Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Thursday Art Date: Colourful June - Yellow!

Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art Date (posted on Wednesdays)!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š Today our theme is Yellow!! Following the prompt is optional! Please feel free to share any of your art, we would love to see it!

Tweety Bird is looking very cute dressed as a daisy!

Just a note on comments! Blogger sometimes hides comments in Spam. If you don't specifically look for them, you won't find them. The other day I found comments in my Spam folder from people who've been commenting on my blog for years.

I did a quick doodle of a dinosaur face for Nicole's Friday Face-Off on Friday. I'll also be joining in with Gillena's Art For Fun Friday! Why not share more of your creativity there?

I recorded myself drawing the dinosaur if you're interested!

Here are some watercolor lemons! ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹

It's been a rough week for me...Raven's brace is giving her a friction sore...I may have to travel to Nova Scotia to the orthotics company that made her brace to have her properly fitted. I had to do monthly shopping too and that wore me out! I'm also trying to arrange insulating my basement...too much contact with people drains my energy!

I decided to do a little Art Therapy video with the lemons for my YouTube channel, Rain Frances Art, it was SO relaxing!

On Rain Frances Art For Kids, I'm sharing a really fun video, Easy Trick Art For Kids! I've done this kind of thing before, and I thought it would be a fun art project for kids of any age!

I had a nice Greek dinner last week! When I find fresh pita bread, we eat that right away! We had tzaziki sauce, a tomato/and mushroom mix, and some Greek Potatoes!

I also made some Slow Cooked Vegetarian Chili - very good with a little shredded Cheddar and some sour cream!  You may notice some sliced baguette on my plate...

I got around to editing and uploading my How To Make Homebaked French Baguettes video for Rain's Kitchen and Garden YouTube Channel!

Photo courtesy of Leigh Tate

I just wanted to promote one of my friend's blogs. Leigh, as many of us know her on her homesteading blog, 5 Acres and a Dream, also has a photography blog! She has a series called A Year With My Camera, here's what Leigh says about it: 

"A Year With My Camera is a beginners photography course, designed to teach beginners how to use their camera's manual controls to become better photographers."

It's a great course for beginners, please check it out!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more artistic creations! See you soon!!! ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images!

June 16th: Colourful June: Red
June 23rd: Colourful June: Purple
June 30th: Colourful June: Silver and Gold

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Wednesday!



  1. Another fabulous post, Rain. Sorry about Raven's brace, hope you get it sorted soon. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Rain, thank you so much for the shout-out! I'm ready for TAD and just added my link.

    Blogger's new way of "dealing" with spam is a bother. It took me awhile to realize what you said, that they don't really flag it as possible spam. Even more annoying is that they think regular commenters are spammers. What gives?

    I love your watercolor lemons. Very nice! And I'm sorry Raven is having trouble with her brace. Hopefully, that can be sorted out soon. I hear you about too much contact with people draining energy! That's why we make good homesteaders. :)

  3. your baguettes look awesome! did you get your oven fixed?

  4. Sigh at the spam issue. Over the last few days less comments have been winding up there so perhaps blogger is coming to its senses.
    I love your lemons in particular - and do hope that you can get the brace issue sorted. Quickly.
    And yes, too much people interaction does my head in. Some people are almost instant energy vampires.
    I hope your coming week is beautiful and sustaining.

  5. The closest thing to yellow I have to share here is the Queen's pretty yellow suit! Ah, well! Your lemons are wonderful. And, as always, your baguettes and all the food looks fabulous!

  6. Your baguettes look chewy and I can smell the wonderful bread all the way to here.

  7. The poor pup. It must worry you. So sorry.

    Thanks for the shout out to your friend.
    I hear you about shopping. I just cannot.
    I'm enjoying you, your work and your play!

  8. Yes, I too find that so many comments do go in the spam folder when clearly they are not spam!!!

    Lovely post so many good things to see, although I was sorry to read about the problems with Ravens brace.

    You do seem so busy, make sure you get the opportunity to rest a while too :)

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. Love your art and food this week! Sorry about Raven.

