Sunday, July 5, 2020

Home Happenings...Water Well Solution?

Happy Belated Canada Day and Happy Belated Independence Day Friends!!

Alex and I finally had our Canada Day dinner! Watermelon and Feta skewers with strawberry-Goat cheese toasts on a layer of peach jam. Very delicious! I had a strawberry shortcake planned but we were so full, we're going to have that for dessert tonight. The strawberries are local and SO GOOD. I hope you all have a chance to get some local berries this time of year!

Fun news, I finally got my New Brunswick plates and license! I feel really at home now. I think Alex and I are going to toss the old Quebec plates into our burn barrel lol...

On my way to get my plates, there was some excitement. A young bull was loose on the road. There were many cars stopped, trying to help the wayward cow get into the pasture but it was really resisting. I was just about to get out and help when the bull ran my way, sideswiped the car and pushed in my driver's side mirror. Honestly, I was a little frozen with fear! Cows are BIG critters!! I decided at that point, best to leave this to people who know what they're doing! (No damage to the car, the mirror bounced back!)'s the deal with the well. Firstly I had a MAJOR pity party because a few days ago, we totally ran out of water for 6 hours. I ended up calling 4 well-drilling companies and one referred me to a farm supply store because I'd mentioned I couldn't afford to drill a well, and was thinking of water storage as an option. I spoke with a really nice man named Dave who is a plumber and finds water solutions for the local dairy farms.

Dave dropped by the other day for an inspection, which he didn't even charge us for. He told us that our jet pump only has the capacity to pull water from a well that has water at a depth of 25 feet (maybe even less because the pump is so old). When the water table falls below 25 feet, our damn jet pump can't reach it. It takes 2-4 hours on a good day for the water table to rise back up to the 25 foot mark so the pump can bring us water. And trust me, it's not a lot of water when the water table comes back. Dave definitely suggested a submersible pump, which sits at the bottom of the well and works much more efficiently than a jet pump.

So...knowing that, Dave said we had three options:

1. Dig a deeper well if our well was indeed only about 25 feet deep ($5000 - $12000). not an option

2. Install a submersible water pump as deep as the well goes so that we have a good amount of water all of the time EVEN WHEN the water tables are lower - but only if our well is at least 50 feet deep ($1500). ideal option

3. Install a submersible pump as deep as the well goes AND install a water holding tank for water storage IF our well is only say, 30 feet deep. We'd have to have water delivered a few times during the summer ($3000 - $5000). not such an ideal option

Yesterday we were weighing our options and budget when suddenly we ran out of water completely. We waited 8 hours, still no water. We called Dave and he came over this morning. He ran his 50-foot pipe down the well and it didn't hit bottom. I nearly cried with relief.

But...Dave thinks that it's deeper than 50 feet which is amazing news. The deeper the well, the more water is available; but he'll come back tomorrow with a new submersible pump and his "well snake" to find out just how deep our well has been drilled down. So it looks like we are going for our ideal solution #2. We should have water again tomorrow unless a dairy farm has an emergency. The farms are his priority and we are very okay with that. The animals need water too!

With a submersible pump we will already be doubling (or more) our water supply and we won't have to wait hours for the water table to return up to the level where our current LOUD jet pump can reach. Seriously folks, if you want to just play the above video for a few seconds, you'll hear what we hear about 10 times a day (the noise starts at 6 seconds into the video). Mind you, the pump is in the basement, but we can really hear it. A submersible pump...we won't hear it at all.

Dave is just like our realtor Bill. In fact, we said "he's a Bill" helpful, trying to find us workaround inexpensive solutions...he even brought us 15 gallons of drinking water today "no charge, just want to help you folks out". I feel blessed.

I had plans to go blog-hopping and create my art date pieces today, but instead, Alex and I have to dig a trench from the well to the house for the electrical wires for our new submersible pump.

Our next challenge is our new washing machine that seems to be broken, ugh...I'll keep that story for next Sunday! Chin up Rain...things are looking up! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. well, this is exciting news! i am really hoping this resolves your water problems!i just looked at my outdoor thermometer....90 degrees in the shade.

  2. It is really amazing how we tend to take water for granted. Just turn the faucet on and there is water. Your post is a good lesson for all of us.

  3. Such wonderful news about your well! That will be a relief not to worry about water.

  4. A submersible pump is such good news! I hope your water woes will all soon be over. Maritimers are the best people, no doubt about it.

  5. Wow, you have had some trials.since you moved. Yet everyone you encounter is so nice and helpful. Makes the trials seem a bit less. Good luck on the well depth. I am hoping for 100 ft.

