Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday Art Date: The Big Screen

Hello Friends, ๐Ÿ˜Š

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is The Big Screen. One of my favourite directors is Alfred Hitchcock; and one of my favourite actors is James Stewart. Mr. Hitchcock directed Mr. Stewart in the amazing movie Rear Window. Bugs Bunny insisted on posing for this tribute to the big screen!

When I came up with this theme last November (2019!) I didn't realize how much fun I'd have with it! I hope you will have fun too. What are your favourite Big Screen movies and who are your favourites actors/actresses?

I love Westerns! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is by far one of my favourite Westerns. In fact, it's categorized as a "Spaghetti Western" because it was filmed in Italy. The director, Sergio Leone is known for his close-ups. I decided to draw the three main characters this week for The Big Screen.

The Good: "Blondie" played by Clint Eastwood (Clint was at his best in these Spaghetti Westerns)

The Bad: "Angel Eyes" played by Lee Van Cleef. (One of my favourite actors that I refer to as "swoon" worthy!)

The Ugly: "Tuco" played by Eli Wallach (He is a villain and the comic relief)

Sergio Leone was also very big on the "Mexican" Stand Off at the end of his films. Here is a two and a half minute clip of the end of the movie with the close-ups and stand-off that inspired my drawings. (Don't watch it if you intend on watching the movie!!!)

Another wonderful actor who I adore is Edward G. Robinson (see?) ๐Ÿ˜Š Mr. Robinson was not only a great actor, he was a lover of the arts, a connoisseur of Fine Art who collected many beautiful and rare paintings. He was also an accused Communist during the black-list era - the Hollywood/political version of a witch hunt. Boo.

He starred in many of my favourite films. I drew this picture with ink and graphite as he posed for his role in Little Caesar (1931) He was often type casted as a gangster - which I find funny because he's so eloquent, soft-spoken and sophisticated!

Daily Art!! I'm participating in Alexandra's Instagram drawing challenge called The 25 Days of Christmas Doors. I decided to do 25 days of Looney Toons Christmas Doors.  Here are the first two, Speedy Gonzales and Henery Hawk. If you have an Instagram account, why not join in?

The dogs: Charlie, Marlene and Jack (hidden under the pillow!)

Oscar and Jack - back to back keeping each other warm during a nap

I ordered these stickers to put on my cheeses! Aren't they cool?  ๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties?

Friday December 4th: Paint Party Friday
Saturday December 5th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday December 7th: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more The Big Screen artwork! 


December 10th: Next Thursday's theme is Cubism. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Would it surprise you to know that as much as I don't like scary things, I don't think I've watched a Hitchcock movie I didn't like. Of course, I probably haven't seen them all, but still... I'm pretty fond of the ones I have seen. :) Some of my favorite movies aren't the most well known, and I've never seen them on the Big Screen, but they would sure be fun to. Movies like Adam's Rib, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, the original Cheaper by the Dozen, The Thin Man movies. Myrna Loy is definitely one my favorite actresses from years ago, and favorite long ago male actors would include Jimmy Stewart, Burt Lancaster, Ray Milland, Spencer Tracy... Okay, I need to stop. Thanks for inviting me to take a trip down memory lane. :)

  2. I love how Bugs has replaced James Stewart in Rear Window. He does a good interpretation, too.

    Wow, oh wow. I love your incredible Good, Bad, and Ugly drawings. You draw SO well. I'm totally impressed with these three and your drawing of Edward G. Robinson, too. You have definitely captured their "look."

    How great to see all the "critters" sleeping together. And I should know better than to come here hungry. YOur green bean casserole looks better than the one I made on Thanksgiving.

    Your stickers are so adorable. Great way to keep track of the cheeses, too.

    I'll be by very soon to link up. Right now, I need to find something to eat (grin).

