Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Food and Pets Post - 👀 Googly Eyes 👀

Hi Everyone! 

Welcome to my Sunday Food and Pets post! How is your weekend going? Mine is going very well! I've been in my happy place all weekend - the kitchen! Halloween is only a few days away and I have so much to do, I hope I have time for everything I have planned. I made these edible Googly Eyes for some Halloween desserts!

Since I had great success with my 3-Month Cheddar, I decided to make a few more. One is a Farmhouse Cheddar (made to eat within a month or two) and the other will age for at least 3 months.

I got an American Cheese made too. This stuff is so delicious and it melts beautifully!

This is the season for comfort food! Creamy pastas are so good, like my Linguine Alfredo. Not only is this delicious, it's SO quick and easy to make! (Lots of butter and cheese Baili !!! 😊)

I had some salsa and sour cream leftover from my nachos last weekend, so I made some Breakfast Burritos.

This is a first for me, Italian Zabaglione. For those who don't know how to pronounce this (because I didn't!), it's za-ba-yoh-nee - I hope I got that right! It's like a custard or pudding and it's really delicious. I served it warm, but the next time I make it I'll serve it chilled.

The zabaglione went very well with my Almond Biscotti.

More comfort food: Cheese and Onion Bread. If you make this, I guarantee your kitchen will smell like heaven in an oven! We had this as a main course.

We dipped the bread in my warm, homemade Marinara Sauce.

As a side dish, I made my Fricassee Potatoes - though the bread was filling enough on its own - we had plenty of leftovers!

Cold autumn nights call for lots of blankets - Jack burrows under the covers every chance he can get!

Cat-stacking. :)

Here's a quick 24 second video of Jack and Marlene playing tug of war. Charlie seems to want to join in at the end, then loses interest! Jack is the one making all of the noise as he tries to pull my old slipper into his cage for safe-keeping. :) (Sorry it's so dark, it was before sunrise!)

See you on Thursday for our art date, the theme is Halloween! 💀💀💀  Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! (Cue scary music!!!) 😱😱😱


  1. Love this post, I don't know which food has made me drool more! It all looks sooooo delicious. And seriously, you make your own cheese? Respect! And lovely photos of your furry family, and your tug-of-war dogs. My dog used to play like that with me, such fun! I wish I could reach into the screen and sample each of these wonderful foods! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Everything looks so delicious, including the googly eyes!

  3. oh my goodness, just like siblings they are! You are an amazing cook, everything makes me hungry.

  4. Oh, comfort food. My favorite as long as it fills you up and makes you feel good and loved. I'm making sloppy joes with mac and cheese on the side. So good.
    Jack and Marlene's tug of war had what I would call a lot of trash talking going on while tugging.

  5. Everything looks so good! WOW girl!!! Big Hugs to your fur babies and big hugs to you! Love the video!


  6. YUM...

    What do you do with all that cheese?

  7. Mmmm... what deliciousness! And how adorable that you drew mouths under all the goggly eye cookies. I want to make some just so I can take a picture like that. The dogs look like they're having fun. Too bad Charlie was slow to join the action. ;^)

  8. Fabulous post.
    Your food looks so delicious, and your photographs are wonderful, they really make me want to reach out to the screen and taste it :)

    Really enjoyed the sweet video you included too.

    Enjoy these last October days.

    All the best Jan

  9. Rain, I can only visit your blog on a full stomach! lol

  10. Sooo, when can I get a reservation to your restaurant? How lucious.

  11. I want to eat at your house! You have some of the yummiest food!

    Your pups are so cute in action. Does Jack know he is half the size of C and M?

