Thursday, October 8, 2020

👻 Thursday Art Date: Scarecrows 👻

Hello Friends, 😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Scarecrows. Isn't Tweety Bird cute in his scarecrow costume? He's too adorable to scare away any crows though! 😊 This Monday is Thanksgiving here in Canada and I have a great meal planned! I'll be making my Thanksgiving Poutine - with a special dessert. I'll post about that next Thursday!! I'm SO thankful for everything I have in my life...I am filled with gratitude. 💕💕

This ink/graphite drawing was inspired by the scarecrow in the very spine-tingly-dingly movie Jeepers Creepers. You really don't want to know what's under that hat my friends! My October of horror movies marathon has already started! Such fun! 👀

I'm pretty dang proud of this white charcoal drawing! It's my tribute to the amazing Ray Bolger who played the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz. I'm starting to feel like myself again, loving every art medium I can get my hands on!! I drew this while sipping white wine and listening to 80's music, ain't that the life? 😃


Four Corners of Fur

LOTS of road trips the last week...not only did my car break down (starter motor) but I also got a flat two trips to the garage. I brought Jack with me on one of those trips and he really enjoyed seeing the cows at a nearby farm!

Alex and I had an afternoon picnic at the river. We saw so many eagles and on the way home, saw these white-tails. They are so lovely!

October sunsets are stunning!

During one of my road trips, I scored on pumpkins and gourds! 

I hired a blacksmith to make a lid for my burn barrel. After my neighbour's house burned down back in August, I've been paranoid about embers flying out of the burn barrel. The blacksmith did an amazing job and only charged me $60 for this lid. 

Since we moved in May, my cooking/baking mojo has really been lost...but it's B-A-C-K!!! I made a Pizza-Ghetti the other night, woof...this is filling and delicious!

I'll leave you with this 4-second video of a great dollar store find! I'm in the Halloween spirit alright!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more Scarecrows artwork! 

Today I'm liking up with some lovely bloggers, please visit them if you're interested!

Friday October 9th: Paint Party Friday
Saturday October 10th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday October 12th: Angie's Mosaic Mondays


White Ink Mummy

October 15th: Next Thursday's theme is Supernatural. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. I love all your scarecrow art! Plus the Mummy at the end! And of course your dollar store find, LOL

  2. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, dear Rain. Sorry I've been MIA, but I'm finally back online and haven't had any problems since AT&T moved my phone/internet box. Catching up is a bit hard, though.

    I have to admit, you and I were on the same wavelength this week, but your Ray Bolger scarecrow is simply out of this world. VERY impressive.

  3. LOVE your furs. The colour - and your art.
    Stay safe, stay well - and a big hooray for gratitude, the gift which keeps giving.

  4. Wonderful collection of scarecrows here and in the inspirational post! Have a great weekend!

  5. Nice Work. No Internet Here. Have a great day

  6. Hi Rain, you have all reason to be proud of your Scarecrow from OZ. I recognized him immediately.You did a great job on him.
    Lovely nature and glad you saw the deer and eagles. But car troubles are not fun. :(
    Nice to see you now have a safety lid to your burn barrel.
    Glad you are in a good mood. Maybe I shall take a glas of wine when doing art. Seem to work fine. :)
    Take care.

  7. The scarecrow and the autumn season and everything that goes with it is a few sizes bigger than ours. Creepy with it. I am winking for the gentle and natural natural autumn. Like your car ride with Jack and the cows or the deer, oh wonderful nature with you and this sky.
    Hopefully it's better now that nothing breaks with you.
    The pumpkins are great and the normal scarecrow.
    Your dogs have a real place to cuddle in this weather.
    ooo the food would be just the piece of pizza or just the other but all two laugh my poor belly!
    Süss rain with skull lights gg
    have a happy week, hug, Elke

  8. Happy upcoming Thanksgiving to you, Rain! That is a beautiful sunset picture. Also, the burn barrel cover is very practical and a good price to pay. -Jenn

  9. Happy TG back at you! Love that Tweety bird. Your art, as usual is amazing. Lovely pics. You sure have landed in a beautiful spot. Glad you guys and the critters are all well, and you have your mojo back! That is a super lid for the burn barrel. Are your neighbour's rebuilding?

