envious of your garlic. I can’t get enough of the stuff but I’m not too popular when I indulge but hide it when I cook certain dishes. But plain roast garlic is a little strong I admit.
ReplyDeleteWe did the same thing, Rain! I bought a 6 terabyte external hard drive awhile ago, and so happy we got it! I have a hard time getting rid of my game camera videos, especially the ones with the new baby deer and turkey, and a black bear once in awhile! Lol ! So very happy that you are feeling better! Praying that love and light continue to heal and strengthen your resolve! Blessings to you and Alex and those fur babies from the ridge!
ReplyDeleteNice moustache drawings.
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda :) I do feel a lot better, glad it came out in my words! I love watching the hummingbirds and I've finally gotten used to their used to scare me lol! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Phil :) Oh I LOVE garlic and I guess I'm lucky so does Alex! We both enjoy garlic breath lol...I don't know what I'm going to do with all the garlic and the scapes, but I'll have to figure it out soon. I need to buckle down and stake out the bird feeding station so that I can get some nice bird photos for all of you!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Dino! I know what you mean about the trail cam photos...there are so many of them and I want them in good quality. Doesn't 6 terabytes sound insane? But I guess by today's standards, it's what we need! ♥ I think mine is an 8 terabyte. We have about 6 of them, but most were 10gigs, they are filled with tv shows and movies and we had no room left, I had to invest in one JUST for photos and videos!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lin! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you're feeling better! That makes sense that somebody just brought those bees in temporarily but yes they should definitely have put up some signs. I still use Picasa software is free and works great with Windows 10 which I have. I just save all my photos on the hard drive laptop and we bought an external hard drive as well where I back them up. I just don't trust clouds that much since they've been hacked into previously.
ReplyDeleteHello Rain,
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear you are feeling better! Your sketches are wonderful, I love your Bugs with the moustache. I am looking for another external hard drive for my photos, there are so many choices. I love watching the hummingbirds and the birds at the feeders. I like the shot of the bird coming in for a landing. The garlic looks like it is growing well. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!
Thanks Nancy :) You're right, there should have been a warning sign, mind you, I don't think anyone but me walks that trail. It's mostly used by quad people in the fall when they go hunting, so maybe they didn't realize it. I'll talk to the owner in August though. I don't trust the clouds too much either, but google photos was just so handy when it was free! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Eileen :) I'm so glad to have linked up with Saturdays Critters again! :) We buy Seagate hard drives, have done so since 2013 and they stand up very well. Thanks, the garlic is really growing like gangbusters! I can't wait to see what's under all of that greenery!!! :)
ReplyDeletesuch a pleasure to hear that you are feeling better dear Rain
ReplyDeletei am sorry i don't know you confronted with bees during your walk though i try my best to read each post by you and i think i do it
so nice to ask them for post warning signs
oh your plants are growing outstandingly wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loved the photos
stay safe and healthy and happy please !
Interesting fun post!
ReplyDeleteHi Baili :) Thank you! Things are very good here and I'm relieved the bees are gone so I can walk with the dogs again! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Shiju :)
ReplyDeleteWow, your garlic looks good and I love the view of the flowers in the woods. So glad you are starting to feel better, you've had a lot of worry with dear Jack - give him a tummy rub from me.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rosemary :)) I will give Jack PLENTY of tummy rubs for you!! :)
ReplyDeleteA wonderful post, Rain. I just read about your issue with the bees from the previous post. That sounds frightening but glad you are recovered. Take care and have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Bill! :) It was a very scary incident. But now I'm back in the saddle! :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband has a big mustache! I've never known him without it. He grew a beard during covid, but thankfully he shaved that off a few months ago, preserving the
ReplyDeleteGlad you are feeling better, Rain. Take good care of yourself! <3
Hi Rain,
ReplyDeleteIt's good that you're feeling better again.
My husband has no mustache and no beard luckily.
I think the food looks delicious.
I wish you a nice Sunday.
Greetings Irma
Your artwork is awesome, Rain! And I just love all the images you share about your life. Always makes me happy to see them. xo
ReplyDeleteThanks Pat :) I'm glad your husband's mustache is back without the beard for you! :) I can't imagine Alex clean-shaven anymore, I'm so used to the 'stache! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Irma :) Wishing you a nice Sunday too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Martha :) Glad to see your comment :) ♥
ReplyDeletePainting brings to comes to alive, well drawing Rain.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you are feeling better. Your invention challenge stimulated some very creative responses. I have had pencil moustache for many years but never knew it had a formal name. It started out reddish black and faded to white and for years has been barely visible. I don't have a good answer to "Why bother?" but keep tending to it anyway.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kenneth! :) I love the pencil moustache! Reminds me of Clark Gable! :))
ReplyDeleteold mustache cups always made me smile
ReplyDeletenice drawings....
