Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜

Check out that foam! I'm a master with the milk frother! :)

I just wanted to say thanks for all of your encouragement and kind words my friends! Life is getting back to normal, we're unpacking what we started to pack, sigh! I'm looking through my cookbooks to prepare for the monthly shopping and I'm selecting which seeds I'm going to start this year for my garden. We won't be looking for properties again until the new year so we're going to try to get back to our beloved routines and enjoy life.

And in passing, I'm getting an INORDINATE amount of spam know them I'm sure, the escort services from the other side of the annoying. I deleted a load of them today and I'm hoping nobody's comments got lost in the shuffle!


  1. Back to routines is sometimes hard after a loss but onwards and upwards if we believe that universe has a plan then we should just sit back and let it ride lol best wishes to you my friend, here's to a wonderful summer!

  2. Thanks Laurie! :) Actually getting back to my routine is what's making me feel very safe and sane these days! :) I hope it's not too cool this summer!

  3. Sometimes the things you want most, come to you when you're not looking! I know those spam comments - why doesn't blogger do something about them? I have them in my moderated comments, in my spam comments, everywhere! You ARE the foam-master! I have yet to whip up a head of steamed milk anywhere near that height! xo

  4. Thanks Susan, you're so right! :) That's what happened when I met Alex, I was SO DONE with dating then poof! He popped up :) Milk Steam Queen! :)

  5. the mumbai escort has me down to my last nerve. if anyone ever figures out how to get rid of it i sure hope they share. i have to delete it every single day.

  6. It sounds like a good idea to take that break.

  7. That milk foam looks perfect!

  8. I see I have missed some difficult times for you ... but it would seem that you have landed on your feet and are about to be off and running again. I have been very busy. My Granddaughter has come here from Thailand and we are all enjoying the excitement and energy that a young lady can inject into your life. I do miss our art and Micheal and Alexandra. Do you think he will ever come back? If not I need to find a place that will stimulate my creative bent so I can start drawing again. I do miss our picnics. I think you are fine in your wonderful place and there is no shame in renting at age 50 ... You will make a home of joy and deliciousness wherever you are ... Smile and enjoy, it is Spring 2 to 3 days out of seven and it gets better every week.
    Even starting to plant flowers. Come to my empty blog and help me bring it back to life ... I have missed you, Rain :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  9. Thanks Stefanie :) I mix it with a bit of sugar and it's very sweet too! :)

  10. Joyce, do they really think we'll click on that?????????????????

  11. I agree Christine, I'm so burnt out by all of this! It'll be a nice relaxing summer, I already have delved into my Williams Sonoma's for recipe ideas!! :)

  12. Hi Andrea :) I miss the picnics too, but I'm still going to try to paint and draw and publish stuff here every week or more. The picnic was a good motivator, but I want to find that motivation inside of me :) I promise I'll be to your blog soon! I haven't had a spare moment for much lately, after this week, life should get back to normal a little bit! I miss you too!!! :) Enjoy your visit with your granddaughter!!! xxx

  13. I think Casper fell into your coffee!

    Sorry to hear you are unpacking, but maybe there is where you are meant to be? :)

  14. Enjoy the break, Rain! You can take your time now and wait for the right home to come along. In the meantime, spring is here and will soon be followed by summer!

  15. It's all good, Rain! That's what my sister Donnie always tells me. That's what I tell myself every day. You have another season to save and to plan and (If you're like me) to declutter. Meanwhile roll those awesome potato growing tires out again. That blew my mind. Those damn Mumbai escorts. I've been running into them on a number of blogs! Argh! That's something blogger needs to get on top of. Enjoy life. It is a precious gift! Hugs to you!

  16. I'm so sorry nothing has worked out so far. :( We went through the exact same thing for three years. You've eliminated a lot, though, and it pays to check daily for anything new. When ours first came up we went out with our realtor immediately. Then, even though it had only been on the market for three days there was already a contract on it! The other folks backed out after seeing the inspection report! So we got it in the end. It wasn't a perfect match to our wish list, but I don't regret going with it.

    And yes, those escort people are really a nuisance!

  17. I've noticed those spam comments on many blogs I read, and have posted to them about it, but they are not reading my comments. Glad you figured it out.