  10. What a beautiful watercolor of the lemons.
    I'm sorry to hear that Raven is having problems with her braces. Hopefully that can be resolved soon.
    The food looks delicious.
    Greetings Irma

  11. Hi Rain, I'm guessing the root of all your misery was that shopping trip, lol. People + Sticker Shock. Interesting Greek food. The only Greek food I've ever had was those gyro sandwiches. We fixed slow-cooker pulled pork from Deep South Dish's recipe and a batch of vinegar cabbage and carrot cole slaw (no mayo) and ate off it all week almost. With King's Hawaiian rolls. Yum! Good weekend! xoxo

  12. Hello,
    Love the Tweety bird, it is nice your art work helps you to relax.
    The food looks yummy, especially the baguettes. I hope all goes well fixing Raven's brace. Take care, enjoy your day!

  13. I am glad that you are featuring yellow, Rain, because it serves to remind us that the people of Ukraine are continuing to endure terrible suffering at the hands of this madman who destroys the country and its people as the world watches. Who can believe this is happening jn Europe in the 21st century?

  14. I enjoyed your post Rain, so sorry about the sore developing on Raven from the new brace.
    Your food looks delicious, and I enjoy the videos-will check out the blog you shared. Happy Thursday hugs Kathy

  15. I love the lemons Rain!

    With everyone else out of the house, I had to go to the store - twice. You are right - people contact is exhausting.

    Plus one on the shout for Leigh's blot on photography. I do not understand all the specifics, but it is interesting to learn the language of photography.

  16. Wow Sis! This is a fabulous post. Starting with sunshine face, instruction about blogger. I found 77 good comments in the span. WTH? Thank you for joining Friday Face Off. I love that different and original faces you post for it. OMG, I will take those potatoes and thanks for updating the bread video. Also a nice link to Leigh's blog. Since I can't do much today I will check out all of your links. Hope the doctors can refit Raven's brace. Drive carefully.

  17. Your yummy food, fun art, and inspiring prompts keep me coming back to TAD.


  18. First- thanks so much for explaining the blogger comments- I just tried it and had a mix of spam and NOT spam.
    Love the bright yellow Tweety flower and lemons:).
    Sorry to hear about Jack. I hope he can get the brace fitted correctly without too much trouble.
    And of course your cooking and baking always makes me wish we were neighbors:).

  19. I've been fighting my electricity going out. It happened three times today and once yesterday. When I get back online, I immediately search my spam file. Twice I have found SEVEN comments that were not spam. That was 14 comments that didn't make it to my blog until I checked for spam. You are DEFINITELY NOT alone in this.

    So sorry to read about Raven's brace, but hopefully they will be able to fix it if they see her with it on.

    I think your dinosaur is adorable. It makes a great Friday Face Off entry.

    Those lemons are beautiful. I love the shading and how realistic they look.

    Your Greek potatoes sound good. I read the recipe and want to try it one of these days. I also want to try your vegetarian chili. Maybe when it gets a wee tad cooler. Here we are fighting 90 degrees F (~32.2 C) daily.

    I checked out Leigh's photo blog last week. I want to learn more, but we don't use the same software, so I'm having a bit of trouble following her instructions.

    Last week you commented about my black plastic I put down under my pots. At one time I had a lasagna garden, where you start with cardboard. This plastic is down to HOPEFULLY suffocate the rows of invasive bamboo I tried to remove last summer. I may have to leave the plastic in place for at least two years, so I hope it works. That plastic is very thick and supposed to be weather resistant for as long as I want to leave it there.

  20. I hope you can get that brace fixed for Raven. Along with everything else you had to deal with it sounds like busy week. And still you made some yummy looking food and made some fun art. I hope you have a relaxing weekend. Hugs-Erika

  21. ...Tweety Bird looks sweet this morning. Rain I don't know how you have the time to accomplish all of your activities. Take care and thanks for hosting.

  22. Your food pictures always look so good, Rain. :)

  23. Hi, Rain! I'm so sorry to hear that Raven has a friction sore, but I know she is in very good hands with you. You are a pet angel.

