Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Scribble Picnic: Radio...Glorious Mold On My Cams! 😀

This week's Scribble Picnic theme is "Radio". Does anyone get my reference??? This was the first thing I thought of when I read the word "Radio":

That's Orson Welles broadcasting his infamous dramatization of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" in 1938. I'm too young to have heard it live, but Alex and I have listened to this several times on Internet Radio and we just love it. My painting is part watercolour and part acrylic. Visit the link above for other people's ideas! Keep that imagination going and don't forget to watch the skies! :)

Look at this...we managed to get all five dogs "taking their place" while we set out their food dishes! You'll notice our guest Stella (to the very left) and our Charlie (to the very right) both on leashes. Both female alphas are not fixed and there has been lots of grumbling between the two of them all week so far...we have to separate them, sigh. Oh well, not everyone gets along right? Our friend will likely be back before Canadian Thanksgiving to pick his dogs up. Despite the tension between the gals, having five dogs has been a lot of fun! :) Each dog has their own personality and sweetness to them and they are very endearing.

Even the three cats seem to be okay with our two new house guests! :) They're more concerned about how they can get to the chickadees in the trees!

I don't think there will be any new cheese making in my near future though! The dogs are really taking up most of our time. But look at my Camemberts!!! One week after making them, look at all that fun bloomy white mold forming on the sides! It's hard to capture what it looks like on the tops and bottoms, but the sides DO tell the story!

Nancy asked for my Baked Spaghetti recipe. I usually post all of my recipes don't I? I guess I missed that one! :) I just follow my recipe for Tomato Sauce, cook the pasta and mix it with the sauce, then put it into the dishes and load it up with Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. It's hot when I put it in the dish so I just broil it until the cheese is all melty and brown! Very delicious! :)


  1. Love your painting and I 'got it' after you mentioned Orson Wells. Very good picture! I had a very good friend who knew Orson as he went to a private school that her grandparents ran. Anyway, later on when her grandmother was sick and came to live with her, Orson would call to see how the grandmother was doing and to talk to her. I was over there once when my friend was busy and asked me to grab the phone that was ringing and it was Orson! When her grandmother died, he couldn't come to the memorial but his daughter did and spoke of his fond memories of the school and my friends grandparents.
    Anyway, I digress....the dogs all look so well behaved. I didn't know that about non-spayed females....I thought it was all of them but my girls are spayed and seem to get along with everyone although most strays around her are male.
    The cheeses are doing great and so glad you got them made before your 'company came'! Thanks for the baked spaghetti I have sauce to make today for later this week. I want dishes like that too! LOL! Have a great day and I hope your 'doggie daycare' stays calm and quiet so you can get back to your cheesemaking!

  2. I will have to search that radio clip, I have heard of it. Wonderful take on the theme Rain. You should start a doggie daycare, they look so happy. The cheese looks fantastic.

  3. Shall we say that those are two bloomin' beautiful cheeses? Couldn't help myself. I love the picture of the three cats looking at the birds - they are so cute! It's nice that they are all getting along so well together. You are the dog whisperer of Canada!

  4. I LOVE that painting!! You have some good talent m'dear. You should sell you stuff on the internet!

    Ah yes, we are quite familiar with dogs that don't get along. Always on high alert! They do take up alot of time though don't they? But I love them so!!

    And hooray for moldy cams!!! :)

  5. How interesting that the topic "Radio" took you in the direction it did. My first thought would have been of a 1940s family gathered around the big floor model radio in the living room listening to Jack Benny or Fibber McGee and Molly. So curious (and fascinating!) how our different minds work! (This isn't to say I meant any inference of your mind's path being wrong or right . . . nor mine either, I hope!)

    What gorgeous looking cheese! What a thrill it must be to see yourself becoming such a successful cheese maker!

    I still say Jack, in the picture of all the dogs anticipating their dinner, looks like a runner on the starting block! Could he be much cuter??

  6. Can you imagine what it was like to hear that broadcast and think it was real? I'll bet you would have been hard pressed to find someone who admitted to falling for it, everybody probably swore they knew it was only a play.

    I am seriously impressed with your well behaved dogs.

