Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Thursday Art Date: Colourful June - Silver and Gold!

Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art Date (posted on Wednesdays)!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š Today our theme is Silver and Gold! Following the prompt is optional! Please feel free to share any of your art, we would love to see it! ☺ 

Bugs Bunny is showing off his silvery glitter today! Don't worry! The braces are just for show, he wouldn't be the same without those buck teeth! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Here is Henery Hawk from the Looney Tunes for Nicole's Friday Face-Off and Gillena's Art For Fun Friday! Why not share more of your creativity there?

On the video front:

For Rain Frances Art, I'm sharing my How To Draw A Horse Silhouette video.

I also have Henery Hawk uploaded as a #Shorts video (that just means it's vertically filmed and under a minute!)

For Rain Frances Art For Kids, here is How To Paint Popsicles (with watercolours)! This was a lot of fun!

And for Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing a few videos. The first is How To Make Cold Brewed Coffee...

How To Build A Lettuce Box & An Herb Box...

And I'm proud to say that My Summer Garden Is (finally!) All Planted!!! I'm so happy, and so exhausted! It took 2 months from starting the seeds indoors to finally having everything planted. Now I can slightly relax while I watch my garden grow!

This is how Raven sleeps. Look at those teeth!

If you want to hear Jack's Hound Dog Bark, I filmed him while we were walking - we saw a deer and he was very vocal about it!!

I had SO many eggs to use up this week! We pretty much only ate breakfasts as our meals! I made Belgian Waffles and Pancakes. I want to thank my friend Gigi again for posting about her waffle maker a few years back, that gave me the idea to buy one too! I love it! 

I also made a Broccoli Quiche.

And...a few scrambled egg dishes with toast. I mixed the egg whites with onions, tomatoes and mushrooms; and the eggs with tomatoes and chives! Of course each dish had some melty Cheddar cheese mixed in!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more artistic creations! See you soon!!! ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images!

July 7th - Playing Hooky
July 14th - Scratch Drawing
July 21st - A Poem

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Wednesday!



  1. Good afternoon Rain, I made Belgium waffles too! I split the recipe and made a wheat flour and also a gluten free batch for me-soooo good I don't make these very often do to the high carbs, but we had fresh fruits and real maple syrup to go with.
    I always enjoy your art videos. Happy mid week I did do a any painting this week, but I may link up with my hand dye fabric and bag project. Hugs Kathy

  2. Ooops I did not do any painting this week

  3. I found Bugs funny with his glitter today! Wonderful face for the faceoff too. The food looks so yummy.

  4. Love your drawing of Bugs with braces! I have never heard of cold brewed coffee -- very intriguing. I've managed to wean myself off sugar in my coffee but I cannot go without cream in it (and I mean real cream, none of this milk nonsense). I may have to give cold brewing a try, to see if I can drink such coffee black!

  5. Fully planted and Belgian waffles! You are my hero!

  6. All planted? Wow. I still have some spring bulbs to put in. And rather a lot of weeding.
    Love your work.
    How is Raven's new brace?

  7. Beagles are certainly vocal..that they are!! Garden looks good Rain! Raven sure looks like she is at home now.

  8. omg....raven!!! how long has she been there? a month? she has to be so totally at home and safe to sleep like that. what a lucky girl she is!

  9. Wow, what a great week you had, you are bubbly! I'm thrilled for you. I will have to check out the coffee video. Your pancakes and quiche look especially scrumptious to me. And your doggies look so happy, they know what a great life they have! XOX

  10. Oh I love breakfast foods, especially for dinner. Pancakes and waffles-yummy! And Raven sleeps like my dog Maddie does. And those teeth are pretty funny, but I wouldn't want to be bit by them. And bugs in braces is pretty funny. Hope June ends in a good way and happy start to July. hugs-Erika

  11. Rain - both of our kids had braces, and they hated it. My husband, being from the UK, went along with it, but didn't really "get it" in terms of dental "prettiness". I have a very distinct memory of "popsicles" in my childhood neighborhood - they were like ice cream and covered with sprinkles. So yummy!