    Thanks for posting the photo of where to find the spam folder. I looked everywhere I could think of and couldn't find it. I even google searched for how to do it. No luck. Sometimes it's the simplest things that trip me up with technology. I've found your comments and some from others, but most of the 79 pieces of spam were junk from maybe four or five spammers.

    I enjoy being with family and friends and doing things with a lot of people around, but then I have to retreat to my cave and restore my energy. I couldn't function if I didn't.

    You've been amazingly busy! Love your yellow Tweetie Bird. I want to watch your video on the Kid Trick. I have spent so much time during my math teaching, showing young kiddos how to draw simple three dimensional shapes like cubes and squares and cylinders.

    I am fascinated with children's art, and observing it at different development levels throughout my teaching career was one of my great joys in life. Children try to understand the physical world around them through drawing. You can see the progress in their understanding of spacial thinking (and many other things) through their drawings. I love what you are doing with your children's art, and I am cheering for you!!!

    Have a good weekend!

  24. In spite of it all, you live a great life!!! Gigi Hawaii

  25. Oh poor Raven ... Izzi had that problem with her cast. I cleaned it and covered it with gauze (I put neosporin on the gauze both to help heal the wound but mainly to keep the gauze from sticking to the wound ... you can get "no Stick" gauze now so you might not need the neosporin) and loosely taped it. Her leg was shaved for the surgery so the tape was easy to get off. Then I put a pad (bought it in the drugstore in the foot care dept.)on the inside of the cast where it was rubbing. That seemed to help ... for Raven it at least might help until you can get her to the Orthopedist. Just make sure to change the dressing daily or more often if you see it is getting dirty.

    Now for the fun stuff ... Tweety makes a lovely daisy. Cute idea and Tweety has been a favorite in my house for years. Love your dinosaur as well ... my husband worked for Sinclair Oil back in the 60's and Dino was their logo. We have had dinosaur stuff in our house ever since. Makes me smile :)
    I love your water color paintings and these lemons are no exception. They look good enough to pick and ... use, I was going to say eat, but eating a lemon can be a souring experience :)

    Your Greek Potatoes and your Vegetarian Chili both sound great and easy to make ... my kind of recipe. Love the idea of adding wine to the Chili. I used to cook with wine all of the time and somehow got out of the habit. Might have to start that up again. I had forgotten how much we enjoyed it.
    As for your Baguettes ... I remember making bread with my daughter when she was young. It was oh so yummy as I am sure your Baguettes are. Not sure I have the patience anymore to make bread from scratch, but I enjoyed watching and learning from you in case I get the urge. Still amazes me how you do so much in a week. I never seem to be able to get the simplest things done and still feel like I need more time ... hummm, wonder if that has to do with being an old poop :) Enjoyed our visit as always, Rain ... Stay well and take some "You" time ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  26. Your Greek dishes sound very delicious. I love potatoes and mushrooms and pita bread too!

    All your projects sound very ambitious.

    best... mae at

  27. Rain, thank you for linking up at Art For Fun Friday

  28. Rain - thank you so much for the tip on the spam folder, and actually showing a picture of where to look! I had read other people's comments about the "spam folder" and I thought they meant in my email folder!!!!

    All of your food looks delicious, but I especially liked the look of the Greek food! Enjoy your weekend!

  29. Sounds like you need a break...lazy days and nights... love your sketch and everything else. Always enjoy your blog.

  30. My favorite color! Yellow! I'm so sorry that Raven has a friction sore. I hope it can get resolved. I understand being "drained"...I was this week too...driving for hours and dealing with a world I don't understand! LOL!
    Leigh has a great blog and I've followed her for years. Your blog is chock full of goodies of all kinds!

  31. Love the lemons and tweety bird.
    Beautiful doggies.
    Your baguettes look so tasty. I must give them a go,
    Thank you for hosting, Rain.

  32. Rain, I didn't forgot to write some words ... but it's again difficult to comment.

    And at least I gave you two red cats... they was falling in love. Thank you for hosting. Have a very good week.

    Hugs, Heidrun


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!