  18. That foam looks pretty yummy! I'm glad things are slowly getting back to normal, and looking forward to seeing all your fabulous posts soon. I think the perfect place will show up when you least expect it! Hugs...RO

  19. Hi Sandi :) Ha ha...I like that, Casper :) It's hard to swallow, but yes, here is where we are meant to be, at least for the next year!! :)

  20. Hi Martha :) Yes, you're right! I can't wait for the warm weather, summer is the best season for me! :)

  21. Hi Louise :) "It's all good" "It's all good"...I'm telling myself that too! :) I'm really going to enjoy this summer, if we ever get one!!! :) Yes, Alex and I are going to slowly declutter and purge the junk we've accumulated. We learned a lot over the last few months too, nothing has been a waste of time!! :)

  22. Hi Leigh :) That's what we came to realize...time is essential for the properties. We waited too long for the first one and got outbid. The second one though...we paid for a quick inspection that wasn't really needed...we need to find a happy medium that we're comfortable with. Another year to enjoy in the mountains here! I know we'll find our place! :)

  23. Hi Kristina :) Oh the spam, Google seems not to care about that, it's such a nuisance.

  24. Hi RO :) Thanks so much for your support :) You're right, our place will show up...Rome wasn't built in a day :)

  25. Thanks for your comment over at my post about a palace/good things happening there. :) It brought a smile to my face. YES, it is a palace if good things happen there.

  26. Thanks Sandi, it brought a smile to my face too! :) xx

  27. Rain,

    The froth on that cup sure does look good! Is it a cappuccino? I'm looking forward to recipe shares. You are an amazing purrson and I just want to come to your home to have dinner....for a week! lol I've noticed other bloggers getting the escort spam lately. That's so crazy aggravating! It seems I might have gotten hit with the same thing but I instantly marked it as spam. I don't think I got any more from the escort but another place which I can't remember what I did now. I'm sure I either marked it or deleted it. Oh well...anyhow, I'm looking forward to your posts filled with cooking, gardening, nature stuff, art, and more! :)

  28. That is what makes life interesting and inspirational dear Rain believe me!

    a saying is here that


    Though it is not failure but just stepping back to be prepare well for betterment :)

    I am sure that Lord has better plans for you and when next year with more flexible budget you will attempt to buy house ,there will be certain acknowledgment of God's execution for your efforts :)

    When we we stuck with in laws and wanted to move away from them it was no single sign of possibility to do so

    it took almost 5 years ,from buying land and than construction was slow because our budget was not enough to manage extra expenditures along with all the family expenses

    it was truly a test that lasted for 5 years ,we faced tough times and even my eldest son had to leave his favorite school in term of saving heavy fees

    even after moving we beard hard times as we were paying few house loans at the same time


    i truly believe that this delay has something GOOD for you my friend!

    enjoy your beautiful weather and stay blessed with strength that you always have !

  29. Welcome back Rain. I am so sorry to hear about the house hunting and I know it is a disapointment. I was so hoping that you could find something and get moved. is the time to get gardens planted and things moving like you said in your routine. I too am getting that spam. I have friends that don't blog but read so I leave the anonymous where they can post. I had it off for a bit. But I have noticed that this spam is not anonymous so they can post anyway. Crazy.

  30. Thanks Cathy :) I love your new profile avatar! I make a "coffee-ccino"...with decaf coffee! :) Alex taught me how to make it nice and frothy and put some sugar into the milk so the foam is sweet too! It's a morning treat! :) That spam, I've also marked and deleted it but it keeps coming back, I guess they just keep using a different email address or something. Your comment is very sweet, thanks, I think you're a great purrrrson to! :)

  31. Thanks Baili, you comment really uplifted me! :) You're right, one step back is all it is, and it's preparing me to take a million BIG steps ahead! :) Wow...5 years with the inlaws...I think that would drive me insane definitely had better things to come, you have a beautiful home with such a lovely garden! The disappointment at first was pretty devastating but now I'm counting my blessings and getting ready to have a wonderful summer and fall! :)

  32. Thanks Pam :) I'm moving on from the house hunting disappointment. We still have a little bit of snow but it's really melting fast now, I have my seedlings planted and I'm looking forward to walks in the woods with the dogs. Things will look up - for you too, hugs and love!! xxx

  33. The veggie flowers will be popping for you soon, Rain! I am so amazed every year, when all the veggies are in bloom! It is just around the corner for you! I'm excited to see your tater tires again! I have tater buckets this year, because I filled the garden up with too many other! Silly,. I know... next year I need to stretch the garden another 5 feet. It's already 100'x75'... guess you know what I'll be doing long about August! haha!

  34. Hi Dino :) I don't think I'll have tater tires this year, sigh...we got rid of the tires when we were sure we were moving!!! That's okay, I'm going to concentrate on other crops this year! I'm planning a nursery visit when they open next weekend. I have a potato bag and also two old black bins, I may do a few taters in those! I'd love to see photos of your garden!!!

  35. That foam looks delicious !!!
    Plantung a garden is a good way to heal ❤


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