  7. I do recall that radio broadcast - and have listened to it several times over the years. Radio at it best! Like your take on the theme this week.
    Your dogs, and visiting dogs, are so cute but I can imagine what it must be like having to attend to so many! I adore that cat photo - it makes me smile Rain.

    Happy week - Mary

  8. I like your interpretation of 'radio'! That is something I should find and listen to, great idea!
    Love all the puppers lined up waiting.

  9. As soon as I saw your sketch, and knowing the theme was 'radio', I instantly thought of Orson Welles and his radio drama and all the fear it caused at the time. People didn't have televisions back then and would huddle around the radio in the evenings. We have also listened to the original broadcast via YouTube and it was done so well. Nice take for the theme!

    The pooches are adorable and cats do love their 'Cat TV', don't they? I have a friend who posts pics of her cat sitting by the door watching all the critters coming to feed from the patio/porch.

  10. Oh you had to be there ... I wasn't, though I am almost old enough to remember it. My parents talked about it many times over our life time. What a fun picture and a great historic way to remember the good old days of radio. No, you are right, they don't all get along. We have a cat that we have to keep separate from the other three. She was dumped as a kitten and never learned the kitty manners that Mom teaches them, so she made an immediate bad impression on our threesome. But as it turns out, she has settled down and now is best friends with our dog who loves it because she can go outside with her. They have a good time together so all is well that ends well. And for sure, I will be trying your spaghetti dish ... makes my mouth water just looking at it :)

    Andrea @ Froim The Sol

  11. Sorry
    Getting my picnickers mixed up. This is wonderful! I love the shades of dark you have used. Orson Wells was probably the one that did the first "fake news". lol :)

  12. Thank you for posting the recipe. How do you manage to cook like this and take care of five dogs and three cats!! Oh, yes, and make cheese! Nancy

  13. That picture of the cats...hahahaha! It has me laughing out loud. No matter how sophisticated they pretend to be, one little bird has them behaving like clowns :)

    Your art piece is fantastic! Orson Wells really did a number on the people, didn't he? LOL I can only imagine the panic from some.

    The dogs are all beautiful. Incredible how you manage to take care of all the animals and still find time to do all the other things you do. You are superwoman :)

  14. Being a Jersey-girl I am very familiar with that broadcast of Orson Welles. I am not old enough to have heard it, but it's part of our state history and we actually pass by Grover's Mills when we take on of the back roads down the shore. I love your take on this theme.

  15. I love love LOVE the doggy picture :)
    Hope those two girls will give up and becone friends.
    Hmmm...nom nom cheeeeeze !!!

  16. What a great depiction of that famous radio story!
    It's fun seeing how excited cats get when they see birds outside of their reach!

  17. Oh my have a house full! Me...I have just Dakota and Lily and that is all the fun, excitement and stress I can handle! lol....Although I will be back house/dog/and bird sitting this weekend at my brothers. There will be 3 labs, one mini shepard, two loud mouth birds, a small dog (niece), my Lily (cat) and Dakota may just end up at moms. He is almost 11 and stresses if he thinks the other dogs get more attention than him! Can you say SPOILED! He was the only one for 10 yrs until June when I got Lily. He is my bud, best friend, and I love that silly dog so much.

  18. Hi Sam :) Oh my goodness, what an amazing story about Orson Welles!!! If I heard his voice on the phone I likely would have fainted lol...I'm such a fan of his and his movies, I really think that Citizen Kane is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm sweet on Joseph Cotten too, don't know if you know him, but he was in lots of Orson's movies. Don't ever digress telling me stories Sam, I love them! :)

    All the males get along, and Marlene is fixed so there was no issue there. But Stella tried to fight with all of our dogs at first...she is used to be the leader in her house, but she had to learn that she'd not top dog around here - I AM. Lol...well, Charlie is. She gets more calm as each day goes by but Charlie is STILL challenging her with the stare down. Every time we see it, we have to stop her.

    I hope you enjoy the baked spaghetti! It's such a yummy hygge meal actually. And if you think the Camembert looks should smell it! All the pets come running when I take it out of the fridge to flip it lol...

  19. Hi Christine :) Doggy Daycare would drive me insane I think lol! It's so nice when they all get along and obey though. Stella and Pavlov come from a French home, but we had Pavlov for 6 weeks this summer and taught him a lot of the commands in English and he actually has remembered them, he's so smart. Stella is a quick learner to, after 6 days she know "sit" "lie down" "stay" and our famous "take your place" before dinner...all in English. It's fun!