  3. Fantastic movie pieces Rain you are a real movie buff! Nice to see Bugs on the big screen too. The food looks delish.

  4. dear Rain your art is astonishingly improving each day i can see
    these faces drawn by you are exquisitely done :) wow !!!!

    thank you for sharing memories and favorites ,i still love watching old movies ,Kirk Douglas ,John wayne Elizabeth Taylor and many others were my favorite :)
    i still feel captivated by scenes like you shared in video :)

    loved the toons through your art ,they are always close to heart indeed
    more blessings to you and Alex !

  5. Lovely post, great photos of your four footed family members, and the food looks great as always. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Morning Rain, what a great theme to start off a new month.. Happy December. Westerns were always watched by my family as a child and those words *Hey Blondie* will be an unforgotten catch phrase hee hee!! Love the chalk drawings especially, wasn't they a handsome bunch. Sending hugs & cuddles to the fur babies Tracey xx P.S Your lasagna looks delicious!!

  7. I really don't do the big screen, but love your take on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - which even I have seen.
    Love your blissed out furry companions too. And your food has me drooling. Again.

  8. I feel ill-equipped to comment on this post, never having been a fan of movies, and not having the experience of the spaghetti westerns you write of, but your renditions of the actors are terrific. I will look forward to seeing what you do with cubism as a theme.

  9. Hi Rain. I like all of the actors you mention. But the favorite is Clint Eastwood. He was also directing many of his own.
    But I am not really a fan of going to moves nowadays. There is only one in my town and they don´t show the movies I would like to see.
    I love what you created for Alexandra´s challenge. To bad I can´t draw really. :(
    Take care.

  10. Happy Thursday Rain, thanks for taking me on a trip down memory lane


    much love...

  11. You are so good at so many things!

  12. Your art is always just amazing Rain! Love all the fur babies and as always your food looks incredible - yummy!

  13. I love your Bugs this week and your Good/Bad/Ugly drawings are sport one (what a fine movie!).

  14. Great drawings from the Spaghetti Western! WOW! Funny, as we watched a movie with Clint Eastwood lately, too, called Kelly's Heroes. And I really want a iece of that spinach lasagna. Looks so yummy! Have a great day!

  15. I just watched Rear Window last week...imagine that! lol We LOVE all of those old movies and even some of the old Westerns. Love your art. You have FUN with your art and that's great! Enjoy your day!

  16. Hey Rain. Your post is awesome. I too love westerns, oh heck I just like movies. Both Mr. M. and I so enjoy Lea Van Cleef and Clint. Hitchcock was a bear to work with but his movies are some of my faves. Wonderful art pieces they could be the movie posters.
    Edward G is fabulous too. Your really captured that little smirky smile Your Looney Toons just make me happy. I too like spinach in my Lasagna, but Mr. M. doesn't so it is a half and half situation. LOL Have a wonderful day.

  17. The post is great and the dogs with cat is very sweet!The drawings are so wonderful!
    The food is so delicious!
    Have a good time, hugs Elke

  18. Wow! You have been busy! (art-wise)
    My favorite Eastwood movie was Two Mules for Sister Sarah. When he finds out MacClain isn't a nun, but a prostitute is hilarious.

  19. My favorite movie of all time was Gone with the Wind. You did a good job with your portrayals of favorite movie heroes.

  20. Wow Rain. You really excelled yourself with that Edward G Robinson ink & graphite. I’m completely hooked on this method you use to such great effect.

    I do remember The Good, The Bad and The Ugly but probably watched it soon after it emerged but not since so remember nothing about the film other than the inference from the title. For sure, you do have a great way of invoking nostalgia for boomers like me.

    Love those food stickers. The stickers alone will tempt the buyers! Did the mutts dine on your cooking the way they are sleeping so peacefully and dreaming of the next plate?

    I sent you a Christmas card and included a British bird.