ReplyDeletelove your garlics and garden... great.
Thank you for sharing videos
Some men look great with moustache. Your garlic plants are growing so well. I haven't tried growing garlic yet, maybe one day soon.
ReplyDeleteRain - so glad to see you return to Mosaic Monday! I have never heard of a mustache cup before - clever idea! My husband has had a mustache and goatee for over 25 years, and I really like it (good thing, right?) He keeps it trim - I don't think I could handle kissing him if it was too thick and bristly!
ReplyDeleteI love your art and I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better. Sensitive people are just that....sensitive! And we feel so much more than other people. Take care and keep on sharing your talents!
ReplyDeleteThey are cute aren't they Carol? :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Tanza :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy :) This is actually the first year that I've had such success with the garlic!
ReplyDeleteLOL Angie...thick and bristly isn't too appealing! :) I'm glad to be back with Mosaic Monday too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Diane :) I really liked reading your comment! :) We sensitive people can be misunderstood a lot of the time too.
ReplyDeleteWow the adventures you have. Bee careful
Thanks MB! Nice pun! :)))
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are feeling better! Like bug's mustasch, he wears it well.
Hello Rain! As a fan of Agatha Christie’s Poirot, I think Poirot (played by David Suchet) is the most charming with mustache. Mustache cup is new to me, nice invention out of necessity. Take care.
Thanks Soma :))
ReplyDeleteHi Yoko :) Yes!!! Poirot does have a great mustache! I'd forgotten about him! :)
ReplyDeleteDearest Rain,
ReplyDeletehaha, I think the sentence "Bugs is channeling his inner Salvador Dali" is great. I love Dali's art by the way - I would like to be able to paint like him - at least a little. (And I could definitely be so crazy ;-)) You're so creative that you went from bugs to mustaches. The mustache cup is amazing :-DDD
So nice that your hummingbird feeder has a lot of customers - I love these tender little birds!
I am very happy that you are back and feeling better every day and that the pets are healthy: That's really wonder-wonderful!!!
Hugs, best wishes and thanx so much for visitin my blog,
Hi Traude! :) A little bit crazy is a good thing. Dali definitely had it! I'd love to have his imagination. Yes, things are so much better, thanks for your comment! ♥
ReplyDeleteI cherish Andrea too, your highlighted Blogger, she is such a great supporter even of little old me on the other side of the world, As are you Rain. Glad to hear you are 'back' your zest for life is shining through!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week
Wren x
Bugs has whiskers and now a mustache! Do you remember in old TV shows how a mischievous person would draw a mustache on someone's picture? I'm not sure why but it was funny. I know some guys are really into big mustaches. In the 80s I recall mustaches were quite popular with some of the leading actors. The late Burt Reynolds comes to mind and of course Tom Selleck who I had a crush on. Back then I really liked mustaches and DH even had one for several years but these days I'd rather have his face nicely shaved. Mustaches are okay but don't have the same affect on me now. I think I recall seeing a mustache cup in a movie once and I thought that was the funniest thing. Fabulous portrait sketches of mustache wearing men!
ReplyDeleteHubs wore a mustache off and on when he was younger, and my sons have enjoyed trying them out. I am mostly amused by them. If they are neat/trimmed, I like the looks of a mustache. If they are not, I find them gross. The silly styles of olden days crack me up. I wonder... did people think handlebar mustaches were attractive in the day? Or were they just a fun thing men tried out to amuse themselves?
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Wren! :) I love our Blogging community, everyone really is very supportive!
ReplyDeleteLOL Cathy! I drew mustaches on things when I was a mischievous kid lol...I think that Tom Selleck wore the mustache VERY well!! Thanks for your comment! :)
ReplyDeleteI wonder Becki, they try out different mustaches like we try out different hair styles!!
ReplyDeleteI like a moustache and maybe a beard too! I keep my moustache off my face! LOL! Your garlic is amazing! Wow! I am so happy you are doing well! Keep everything one day at a time and love yourself!! Big Hugs!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Stacy! :) LOL at our moustache remark! :)