  6. Your food looks great, yummy! Glad to hear you have a solution for your well, water is so important. You have nice people where you live. But keep away from cows! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  7. Wow well that's good news! Sounds like you have some really awesome neighbors or willing to help people out in a pinch. Sounds like your well is deeper and you have plenty of water. I would recommend adding more rain barrels, etc over time, because you just never know what the future holds as far as your water tables

  8. So many challenges to face on a new homestead! Hang in there! That is encouraging news about water possibilities. Sounds like Dave is a gem.

    I loved the picture of the bull fiasco. The cows all watching is hilarious. They were wondering if he could get away with it! LOL. Good idea to stay out of the way. Bulls (all intact male animals) need to be respected. They are powerful and unpredictable, especially if there are any females around that are in heat. Even though all my bucks are sweet and friendly, I never turn my back on them.

    Congrats on your new license plates! I know it feels good to truly feel at home.

  9. I am so very glad that you are finding the Bills and the Daves of this world. And a huge hooray for the ideal solution.
    Your dinner looked totally yummy too.

  10. Fingers crossed for you!

    We have well water too and I honestly had no idea how complicated it can be.

  11. Glad you were not hurt by that bull and stayed in your car. You are learning so much about water wells, it is interesting but hope this goes well for you, it sounds like it will. Then onto the washing machine.

  12. So many things happening that are great. That water pump is LOUD. Oh, and Happy belated Canada Day!

  13. There seems to be some very nice people there. I haven't seen that since we moved here. Not that some people aren't nice but everyone want big $$$$ for anything. Glad you are getting it fixed and so glad your well is deeper than you thought. Take it easy, one thing at a time. Oh and yes you are blessed.

  14. I am glad another Bill showed up in your life. It sounds like u will soon have enough water and wont have to worry about it anymore.
    The washer ??? Ugh ...
    Happy belated canada day ... the food looks delicious. I ate my first strawberry yesterday ... still waiting for my berries to ripen.

  15. Oh wow - that pump sound is really annoying! Glad that a submersible pump will solve your problems. Hope you get a good night's sleep after all the digging you've done today.

  16. We have had a submersible pump for 25 years. They are great! It is so frustrating to run out of water, even for a short period of time. We keep potable water on hand in case of emergency. Your food looks mouth watering. Yum.

  17. Sounds like you have a plan for your well. We recently replaced our washer drain pump. Have a nice week.

  18. I think you've found your paradise on earth, Rain! What a lovely bunch of people. Muuuuuuuuch different than where you were before :)

  19. I love to read about good people. Despite the water problems, you found a man who cares and has a solution to your problem. You found a perfect place to live.

  20. seems like every time you take a knock some really kind folk help out, I am so glad for you, you have certainly landed in a good place. The troubles you have are not the kind the average person in my neck of the woods encounters! yet you keep positive and cheerful throughout. I wish you lots more of that luck that is in this new place and lots of clean, fresh water!

  21. Your food looks beautiful!Great that the pump works! THis landcape is wonderful! you feel comfortable there!
    I wish you a good week, hugs Elke

  22. oh wow - about the water situation - ...hope the least expensive is that works for you.

  23. What a wonderful reminder that there are really kind people in the world - and what a good break (for once).

    Cows are, in fact, large animals. And dangerous, at least far more dangerous than folks think.

  24. Wow! Your Canada Day dinner looks amazing and very yummy.

    All the best Jan

  25. Oh your peach sandwich look tempting :)))

    happy independence day dear Rain !!!!!!!!!!!!
    i am happy for you that you got place where you feel more comfortable :)

    best of luck for water problem 8 hours is quite run without water ,Dave sounds kind guy indeed

    Sorry to hear that new washing machine is broken how it can be even possible ?
    you are amazingly strong person and i know you will keep looking up :)))

  26. Rain,

    Belated happy wishes to you on Canada Day, my dear! Your Independence Day feast sounds yummy! Cows are big animals. I'm a big chicken so I would've been in the car the whole time. I hope your well water situation improves soon. It sounds like you found someone who can help you with the problem, though. What a God send! Saying prayers and sending good vibes your way, my dear! Hugs!!

  27. So glad you were able to get financing for your well pump! A new washer and it won't work? Is it because of the water situation? I wish you luck but I remember when I first got my acreage there were all kinds of "unexpected expenses"! At least you are there and you have wonderful people around you!

  28. Just listed to the pump sound, Rain, and you were right about the noise. Glad to read that the new submersible one will not only be quieter but give you water..yeah! And what a nice guy Dave was in coming out to help and not charging and giving you options as well. You have really lucked out with some amazing folks and that's so nice to read.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!