  12. you are so skilled and amazing dear Rain

    your energy is inspirational and attitude is foul lifting :)))

    this is GREAT GREAT post ,i loved all the yummy delicious and mouthwatering dishes you created here and believe me i found them IRRESISTIBLY INVITING!!!

    i think you will make me to eat lots of cheese soon lol

    can i ask you one thing friend
    how do you manage to not put on weight while food is rich and healthy (by the grace of God) ?
    haha jack made me laugh , i cannot be tired looking at this cute fight :)
    thank you for sharing the blessings you are blessed with my friend !
    i believe you are also a blessing :)

  13. Rain, I do believe those are the most delicious looking food dishes I've ever seen. Oh my gosh! It would be hard to pick which to enjoy first. No wonder Jack burrows under the covers, it looks so warm and cozy there. I love the little video. Dogs are so funny.

  14. Everything always looks so delicious at your place! Please adopt me, Rain. I'm quiet and I don't shed :)

  15. Thanks Valerie :) Yes! I make my own cheese! I started back in 2017, but had lots of difficulties...I gave up for a year, but decided to try again and I have a new supplier for ingredients. Everything is turning out great now and I'm really into it! :)

  16. Thanks Debra :) The googly eyes are yummy! (Not very good for you though!!)

  17. Thanks Christine :) I call Jack and Marlene "the twins" because they are always together!

  18. Thanks Laurie :) I love how the furries have bonded too. They were all shelter animals and it took some getting used to for all of us, but they really do get along and love each other!

  19. Lol Leanna...Jack does A LOT of trash talking during the tug of war, I guess it's to make up for his size! Ooooh sloppy joes and mac and cheese is the PERFECT comfort food!!!

  20. Thanks Stacy :) The dogs used to play tug of war only when me or Alex coaxed them, now they play on their own! It's very cute!

  21. Hi Sandi :) EAT it lol...actually we are pretty much vegetarian now, so cheese is a big source of protein for us. Most of the dishes I make have cheese in it and we love to snack on it!

  22. Thanks Becki :) Oh, you noticed my googly eye mouths lol! Charlie is ALWAYS slow to join in, then gives up too quickly...she'd rather be out in the woods chasing rabbits!

  23. Thanks Jan :) I started to take more care with the photos lately, and it's really a lot of fun! I want to present the food I make with as much love as I have when making it and eating it!! I can't believe October is nearly gone...time is going too quickly.

  24. Lol Leigh :) There's always room for dessert!!! :)

  25. Thanks Susan :) That was a nice compliment! :)

  26. Thanks Marsha :) I don't think Jack realizes he's smaller than the huskies, I think he THINKS he's bigger lol!

  27. Thanks Baili :) If you start eating cheese, I may have to start eating more vegetables lol! People ask me about my weight a lot. I basically only eat one meal each day. I have a fruit and yogurt shake in the morning but I don't have much of an appetite until dinner time. Most of the food I make is quite rich, but a few days a week, I eat mainly a low calorie veggie dish with some fish. I realized how much I love food and drinks, and I just can't be that person who diets. So in order to maintain a healthy weight, I exercise each day and I also limit my calories twice a week to about 700 calories (yes, I count them!!). The idea is that you "zig zag" your calorie intake so that your metabolism is always healthy and burning calories. It works for me and I don't have to give up my favourite meals!! :) I've been doing this for the last 10 years or so.

  28. Thanks Henny Penny :) If you can't pick, have all of them lol! I try to make my home very cozy for all of us since that's where we are 99% of the time!

  29. LOL Martha :) If you clean up after yourself, you're in! ;)

  30. Those food photos are awesome. I could practically taste them. Yum.

    I love cozy and I do it quite well. Yesterday my kitty had burrowed herself under the comforter. So cute and warm.

  31. oh man....that food looks soooo good! now i am starving! the pups are too cute. mine don't play with toys. it's not a chow thing. when they are really young they play with them a bit but that is it. they don't even look at the ones they have.

  32. all i can say is i would eat everything i see here - and probably have seconds on the linguini...and some of those cookies... and well I'm hungry.

  33. I love your meal pics. I love seeing what you have come up with and how YUMMY it all looks. I would be as big as a house if I lived there!! it is I am looking at the face I have gained 18 lbs since moms passing. Today I started making the decision and effort to watch what I eat and focus on my proteins, to stop over eating. I need to get back to eating plain and bland at least for a bit till I drop some of this extra weight. Been baking more then I should!!! Love Jack and Marley playing. Something about furbabes playing together that makes me so happy.