  10. Rain,

    Tweety looks so adorable as a scarecrow. I love your desing! That spooky scarecrow I would not want to see on a dark night, no thank you! WOW, you did a great job on the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz!! You're so talented, girl. Those critters of yours look so lazy. The one starring out the window is longing to be outdoors, I think. The countryside in your neck of the woods is beautiful. I can see fall's colors in the landscape. Nice shots of livestock and wildlife but my favorite is the sunset picture - beautiful! I'm happy you got a cover made for your fire pit. That should put your mind at ease. Oh, yum your meal looks fabulous. I'm going to check out your recipe. I had to laugh at your Dollar Store find. :D You're getting into the spirit of things, aren't you? lol Have a doodletastic day and thanks for hosting this wonderful artsy community.

  11. I want four corners of fur too!! your pets look so relaxed and part of your home. I think your surroundings are spectacular, good to see you out exploring your land. The scarecrow was fun and a good theme this week - I am really looking forward to supernatural week :) Betty

  12. Sorry about the car trouble. My favourite is the Ray Bolger whit charcoal, but very creative pieces all of them.

  13. Have a nice Thursday everyone


    much love...

  14. Fabulous art my friend. That charcoal turned out perfectly. I love where you live. It is so pretty and full of like. Sorry about your car. Yay cooking is back. LOL. I don't know what is on your list of scary movies but you need to add Dead Birds with Henry Thomas, and the 30 days or night movies. There are 2 that I know of. Jeeper Creepers is a classic now. I like the sequels too. Have a great day.

  15. Did I write 30 days of night? That is the name of the movie. LOL

  16. Isn't car trouble a royal pain in the butt?! Love your scarecrows and Four Corners of Fur! Only in Canada, Thanksgiving poutine ~ LOL. I'm sure yours will be delicious. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Alex, Rain!

  17. Your sketches are wonderful. You are really skilled!

    Have a fun Thanksgiving. It makes more sense to have it now instead of right up against the December holidays. But Canadians always make more sense.

    be well... mae at

  18. Thanks my lovely friends!! :) Just wanted to answer a few questions:

    Rosalea - yes, my neighbours actually ALREADY rebuilt. They bought one of those pre-fab cottages that sits on posts. I think the only thing left for them to do is get the electricity set up and they'll be home for Thanksgiving.

    Nicole - thanks for the suggestion for Dead Birds, will have to look for it! I've seen 30 Days of Night, that was a really good one, going to download it again, and yes, there is another one 30 Days of Night: Dark Days - haven't seen that one yet!

  19. Your top art is so cute, has me smiling.
    I wish you a lovely celebration on Monday.
    I remember you mentioning saving up to have your own home and you did it. I feel so proud of you.

  20. Who doesn’t love The Wizard of Oz? Your drawing of Scarecrow is super. Next time you sip that wine, will you be doing Cowardly Lion? He was/is always my favorite of the three. Happy Thanksgiving on Monday! Glad I came to visit today even if I’m early for the celebration.

  21. I love everything about this post.
    Great art, great photographs, great food ...
    Definitely a G R E A T post.

    Happy Thanksgiving Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. The drawings are wonderful (and talented) as always. The Scarecrow in the Original Wizard of Oz books is actually quite like Bolger's adaptation: a little foolish, perhaps, but very warm hearted.

    I find it very cool that you found a blacksmith to make something.

    "Although it does not
    mindfully keep guard,
    In the small mountain fields
    the scarecrow
    does not stand in vain"

    - Buddhist Priest Bukkoku (1256-1315)

    Are there traditional foods for Canadian Thanksgiving like here in the US?

  23. Happy Thanksgiving this coming Monday Rain, i'm so very happy to read those words that you are loving every medium, now that;s the creative spirit we all love to hear!! Fabulous work.. i'd be dang happy to have produced that awesome white charcoal piece too, he's my favourite of them all.. Sorry i'm late, Thursday's are my biggest of care day's. Just happy to be able to link up today.. Happy Thursday hugs Tracey xx

  24. I envy anyone with a rural lifestyle though I know it is not always easy. I love going to my sister;s family farm. Enjoy the rest of your week, stay safe and thank you for visiting my blog this week.

  25. ...Happy Thanksgiving and how I'd love some poutine!

  26. The burn barrel lid is great. Looks study enough to hold a cast iron pot or pan for cooking!

    It looks like you're really in the thick of autumn. Beautiful photos. Truly Thanksgiving-like.