  20. Hi Susan! Lol, yes me cams are bloomin' beauties! ;) Lol...the dog whisperer of Canada, I actually do that "shhtt" thing that Cesar does and it works! Even on the cats lol!

  21. Thank you Dianna :)) I don't think I could part with any of my paitings to be honest! I could use the money though, now that we are so obsessed with these Akubra hats!!! Actually we started looking at Stetsons and other cowboy hats now too. I wear mine all the time, even as I'm typing this! :)

    The dogs are taking up most of my time, but one good thing is that Charlie is glued to Alex. So when he's up, she stays by his side upstairs and the other four are milling around me all the time. The four of them are so calm together. When Charlie comes into the mix, then it's constantly watching because Charlie is still trying to stare Stella down all the time. That part is challenging, but yeah...they are little buggers and I love them all!

  22. Hi Mama Pea :)) Funny you mention Jack Benny because Alex and I listen to his radio show and now watch his tv show on You Tube every night during and after dinner! Are you a fan? I love how everyone interprets things differently! And I actually DID try to draw Jack Benny, but I'm so NOT good at details and portraits...he could have passed for one of Orson's Martians in my drawing lol...

    I never notice, but you're so right, Jack is really raring to go in those photos!! His butt scoots up and now then when he anticipates the "okay!", it's very funny. I really can't wait to try this cheese, and I'll save the successful cheese maker title for when we open the first one! It's weird to have made so many cheeses but we've really only tasted the Mozzas and the poutine cheese!

    Oh btw, I tell people we named our Jack after Jack Benny, which is a complete fabrication lol...

  23. Hi Paula :) Thanks :) Alex and I make a big effort to make sure the dogs are well trained, and we keep it up because they often try to get away with things, they are pretty smart. :) When we listened to the radio show, we wondered how people could have taken it seriously but when you think of the era, it had to have sounded more real than it was. We are over-conditioned by television and the internet.

  24. Hi Mary :) I LOVE old time radio! I never listen to current stuff at all, but we also listen to Suspense! and Lux Radio Theater for spooky stories! Alex and I can manage but honestly we know that our 3 dogs and 3 cats are already a handful for us! It's a good thing we are always home though. I think that's why the dogs are better behaved because they feel more secure always have us there taking care of them, talking to them and (bad Rain) giving them snacks! :)

  25. Hi Jenn :) Thank you! I think it would be fun to find the broadcast to listen to, your son might enjoy it too!

  26. Hi Serena :) I agree with you, listening to the broadcast we found it excellent, but rather tame in the fear factor department, but then again, I've been desensitized by watching horror films I think lol...but back in the 30' was JUST starting out and everyone listened to radio. It really does sound like a newscast the way he directed it. Pretty good stuff!

    Lol at "Cat TV"! They really do love looking at that tree! If I had a video, it would have been even cuter with all their heads moving at the same time as the birds flew up and down the branches!

  27. Hi Andrea :) Thank you! How fun that your parents talked about that broadcast! I think I was born in the wrong century...I would have loved to hear that live, and I likely would have thought it was real! Oh that's very cute about your cat being best friends with your dog! Our last adopted cat Oscar thinks he's a dog. He gets along with the other 2 cats, but he's more interested in lazing about with all the dogs on the bed! Enjoy the baked spaghetti! Load it with cheese! :)

  28. Hi Janis :) Oh don't worry...I've done the same thing when commenting! I tend to keep a lot of tabs open and sometimes I mix up my comments! :) And yes, you're right about the "fake news" that's a very cool observation! He was the best!

  29. Hi Nancy :) You're welcome! Ha ha...well, I made the cheese PRE-doggie daycare lol! And we are so lucky that 4 of the 5 just hang out all together as a pack. The "guests" follow our dog's cues so everything (90% of the time) is very harmonious!

