Saturday, December 23, 2017

🌞 Yuletide Feasting! 🌞

Hello to my Blogger Friends!! :)

I hope everyone is happy and healthy these days and that Christmas will be a joyous occasion for you! I've hinted often at my horrible upbringing, so for me, all holidays were miserable in the past. But since I met Alex, I regained my Christmas Mojo (thanks for that term Dianna!) and I am enjoying every moment of every holiday that exists out there! :)

We celebrated Winter Solstice with some wonderful food and drinks. A traditional Yuletide meal in Quebec is the tourtière (tour-tee-air). It is basically a meat pie. It is not easy to reproduce but I got lucky and found a wonderful recipe called Tourtière de Grand-Maman. I translated it and posted it on my recipe page Grandma's Tourtière. It was pretty darn close to the authentic stuff! With mashed potatoes and my Homemade (sweet) Ketchup, this was such a wonderful meal!

My Yule Log pride and joy...FIVE hours of prep! Check out my "snowmen" lol...they look like ghosts, but you get the idea! Alex and I made this cake together, it was such a great afternoon!

Here is an action shot of me making a bird's nest with my new cake decorating set! :)

For dessert (after a good long walk and a few hours digesting the meat pie) we had our cake with a Brandy Alexander. Oh my oh my...this little cocktail is SO was the first time we've made it and it had a bit of an egg nog thang about it! Loved it!

Every Winter Solstice night, I light my ice lanterns. It's something I've been doing for years! The lanterns are made by filling up balloons with water then freezing them.  I made five of them, but one broke apart. Three of them remained intact and the fourth had the top broken off, which I kind of like as I look at the photo! Alex and I sat outside and just enjoyed the moment. Trust me, it was a moment, at -26 on Yule night...eek...we didn't stay out long!

Look at me! :) I made a Christmas hat!! This idea was so spur of the moment. I wanted to look the part when we went out to light the ice lanterns...I'm still wondering where I found this free time!

I followed the Man Hat Pattern - super easy. And I actually made the pom pom! What a mess lol! But I found a great video called The Secret To Making The Perfect Pom Pom. I followed it and it turned out really nice! I'll wear this for another week or so, then it'll go into my Christmas box and become a new tradition for next Winter Solstice. :) Me in my Christmas hat means holiday fun and celebration! :) 

I probably won't blog again until after Christmas so I want to wish all of my Blogger friends the happiest and merriest of days! Merry Christmas, you are all so special to me! xoxox!!


  1. oh Rain your Yule log is a masterpiece, you should be proud,, it is amazing!! We ate meat pie same as yours,, Canadian eh' lol,, we in ONtario you in Quebec ( I think ) lol,,you asked on my blog if I did all that before sun up, I did not lol, I have been working on the sock monkeys for a few days, the cookie batter i mixed up last night, then baked this morning,, I wish the best the season can bring to you and your fella,, its such an inspiration to read that although Christmas has not been happy for you in the past that you now have found Christmas through new eyes in your wonderful partner, thats true love! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you my friend!

  2. Thank you Laurie!!! :)) Yes, I'm still in Quebec (for now!)...about 3 hours north of Montreal in the Laurentians. The meat pies are so delicious with that ketchup, but very filling! I remember only having them around the Christmas holidays. I'm so glad I found a good recipe because I've tried to make one for a few years now and it wasn't very authentic. This year I had a winner!!

    That Yule log...omgosh, talk about a labour of love! And guess what? It's GONE lol...sweets don't last too long around here!! Thank you Laurie, I wish you all the best too. :) xx

  3. Your food looks absolutely delicious! Merry Christmas to you and Alex!

  4. Thank you Christine!!! :) Come on over! :) Marry Christmas!

  5. Wow Rain. Your food always looks like it just came off the pages of Southern Living or Family Circle. You have a real talent for creating tasty treats that are as pleasant to the eye as the palate.

    I like that hat. Very appropriate for the Holidays. I have one like it, but mine's black and I bought it in the store . :-(

    I'm taking a break during the holidays too. See you on the other side.


  6. Your Yule feast and Yule log both look magnificent! Have an amazing Holiday season there with Alex and all the pups!

  7. I’ve made pom poms before. They have a way of...exploding and all you’re left with is 200 pieces of little yarn. I will have to check your video to see if there is a better way.

  8. The Yule meat pie looks good; it's almost like Shepherd's Pie, minus a few ingredients. How comforting to eat such a dish. I was amazed to read about your Yule Log's five hour prep! Wowza! But I can see why since it's like a jellyroll made up of parts that have to be prepped separately and then combined together. Your brandy drink sounds good! I bet you have a full bar at home. Your Santa hat made me smile. I like how you have traditions.
    Thank you for your recent visit. You are sweet and uplifting. I am failing miserably at YOP. Sundays I feel is sometimes a bad day for me as I like to sew on that day and while I know I can include my sewing on YOP, I would rather keep them separate; yeah, I know I'm weird.