  21. I don't often sit through a whole film as I get fidgety but I have loved all the Harry Potter films, total escapism and magic and wonder and my movie here therefore is Professor Snape! I like your art work this week - it's very good. The labels for cheese are fun - it looks very professional to have labels. Your wash basket reminded me of our new cat Mollie who has a new game, you put any of her small toys and balls in the basket and she spends ages pushing her paws through the holes in the basket, hooking a toy with claws and hauling it through, then she's off throwing and playing :)

  22. Love your "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" art!

  23. And coincidentally, my post today concerns a favourite movie, and although I didn't do it in response to your prompt, it does fit right in!

  24. always love seeing your art - characters - wow u did good. I always think I would enjoy whatever it is you cook.

  25. Me gustan tus perros te mando un beso y geniales cuadros

  26. looks like we had the same take on "BIG Screen." You sure have some sleepy critters at your place. I ure could go for a few lasagna rolls. Thanks for hosting.

  27. I know I keep repeating myself...but I always enjoy your artwork! And also photos of your fur babies. They all look so cozy...and happy!

  28. I always love Jimmy Stewart! I loved Hitchock too! My mom had a neighbor years and years ago who is married to Edward G Robinson stuntman/double. Funny! Boise pets always love to stay under blankets and things to stay warm. Winter is here! Are you guys getting any snow up there yet? It was 18 degrees Fahrenheit here this morning pretty cold but sunny

  29. Great choice of films and even greater portraits of your favorite artists. You are so good at capturing their distinguishing features. Your white on black is amazing. I loved all of the Spaghettis movies With Clint Eastwood. He had a way about him ... :) Of course Bugs makes the perfect Jimmy Stewart second. I love the picture of Oscar and Jack together. My Izzi thinks she is one of the cats because she grew up with them. They play together, but they don't sleep together because the bed is too hot for Izzi. The Spinach Lasagna rolls are to die for. They look good enough to pick off of the page. You are posting on Instagram :) I still haven't figured out how to do to. Your nontechy friend ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  30. Love the Hitchcock movies!! Your variety of art styles is amazing and I love it all- especially the drawings of the men-wow!
    And somehow I always end up leaving here hungry:):)
    Love seeing your fur babies too. I so miss having a dog. Happy PPF!

  31. Great choice for amazing portraits!

    by EAGHL

  32. What a fun post! Love those old movies. And "Rear Window" is one of my favorites!

  33. Bugs is so cute! You are an amazing artist and an amazing're just an amazing woman! I love James Stewart too, but Clint Eastwood has always been my heart throb! Oh my goodness! Your drawings of him are wonderful. Always love seeing your sweet animals.

  34. Rear Window was amazing but also amazing is the idea of Bugs in that starring role haha. That’s a sweet drawing of Edward G., too. He was such a great persona in the movies!

  35. Hello Rain,
    I always enjoy seeing your Bugs Bunny art work. The sketches are amazing, great series on Clint Eastwood. I like James Stewart, Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart are a few I can name right off as favorites.
    Your dogs and the kitty look very comfy. Cute furbaby photos. Your meals look yummy, I just made the green bean casserole for our Thanksgiving dinner, it is yummy. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  36. Lovely art.
    I enjoy the Clint Eastwood Westerns.
    Your food looks delicious.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  37. Haha, Bugs Bunny in Rear Window is a fun idea! :-DD
    You ask about the big screen movies we like. I have a wide range - from "Once Upon a Time in the West" to "Avatar", "Apocalypse Now", "Groundhog Day" and "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" to "The Shape of Water" (and these are by no means all the films I really, really like :-)).
    Your four-legged friends are adorable and look very relaxed - that's a good thing!
    Hugs and best wishes

  38. All very creative work ~ talented!

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  39. My favourite is 'the bad', and bugs is looking very cute this week.

  40. I remember seeing The Birds in a Film as Lit class in high school. Once, we had a small infestation of mosquitos in our SF apt. We were sleeping with mosquito nets and woke up 2am in the morning to see at least five clinging to the net; I felt then I was in a Hitchcock movie!