    Your Wizard of Oz Scarecrow has a better expression on his face than Ray Bolger! As always, your art work is inspiring. :)

  27. Hello Rain! Lovely lovely photos and love your cute video! Your artwork is amazing! Very lovely! Your Barrel burner lid is amazing. Definitely good to be safe. Your food! So delicious looking. I love all your animals. They are so cute and lovely. Sending you lots of hugs! Have a beautiful weekend. Loving all your nature photos. :)

  28. Oh my goodness, Rain ... you have blossomed. I know it is not the time of year for blossoming, but you have risen above it all. Every picture you painted was as great as the last. Love Tweety and his little crow friend. and your scarecrow is oh sooooo creepy. I would be willing to bet he scared off more than crows. But, your Ray Bolger is the piece de resistance! A perfect take on him and I love the white on black pastels.
    Your four little fur babies are adorable. I had four fur babies on my bed, but now we are down to three ... so sad. Your pictures are awesome. My daughter loves the white tail deer so I had to show her your beauties. Where did you find a blacksmith ... I thought they were a thing of the past. The grate (cover) he made for you is awesome ... a talented artist in his own right. And don't get me going on your food ... I have missed your food, but now that it is here, it just makes my mouth water and my brain tell me I need to eat ... and trust me, I don't need to eat. This Covid 19 period has been a disaster for my weight. Bored and locked in a house with food ... OMG. But, I digress. This was a most impressive post, Rain ... YOUR BACK!!!

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  29. You know I love the Wizard of Oz and i have to have a good talent there lady! You have advanced so much in the last couple of yrs. Great job on all above! Your pics are beautiful. Looks like an amazing place to live and I am sure you are loving it..

  30. Hi Rain, have a great PPF and a happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  31. oh my dog, the four non touching dogs sleeping together cracked me up. It's looking pretty up your way and the food fest!

  32. I love this post, Rain. The Tweety Bird is hilarious. So sorry about the car trouble. If it isn't one thing, it's another. Your spaghetti and pizza look delicious.

  33. Happy Thanksgiving, Rain!
    It looks wonderful in the Maritimes. I am originally from the Maritimes.
    Missing home, but catches glimpses of it through you beautiful photos.
    I love tweety and the crow. So cute!

  34. I adore your scarecrow art-especially Tweety:)
    Beautiful autumn scenery- love the animals especially- and your four corners of fur babies- so sweet!
    Happy PPF, and Happy Thanksgiving Monday Rain!

  35. Your scarecrows are terrific, Rain. And I especially love that picture of Jack looking at the cows from the vehicle. I wonder what was going through his mind... Happy Thanksgiving!

  36. Oh your surroundings are breathtakingly beautiful dear Rain :)))

    that sky image hold me for looong ,powerful capture ,dear and cows are captured so nicely

    your scarecrow art seemed fascinating :)

    tributary art is also fabulous ,i am so happy that you are feeling yourself and enjoying the each form of the art ,so am i as it is magical weather here :)
    oh your food makes me feel hungry always
    best of luck for all tasks remained my friend !
    hugs and blessings!

  37. oh how can i forget to mention that you look like an adorable little girl with these lights on head :)

  38. Hello, Rain,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. The Tweety bird greeting is cute. I had problems with Mr Linky working this morning,so I went with a new link tool. I loved the Wizard of Oz movie, great charcoal drawing of the Scarecrow. Your furbabies all look very comfy in their corners.
    Sorry to hear about your car problems, I hope all is well now.
    The picnic at the river sounds great, nice sighting of the deer.The sunset is gorgeous. Love the pumpkins! Pizza and pasta two of my favorites, yum! Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you!

  39. I love these!!
    It sounds like you are getting back on track. Good for you. You work so hard.

  40. These are fun holidays for art and crafting! Love the beautiful deer you saw and I love getting out for a day trip. Sorry you've had car troubles though. That would have unnerved me! Enjoy your weekend!

  41. I really enjoyed seeing your enthusiasm for scarecrows...and all the critters in your post Great idea with the burn barrel...

  42. Wonderful art. Thank you for sharing.

  43. Happy belated Thanksgiving. I love Tweety as a scarecrow. I was thinking you has a new, bright idea with that headband.

  44. Always love your artwork, Rain! And photos of your fur babies, of course. You are living the dream, my beautiful friend. So happy for you xo

  45. Wonderful scarecrows - the first is so atmospheric, and you're right to be proud of your Oz-inspired graphite sketch - it's fantastic. What a stunning skyscape - and a scary mummy! Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving celebrations and happy PPF too!
    Alison x

  46. Great art work. It really has lit the old spark in me to begin drawing again. It's been so long. (I was an art major many years ago)
    I might join you...we shall see.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  47. I did so enjoy your drawings. And Happy Thanksgiving to you! Have a grand week!