  30. Hi Martha :)) Funny cats huh? Ours are also attracted to anything shiny so if I have the foil out, they come running for attack lol! And thank you :) You know, I always hate my paintings when I'm done with them. I walk away and look at them from far, and start liking them again...too self-critical! I think I would have been one of the people panicking at the original broadcast, I have a very wild imagination lol! Superwoman ha ha ha...just good timing and we are very lucky the dogs are all LISTENING to us!!! It helps to have Pupperonis handy :)

  31. Hi Lorraine :) That's interesting about Grover's Mills! I looked it up and just saw the Martian Landing Site monument, very neat! Thanks :)

  32. Hi Nik :) Well...Charlie is still trying to dominate, but she's a VERY alpha dog anyway. At least Stella knows her place now and she just quickly looks at Charlie and turns away. We still don't trust the two of them 100% so we're keeping a close eye on them! It's fun though...but omg...hairy hairy hairy...the vacuum is getting a workout!

  33. Hi Joeks :) Thanks :) I really enjoyed the idea of the War of the Worlds! The cats are so funny...we put up a bird feeder years ago to give them more entertainment!

  34. Hi Pam :)) Yes, our house is full! Oh my gosh...your pet sitting does sound like an adventure...especially those birds! Probably a good idea to give Dakota a little vacation at Mom's! At first we were really worried about Dana, he's our oldest cat, being too stressed because it took him nearly 2 years to stop being terrified of our three dogs. But he's a pro now I guess! Just mosey's on through the "den" whenever he wants :) Dogs should be spoiled!!! :) They have such short lives and provide us with so much love and fun! Jack is my little fella and my best canine friend, he's eleven too!

  35. Hi Alexandra :) Thank you :) I read that people were pretty outraged after they found out it was just a story rendition. I guess the book hadn't been too popular at that time!

  36. Oh, I totally got it without even reading your post beneath the flying saucer art. Super expressive and well done. I love it-the way you did it and the cool night time colours, the sombre scary silhouettes, etc. Perfect! While I've certainly read all about that story, I've never actually heard the programme itself! Didn't even know it was available out there and think now I need to download it. It's probably on You Tube or something by this point!

    One aspect that has always struck me about it is, why on earth did people start calling the police? What would they have been able to do back then if some martians were advanced enough to arrive as such? It would have been every person to themselves. Still, I can well imagine people might have looked to the skies! I mean, I remember doing that. coming out of the cinema after watching "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." hard to believe it is being re-released to the big screen on its 40th anniversary itself! Wow.

    Anyway, great piece and wonderful write up too. A lovely story to add to the picnic this week, Rain. Thank you so much. No time here but I'll save you from hearing about my father's own apparent alien abduction or how my mother has a close encounter of the 2nd kind in Kuala Lumpur that light up the radio waves....but she felt later in years it was in fact probably a secret Russian or American spaceship still not disclosed. She saw it however in her backyard where the jungle was cleared and then vertically take off and zoom out silent at vast speed across the jungle canopy. Well, haha, I guess I told you a bit about one of those encounters, didn't I?

  37. Oh, and by the way, Rain, I so LOVE reading your wonderful replies to people here and on others' blogs. You are such a joy for all of us. You bring something special to our picnic each week. Thank you so much. I really mean that. Really enjoyed going back up and reading your replies here to others' comments.

  38. Hi Michael :)) Thank you so much for your comments!!! :) I really appreciate what you said :) I do enjoy the interaction with people...and I love long comments! :)

    You know, that is really funny...I never even thought of that, what WOULD the police have done? I would be more likely to call the army and the marines!! I remember when Close Encounters came out, I was just a kid and I wanted to go see it but it was a big NO...and I'm kind of glad because it definitely would have scared me to bits. The radio broadcast is a classic, and yes, you can find it on You Tube. Didn't Tom Cruise star in a modern version of the book too? I vaguely remember watching it, but thought it was too "Hollywood" lol...I"m not into those big budget digitally-actionified movies (I believe I can proudly say I made up a word there lol)...

    That is very interesting about your parents. I have a very open mind. To me, if we have life on Earth, why CAN'T there be life on other plants or kind of boggles the mind if you think too much about it. Parallel universes and all that...could drive you mad trying to come to terms with all that! I think most people, when they see questionable things, or feel something in their guts, tend to ignore it as silly or as impossible. I don't think anything is impossible, even if it can be justified or explained by "reason". Anyway, now I'm babbling lol...I'm so glad you enjoyed my painting! :)


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