Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Scribble Picnic: Forest...Food...Fun!

Hello Friends!! :)

Hope you're all doing well! :) The theme for Michael's Scribble Picnic this week is "Forest". I thought about a snowy relaxing forest painting...but, you can't take the "scary" out of the gal it seems....this is my ink/watercolour "Forest"! :) I've had nightmares like this, so likely this is a self-portrait of sorts!!!

We've been dumped on with a good three feet of snow in the last half week! It's beautiful, and although I'm not a fan of cold, I've been trying to make the best of it by snowshoeing in the forest. :) I followed a game trail for about 45 minutes yesterday - me thinks it was deer though I didn't see anything but tracks. When it's snowing in the woods, it's so peaceful!

Here's my cartoon drawing for the picnic. In the Looney Tunes short "The Windblown Hare", Bugs taunts the Big Bad Wolf in the forest as he's brushing up on his fairy tales. Bugs fans may remember him strolling along singing "The rabbit in da da dee dee dee, the rabbit in red...."... I love this episode and I was lucky to find it on Daily Motion (there may be an annoying ad before the cartoon starts, sorry about that!), check out the video if you want to bring back some memories!! :)

I hope the link worked! :)

I've been trying to make some great comfort food dishes lately. Lots of breakfast for dinner ideas! First, it's Breakfast Tacos. Then Linguine Carbonara (though I used capellini pasta because it's thinner and we prefer that).

A few Mexican inspired dinners: Papas Fritas (without the chicken this time) and Baked Enchiladas.  All with my homemade Salsa and Sour Cream. So delicious!! I would like to say that this is the time of year where I focus on comfort food...but who am I kidding? That's my main menu all year long!! :)

My homemade wood pallet decorations are out! Crooked Christmas Tree and Mr. Snowy are happy to be showcasing themselves for the season! :)

I'll end this post with an odd sighting...the elusive "oven-hood-cougar" who rarely lets himself be seen...little brat!!!  ;)

My other blogs:

Rain's Thoughts
Latest Post: What Do You Want?

Rainy Day Cheese Making
Latest Post:  Wrapping The Cams


  1. Rain,

    The spooky forest is frightfully, delightful! Oh, good grief y'all sure got the snow!! We don't see that much of the white fluff and I know our cold temperatures aren't nearly as bad as Canada but I still complain about the cold. I'm not a fan of extreme temps. Your cartoon sketch is doodletastic! You do a great job replicating the Loony Toon characters. I love it! The link work but I'll have to give it more attention after DH is off to work. Mmm, I love having breakfast for dinner and your dishes look so yummy! I may have to make an omelet this morning for breakfast. :)

    My Forest Sketch is now up. Come by when you have time. Keep warm!

  2. I've always liked that silhouette technique. And you put just the right touches on yours. Right touches on your comfort food too! Just looking at your pics warms my heart. Interesting that your elusive cat is an orange tabby. Our shiest cat is an orange tabby too! He's comfortable around Dan and me, but if anyone pulls into the driveway he disappears for hours. Then he's very cautious to come back into the house, even if no one's there!

  3. Hi rain, I love the Christmas tree and snowman, they are great!, your food looks so good, makes me hungry! Over the hood cougar, now that’s a priceless shot lol, we’re buried too, in snow, what can we do, it’s winter lol,,,have a great week ,, oh and the spooky forest! I love that and your cartoons are always so precise and so well done,, take care!

  4. We got a big dumping of snow yesterday / last night, but you have tons! Once again, your meals look delicious. -Jenn

  5. rain, your food looks wonderful as usual! that kitty sure looks caught in the act. i wish i had some of that snow!

  6. Oh my, three feet of snow already! I also think it is beautiful when it first lays, but the next day, I want it gone. Some of it is coming our way tomorrow.

  7. that's not a forest I would want to dream about. I like the busg bunny pic better.

    snow is beautiful if only they are warm to the touch.

    have a lovely day.

  8. I've just watched the Looney Tune and loved it - took me back to happy childhood days that's for certain!
    Such a lot of snow already, wow! The food looks so tasty - you guys, like me, are definitely cheese-aholics, haha! I bought Camembert from Trader Joe's last week - must say it was an excellent one.

    So your forests are snow covered now and looking so pretty and friendly dressed in white. If only we could send my rain - we're on our 4th day of heavy rain which now totals almost 6 inches - and your snow to California to help douse the terrible fires. I'm deeply saddened at what's happening out there again. My second cousin already lost her home recently in the Redding fire - now these new fires are even more devastating with a large loss of life. . . . . . . . .so, so sad.

    Forest picnicking weather appears over for a while - stay warm and safe in your own forest Rain.
    Hoping Michael adds the link soon!

    Mary -

  9. Beautiful work on the forest pieces Rain! That's a lot of snow, good that you have lots of comfort food.

  10. You really jumped into the deep end for the start of winter. It looks like very heavy snow, too.

  11. We don't get snow here in S. Calif. where it was 84 deg. last Christmas. So, I really love your snow pics.

    Happy eating.

    I enjoy your blog.

  12. Wow! I do love your meals :D We have several cats that appear in places they shouldn't be!!!

  13. Your food looks fantastic! Had to laugh out loud about the cat! Oh my. Naughty cat.

  14. Cool scary forest art!!!!!!! Scary, but still cute. :-)

    Ahhhhh, you have some Yule things out. Good for you. You certainly have the snow, to inspire such.

    I don't like cold either, but you make sure you get out in it. So wise.

    More yummmmmmmm food!!!!!!

    Naughty kitty!!! LOL


  15. Naturally, you put your own special touch into the prompt. LOVE your scary forest!

    I love our winters and dread our summers — the horrible heat and high humidity does not sit well with my asthma. I do not like feeling like I'm in a sauna 24-7 either. Those snow pictures looks wonderful...such a pity we don't get the white stuff here in winter.

    Looks like you're getting set for the Christmas season.

    Cats sure do love to jump up to high places, don't they? haha Don't fall, Mr Kitty!

    I hope you have a wonderful's already Friday here. :)

  16. Wow! Three feet! That seems like a lot to me!

  17. Your forest of trees reminds me of the scene in the Wizard of Oz with the apple trees. Love it! Oh my gosh, 3 feet of snow already! We just got about 6" today - way too early here in NJ! I'm getting hungry seeing all your wonderful comfort food dishes. Good to keep the insides warm during the cold season. And your pallet decorations made me smile! Stay warm.

  18. Note to self: stay out of the forest at night!

    Oh, Bugs, the adventures you have! Thanks for drawing, and for sharing the video.

    Ha, ha! Your cat is seriously thinking, “Busted!

  19. Hi, Rain! Your artwork is always so much fun. And your food always makes me hungry. It looks so good! I'm going to have to make that linguine carbonara. It's been a very long time since I made that dish. I woke up this morning to lots of snow. And it snowed all day! It really looks like winter out there. too soon for me but Mother Nature doesn't care :) Maybe we'll get lucky and spring will arrive early!

  20. So much snow! And it's only November! I guess having a peaceful woods to walk in would make up for some of the pain of it turning cold and snowy so early.

    Your forest nightmare picture is awesome. And I don't even go for scare. :)

  21. I think if Walt Disney were still around he would have hired you! Your art work always reminds of that moment in time. Your dishes look so yummy...thank goodness I just ate or I would be salivating! I'm defrosting your pizza dough for tonight. Did you see my blog post about my little greenhouse for greens? I hope it works!
    Your Christmas decorations are'd pay big bucks for those in the stores...good for you! As always thank you for your inspiration!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!