  34. That's the right combination Jenn! :)

  35. Thanks Debby :) I love cozy...I do it well too. I like to feel like my home is giving me a big hug all the time. It's funny, our cats rarely burrow, they love to be near warm things, but they don't like going under the covers!

  36. Thanks Joyce :) Jack is really the only one tied to the toys. The girls will play tug of war now and then but usually they just don't care!


  37. I'm glad my food photos make you hungry Sandy :)

  38. Thanks Pam :) I wish you lots of luck losing the 18 pounds, that's not easy. I had big plans to lose 20 pounds before Christmas, I lost maybe 12, which is pretty good, but most of that was lost during the time I couldn't eat because of the tooth! Furbabes playing is very pleasing!!

  39. Your food photos always makes me hungry. I would love to come over for dinner but I'll probably eat more than I should.

    Have a lovely day.

  40. Oh my gosh, I am starving now. I just sent My Retired Man out to get some tacos.because I am too tired to cook tonight. You have my respect for doing all that wonderful cooking.

  41. The cheese looks lovely.

    American Cheese. Sigh. The greatest embarrassment of American cheesemaking...Sin, Thy Name is Velveeta.

  42. Rain,

    I've always wanted to make biscottis. I saved your recipe and may finally get around to doing this perhaps in December. This would be an excellent idea for Christmas. Also, your Friscassee Potatoes sound delicious. I saved this recipe and want to try it soon, too. Yum! I did look at your American Cheese recipe. As fascinating as the cheese process is, I don't think I have it in me to try it. But, I'll keep it in the back of my mind as a possibility someday. :) Thanks for sharing, my dear!

  43. Thanks Lissa :) I eat more than I should too! :)

  44. Thanks Arleen :) I'd love to send out for tacos!!! We live way too far from any restaurant though. I don't even remember that last time we ordered out or went to pick up food! :)

  45. Thanks TB :) LOL...Velveeta...yes, that isn't cheese by the way, it's "cheese food" isn't it? :) The American Cheese is really good, it tastes like Velveeta, but it's REAL!! :)

  46. Thanks Cathy :) The potatoes are devour-worthy and so simple to make. The butter makes all the difference! :) The biscottis are simple to make too and you can add different things to them. Instead of almond extract, you can use espresso coffee, or orange extract, lemon zest...lots of fun things! I made them once with hazelnuts and Frangelico liqueur. One time with vanilla extract and pistachios!

  47. I is DROOLING!!! I would so love to try your cheese and to play with your fur babies.

  48. Rain, I must learn to never, ever read a food posts late at night when I should be in bed vs. salivating over the wonderful comfort foods in this post. I know we will be trying the biscotti recipe and that cheese onion bread sounds like another one. Tonight I made homemade pizza and using a cast iron pizza pan for the first time, but not the last.

  49. Hi! You sure do make a lot of yummy food! Good thing I don't live at your house. I bet your husband is so pleased. Nancy

  50. Love that video! makes me want a little dog all the more.. one day. Thanks for your comment on my blog, nice to know you're a pagan, my mother was, (also my grandmother) and so I guess I lean that way too. I feel closer to them on 31st that's for sure and will light candles for them. Blessings for Samhain.

  51. Thanks Stefanie :) It's fun here at home! :)

  52. Thanks Dorothy :) Oh I'm jealous! I don't have a cast iron pan and that's something I would love to have! The pizza in the pan sounds like it would be really delicious!

  53. Thanks Nancy :) Oh yes, Alex loves the food I cook! :)

  54. Thanks Betty :) Very cool that you lean towards Paganism. It's so natural to me to follow the seasons and honour the Earth. I do a Samhain ritual on the 1st, early in the morning, to celebrate my ancestry. :)

  55. I'll be back to snag some of these recipes, Rain! I loved the video!


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