  9. Oh my Dear, I do want to come to visit you!!!! You do up holidays, in a super way. And have so much fun, doing it.

    Oh that Meat Pie! Gorgeous! And I especially love the name of it, in the French!

    And the Yule Log! Ohhhhh mercy! A feast for the eyes, as well as the tummy. Happy sigh....

    Ice lanterns made with balloons. Instead of the box way. I've never done either but would so love to.

    Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! The two of you! And the pets too. Take your time, without blogging interruptions. Happy, Happy, Happy Christmas!

  10. Wow, those ice lanterns are incredible! Even with a balloon, I can't quite figure out how you make them but gorgeous nonetheless. I'm sure it was magical, if not cold that night too! :)

    I LOVE your Yule log and the pie looks so good. So, those "mushrooms"--are those made with frosting or what? Looks divine.

    I am so happy for you that you have Alex there to help you discover the joys of this season in your OWN way! Yes, you and Alexandra def have similar backgrounds. ANY happy memories she has are the few times she got to be at her grandma's. In fact, I was so surprised to learn that not only did they not celebrate Thanksgiving, they only really did two Christmasses--both at Salvation army and never had a tree but then again, like your situ, being home wasn't great anyway.

    Needless to say though, similarly, Alex has come to love the season and loves everything about xmas as she alwasy loved the music and meaning anyway.

    Wishing you and your Alex the mot merry of xmas holidays. :)

    P.S. That hat looks great on you. Well done!

  11. Rain, I always look forward to your posts. So much fun. So much joy. So much love! And so much good food :) I'm sorry for whatever pain the past holds and I'm really happy that you have created your own wonderful traditions to enjoy in the present. I know I've already thanked you but I will thank you again for the beautiful Christmas card. I can't tell you how much joy it brought me! It is on my desk where I can enjoy it every day. Tomorrow at noon my daughter arrives from Ottawa and she'll be here till Tuesday. And on Monday (hopefully the weather cooperates!!!), the rest of my family will come over for lunch. I am really looking forward to it because it's the first time in years that I'll be hosting a get together for all of us. I wish you and Alex and all your fur babies a very joyous Christmas! Stay warm. Have fun. Enjoy!

  12. Glad you guys are having a good time, nothing like good food to celebrate with. Fun times.

  13. Oh my goodness, your meal looks wonderful! Love the pie and the cake! I've always wanted to make one of those. You are just too cute in your Christmas hat! Nothing better to help keep you warm too.

  14. What a lovely solstice meal and those Ice Lights are fantastic love them, have a good Christmas and I will catch up with you on the other side.

  15. Look at your Yule Log!!!! What a beauty! I remember my Mom made one once and I was shocked because she never baked....ever! What a fun project to do together. The Yule dinner looks scrumptious and some great comfort food for those cold temps! I finally got some lights up yesterday and a few decorations....better late than never! A little cleaning and today will be cooking and baking and tonight is the Christmas Eve sock cast on! I can't take any pictures as my camera broke! I can't believe this past month....electronic troubles abound at my house! LOL! I love your ice lanterns and I have always wanted to try that. The difference between us is I only think about these things while you actually do them! LOL! Maybe this next year my word should be ACTION!?! The merriest of everything to you and your entire family there in the Laurentians! Hugs ~ Sam

  16. Another uplifting and heartfelt post from you dear Rain. I'm so happy your Christmas - and obviously every day - have become happy and fulfilling times with Alex at your side. . . . . . the two of you are amazing as to what you get done tucked away there in the mountains!
    My late MIL was French-Canadian and used to teach me recipes such as the tourtiere when I was first married and didn't have a clue as to such delicacies. Of course, now being a non-meat eater (40 yrs.), I don't eat them but do remember them well.
    Your Yule log is amazing - most elegant and I bet delicious.
    Enjoy each Christmas moment - and for me, meeting you this year via your blog, has been a wonderful thing.
    With love and wishes for a beautiful Christmas in the snow - stay warm and be happy.
    Hugs - Mary x

  17. oh yum
    you two sure know how to celebrate

    you and your hat are so cute
    and your candles enchanting

    Wishing you lovely holidays ~

  18. Happy Christmas dearest Rain. I hope you have the best time ever. Love and hugs to you

  19. Same to you Rain! The hat and goodies look awesome!

  20. Oh my goodness... the food all looks so delicious. And festive! Ans your ice lanterns - so cool! Your spur of the moment Christmas hat is gorgeous! It was truly -26 degrees? That just doesn't compute in my mind. Assuming that is Celsius, even if I convert it to Fahrenheit it's nearly unfathomable to me. We MIGHT dip close to -10 F once or twice in the depth of winter, but I'd sure not be outside to enjoy candlelight in those temps. lol But that's why your blog is so much fun. I get to come here and enjoy things that would likely never occur to me to do. I love your spirit, Rain. I hope your celebrations were (and are) all happy.

  21. Thanks Harry :)) I feel like I should make a hat for all occasions now lol...when I get an idea, it sometimes gets out of control. Oh a store bought hat is just fine too! :) I'm glad you're enjoying the food photos!

