Thursday, May 24, 2018

I'll Be Back Soon! πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

Based On A True Story...

I don't mean to worry anyone! It's just my macabre brain at work, I've been deep in the pumpkin patches lately and the garden is taking over my life :) Trust me, it's a good thing! :)


  1. Wait. WHAT.

    I am just going to assume the worst until you come back and explain!


  2. I'm a little worried, too. Usually compost is a good thing. But I'm imagining you somewhere in a compost heap (!) and I don't like the picture. Hoping everything is okay.

  3. crazy gardening lady! i hope you are enjoying yourself out there! i know you are! you wait all year for this so garden away!

  4. No pumpkins, but I am in the gardens also. So much work, so much rain, and too much heat. I might cut back next year.

  5. Oh, I can totally understand gardening taking over your life! My husband strongly suggested I should NOT go back out in the garden tonight after dinner . . . and I couldn't figure out what else to do! Is that sad, or what?? So you just continue playing in the compost . . . and know that many of the rest of us will be doing the same. ;o)

  6. Never hurts to take a break. I've been doing a bit of that myself lately.

  7. Dear Rain, always remember the saying. . . . . . . . . "A garden is a thing of beauty, and a job forever."

    With your shorter growing season I can imagine how you must get outside every warmer/dry moment - good luck with your flowers and veggies.

    Mary x

  8. Composting is a good thing! Enjoy yourself! Nancy

  9. Have fun and enjoy the beautiful weather coming your way!

  10. LOL...

    You are a hoot!!!!

    I figure you are "living" in the garden now. :-)

    But thank you for saying so.

    Bloggers don't like to see lapses, in blogging, which stretch too long. Without a reminder, from the blogger, about what she is up to.

    Enjoy! I know you do!!!

  11. Well ok, have fun, grow and harvest lots of stuff and come back later and tell us all about it!

  12. Pumpkins and squash are like that . . . you can almost watch them grow :)
    Happy gardening!
    Connie :)

  13. You're always missed, so looking forward to when you come back! Hugs...RO

  14. LOL! You are too funny Rain! Have fun! You will be missed! See you soon!

  15. It’s nice to see a panoramic view of your garden with a tour guide as well. So cool.

  16. This makes me long for Halloween. I mean more than usual.

  17. Yep ... I know how that goes


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