  48. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Alex. I know you will have a wonderful meal for you celebration this year as you have a lot to celebrate! As you know, we still have a few weeks to go for our own and are looking forward to celebrating here at home for the first time in many years. It's not just because of the pandemic and not traveling to see family, but we had been planning to do this before everything went downhill, and we're home for Christmas too and getting a tree again!

    I really enjoyed all of the artwork Rain, but the Ray Bolger scarecrow was my favorite in this post! Sorry to read about the car woes (again). Jack looked so comfy in his jacket while looking at those cows, the fur corners of fur was cute too. GOod idea to get a lid made for the burn barrel to be safe and not regretful.

  49. You know I'm a fan of all your beautiful art, and love looking at the scenery. Hugs, RO

  50. Rain - happy Thanksgiving! I can't decide if I like the idea of that Thanksgiving poutine, or if it's a heart attack on a plate! Your art is fabulous, especially the charcoal drawing. I love everything about the Wizard of Oz! Well done to get a lid on your burn barrel - I can't tell you how many of the wildfires in Montana this year were started by humans!!! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  51. Happy Monday Rain. I am at 12 on the Mosaic linky


    much love...

  52. i love halloween and this time of year!!!! pretty pumpkins and what a gorgeous sunset!! mr. peanut is so cool too!!

  53. Love your art work..It would be nice to have that talent..Great Scarecrow!!
    Where do you sleep??
    I love fall and winter sunrises and sunsets..gorgeous..
    Pizza-ghetti..looks yummy..
    Enjoy the Halloween Spirit

  54. The white charcoal drawing is wonderful and a great tribute to Ray Bolger. Also, it’s nice to see some scenes east of the country, especially from someone who has a name “Rain” that has a sprinkling of magic.

  55. I like your artwork. It is very different but so creative. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Your creativity obviously includes your cooking because I've never heard of a pizza-getti but I don't think I could eat all of that even though it looks very scrumptious.

  56. Beautiful art, beautiful animals, beautiful photos and more, thanks Rain.

  57. Oh wonderful ink drawings of the scarecrows!

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  58. As much as I love to take a pad and pencil to sketch when I'm bored [my sketches on my sidebar in a drop down menu]...I must say your Bolger Scarecrow is simply AWESOME! And the four corners of fur I had to literally LOL. Oh, and your cooking mojo return meal looks scrumptious!!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  59. Beautiful work Rain! I love the white scarecrow and all the lovely 'critters' photography. Canada has lots of arty people it seems!! I meet lots of Canadian artists online. Way to go!

  60. Great drawings. Love seeing your fur babies.

  61. Hi Rain, trust me to turn up just as you have regained your baking mojo - if there is cake on offer I'm there! Thanks for your visit to me at Phi Phi Island!
    Wren x

  62. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Rain!
    This is a beautiful picture of the sunset.
    Your sketches are great, you have talent.
    Greetings Irma

  63. Lovely Comics... by the way, I teach children to draw comics. We - my husband and myself - we love Comics and fantasy.

    Happy MosaicMonday and of course happy Thanksgiving, to you Rain and your family.

    Stay healthy and well.

  64. Love all the pictures. Gosh I just realized I havn't been here for a while. Fall is so busy ... panic mode before the snow comes ... lol
    I love all your pictures. The sunset is lovely, the lid ... I want one !!! Jack and the cows ... hahah, adorable. I love the picture with the deer. I know how much you enjoy them. I like then too if they only didn't always brake our fences :(
    I kinda gave up on my blog again :(
    It puts pressure on me to blog something, which stresses me I will stick with Instagram. Thats just about all I can handle hahah.
    I hope u enjoyed your poutine. We are still working on left overs.
    Ill be back tomorrow :)

  65. Love the scarecrows - the first one is especially eerie... Wonderful pictures as well, and your meal looks delicious, yum!

  66. Oh, to be young again and eat the meals you do :) I love this post, especially your photos of your trips and sweet pets. It's wonderful you enjoy your day so much...makes life a bit better in these times.

  67. The Scarecrow was always my favorite character in the Wizard of Oz! You drew him very well!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!