  22. Thank you Debra! :) Hope yours was fantastic!!

  23. Lol first pom pom DID I had to find a better way of doing it, I think the video is pretty good, if you do try it, take her advice about sharp scissors though...they help a LOT.

  24. Hi Stefanie :) Thank you! The yule log prep is a time-stealer that's for sure. But it's so yummy, and I guess I don't mind if it's only ONCE a year! :) Thanks for the reminder, I need to make a Shepherd's Pie! :) We do have a good bar, we love our cocktails, and I love using liqueurs and spirits in cooking too, I find it gives a great flavour and warmth to the dishes! Oh gosh, I'm failing miserably at YOP too, I haven't even posted anything in months on the Ravelry site!! I know what you mean about keeping things separate from YOP. :)

  25. Hi Wisps of Words :) Thank you! :) The ice lanterns work well with the balloons, but mine all froze together outside lol...I had to chip away a little bit to get them workable. Next year I'll keep them in the deep freezer until I'm ready to use them tough, the balloons just slip right off when they are frozen. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too! :)

  26. Thanks Michael :) I just fill the balloon up with water and freeze them! Where the ends are, they make a natural little curve where the candle sits - at least that's in theory lol...The mushrooms on the Yule log were made of meringue! Totally edible and so sweet! I think that your Alex and me have that in common, not just our backgrounds, but enjoying every moment of the season to celebrate now because it feels good and we missed out on it in our youths. I think it's fabulous to celebrate every ounce you can squeeze in lol! I hope you both had a great time during Christmas!! :)

  27. Hi Martha! :) You are SO welcome...each card I made was made with love, I hope you feel that! :) Thank you again for the Christmas wishes, and though I'm a few days late, I do hope you had a wonderful family get together! :)

  28. Thanks Gill :) The food completes the celebration! :) I hope you had a wonderful holiday as well! :)

  29. Oh thank you Leigh! :) I love the hat, the pom pom though...I haven't worn a pom pom since I was a kid and it kept getting stuck on a branch outside when I walked the dogs, quite comical lol...I hope you had a nice Christmas! :)

  30. Thanks Dawn :)) I hope your Christmas was fun and relaxing! :)

  31. Hi Sam :) Thank you! That's funny that your mom chose a Yule log as something to bake if she never baked before! It's a real undertaking!! Comfort food is a big necessity here year round, but especially in the's so cold out. Oh dear, I hope you can get a new camera! That's awful for it to break this time of year. I rely pretty heavily on my cell phone's camera, it just makes life easier, though Alex gave me a really nice Canon for my birthday a few years back. I am resolving to use it more and not be lazy lol! Ha ha ha...action is a great word as long as you have motivation and energy to go along with it! :)

  32. Hi Mary :)) Thank you! :) I love how you put that...Alex and I tucked away in the mountains!! I really love that! Yes, tourtière is definitely a French Canadian staple, especially at Christmas time, I'm glad you were able to experience that delight! :) I guess a vegetarian version wouldn't work! :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment, I'm so happy to have met you too! :)

  33. Thank you Tammie Lee! :) I hope your holidays were wonderful as well and you kept warm and cozy! :)

  34. Thank you Yarrow! :) I wish you the same and I also wish you good health in the new year. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! :)

  35. Thanks TB :) I hope you had a wonderful holiday! :)

  36. Hi Becki :) Thank you! :) Yes, -26 Celcius and it's WORSE this morning...there is a nasty wind out there and it feels ten degrees colder...even the poor dogs were hopping around when I let them out in the yard...way too cold. I said to Alex the other day that I can understand why people become "snow birds" and move to Florida in their later years...the cold can be quite unbearable! But we make due and stay indoors! I hope you had a wonderful holiday! :)

  37. Here I am finally chiming in HORRIBLY late! :) But you know my has to do with a sloth. :)

    Your tourtiere looks amazing!! My great aunt would make a bunch every Christmas and my dad would call it torture pie - I guess the spices she used didn't agree with his stomach! :) I love tourtiere. If I could only make proper pastry.

    Your Yule log!!! OMG!! Love! And your lights - I love this!

    Your hat is fun! I would love to make a Christmas hat. Maybe next year! I have already started a Christmas 2018 notebook in my phone.

  38. Late is fine Dianna :)) The sloth within...I have it going on too! :)
    Omg, I laughed so hard at torture pie...ha ha ha, now that is funny. I found a good pastry from Martha Stewart and it's the only one I use now. It's perfect every time.

    I would like to be much better prepared for the holidays next year. For us, there is so much all in a row and with the added furballs this year, I was so behind! But I like your idea of a Christmas 2018 notebook, I'm going to do the same!!

  39. So nice to catch a breath and read about your solstice and yuletide celebrations :) i love the yule log and your hat ... ut looks very pretty on you 💜🎄

  40. Thanks Nik! :) It's been one celebration after the other and lots of fun! :)


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