  41. Oh now how I want to spend a whole day watching old movies. .... I will, however, wait until it starts raining because I’ll end up hating myself if I completely miss the last of the sunshine. .... I’m not artistic at all, but I enjoy your drawings so much. I grew up on comic books, so all your cartoons are blasts from the (long-ago) past. I wonder whatever happened to my collection!

  42. Bugs bunny is one of my favourite cartoon characters. Cute furry pets and delicious food.

  43. I'm still laughing at Bugs Bunny doing Rear Window

  44. Not only do you have great taste in movies, you are a great artist.

    My favorite movie of all time is Chinatown with Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway.

  45. it's always so fun to read about someone's movie favorites!! you are an excellent artist, those lasagna rolls look yummy and i am sure you will put those stickers to good use!!

    i am green beaned casseroled out!!! but yours looks good!!

  46. Happy Monday Rain, you visited while i was editing mode. I just finished the posting


  47. Perfect art, and I love the dogs and cats, beautiful.

  48. Love how your did your western characters, really adds to the feeling of being western.

    Your deer is a fun piece too, quite creative.

    Your card arrived yesterday, such a sweet surprise, thank you so much!

  49. Wonderful post, Rain. I love those movies especially Rear Window which is one of my favorites. Excellent art, you have tons of talent. Thanks for sharing.

  50. You are a very talented artist! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello...I love to meet new bloggers.
    Have a super week!

  51. The good, bad, and ugly drawings are quite intense and very nicely done. I really like them. Your babies looked so sweet and spoiled :) Read your last post...what a time you've been having. Glad all appears better now, and am wishing you the best this holiday season.

  52. The G, B U is one of my favorites of the old westerns. You did a fabulous job as always.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  53. Hello, Rain. Your art is wonderful. Dogs in their relaxed posture made my heart warm and your cooking look so delicious. I’m afraid Western hasn’t been my cup of tea, but of course I know the name Clint Eastwood. Now I learned a little about Western from your fond memories. I found it interesting, you call a movie filmed in Italy “Spaghetti Western”, while we call “Macaroni Western”.


  54. i also love western movie too, especially cowboy series. it's look very cool

  55. Rain - I do enjoy Clint Eastwood; he has aged well and I think some of his later films are fabulous - The Mule, Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby. Tom Hanks would be at the top of my list. Matt Damon. Harrison Ford. I love anything with Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep, and Judi Dench. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday and making me pause for a moment and consider my favorites.

  56. Rain,

    Your Bugs sketches always makes me smile. Great job on your take of REAR WINDOW. WOW, I'm lovin' your charcoal designs of some of the most famous western heroes and villains. Nice job on Edward G. Robinson, too. You do fabulous work capturing true character likeness. Oh, I love your Speedy and the little chicken hawk illustrations, too. You're just busting at the seams with talent, girl! Although, I did not link up last week, I did illustrate Ebenezer Scrooge. Hopefully, I'll have get a chance to join the art party this week. Have a great week, my friend!

  57. Your dogs look so cuddly. In fact, I think I would crawl in with them.

    I have a favor to ask of you. I am compiling my family and community short stories with the hope that they become my book: In Preacher's Creek at

    If you can, would you pop over and read some of my newest posts? I enjoy your site and decided to capture your writer's eyes to look at this site.


  58. Rain - thanks for your question about the martini. We use Jim Beam for the bourbon. The first time he made it, he used Honeycrisp Apple Juice. Now he is using a generic brand of apple cider, which reduces the sweetness. We like the second version better. Enjoy!

  59. Hi Rain, Thank you for sharing this interesting post. I loved seeing the focus on Clint Eastwood. I have watched Where Eagles Dare about 50 times! :-) Absolutely one of my all time favorite movies. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment about my hummingbirds. Hope to see you again at John’s Island. :-) Have a happy day. John

  60. First of all, I love your stickers! So cool! Your art is fantastic! Bugs Bunny in Rear Window! LOL! Give your fur babies a hug from me! The Spinach Lasagna Rolls, I would love to make! Big Hugs!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!