  12. The broccoli quiche is my favourite today. Yum.
    Happy Thursday


  13. What a beautiful videos, especially the one of your dogs is very beautiful.
    The food looks delicious.
    Greetings Irma

  14. A broccoli quiche sounds pretty good to me. I am not sure I would want to eat so many eggs though. I realize you can cook them in different ways, but when all is said and done it's another meal with eggs, and given that the issue with cholesterol has not been fully resolved, I think I would still err on the side of caution and avoid eating so many.

  15. Hello Rain,
    I always enjoy your cartoon drawings, both Bugs Bunny and Henery Hawk are awesome. Cute video of your sweet dogs. Waffles and pancakes are both yummy, hubby and I enjoy breakfast for dinner too. It is nice you can relax now, your garden is planted. Take care, have a happy day!

  16. Your silver and gold are very clever. I took a little artistic license with mine, but I loved the exercise!

    Raven looks so happy. What a joy. And as usual, your food look absolutely wonderful! I always appreciate your posts.

  17. I'm laughing tears about Raven ๐Ÿคฃ Why? Our cat Luzie sleeping similiar. It's funny.

    And ... of course today my first view was my darling Wolfgang. Today is our 22. Wedding Anniversary.

    Rain, thank you for sharing your wonderful Post.

    Have a very good week ๐Ÿ˜˜

  18. Hey Sis! Just not feeling great today. Still getting lupus under control. But I did watch your videos. Great job. People will learn a lot from both of them. Talk to you later. N

  19. Raven looks so relaxed, and what an overbite. :)
    Wonderful horse drawing.
    I bet your gardens will come along fast.
    Tasty looking breakfast foods!
    I've never had a waffle. High time I did, I reckon.
    Thank you for hosting, Rain.

  20. Thanks so much for making the link-up open to all art post and for hosting! Henry Hawk and bugs look wonderful! I love pancakes, yours look so delicious! Well done with the garden!


  21. I drink cold brew from the store all the time. Those waffles look delicious! Thanks for the plug. I wondered why there were so many hits on that post on my blog yesterday. Gigi hawaii

  22. I don't know how you get SO much done Rain! Love Bugs with his decorated teeth. Speaking of teeth- I love sweet raven's very comfy sleeping position:) Your art videos are always fun and inspiring.
    Yay on getting the garden done- won't be long before you can reap all the benefits.
    Really yummy looking food again- so glad I just had a bite to eat for lunch;).
    Happy end of week and weekend!

  23. hello Rain, thanks for putting this on every week, I havent had time for any art for ages (been doing lots of overtime at work) but enjoy visiting the other participants. I love the way your dog sleeps! our cat Mollie does this too and has overshot fangs which look funny :) Aren't we lucky to have pets, they give so much and ask for nothing :) Betty x

  24. ...Bugs Bunny's silvery glitter looks like my grandchildren's mouths. I love breakfast food and yours look fabulous, thanks for hosting.

  25. I'm with Linda, Rain. I don't know how you get so much done! It's wonderful to see Raven looking so happy and relaxed in her hew home, and it was fun to hear Jack barking at the deer. He's still got it. Your garden looks awesome. I'm still fascinated by how you use tires as planters. My peace lily which my friend and cleaner Mario gave me is growing like crazy. That's my "garden." I hope I don't kill it, because it's supposed to be good for taking toxins from the air. Your pancakes and waffles look delicious. I love to eat pancakes and waffles any time, but we have to be careful because of Terry's post heart attack diet. And I have to be judicious with eggs. ๐Ÿ˜ญ I tried egg substitutes, but they were expiring before I used them up. So I'm back to regular eggs. Have a relaxing weekend! You've earned it! ❤️

  26. Wow, Bugs with braces LOL ... love your imagination :) And, of course, being a raptor girl you know I love Henery Hawk ... too cute :) I watched your Draw a Horse Silhouette video and was impressed and got several new ideas on using charcoal on a black background. I will attempt it in the near future once I gather the right supplies. You are such a good teacher ... I think you missed your calling. Glad you are making up for it now :) Love Ravens sexy sleep position. How is she doing with her new brace? She and Jack sure look like happy campers. You are a good MOM :)
    I don't have a waffle maker ... have thought about it, but then I think if we had one we would be eating waffles all the time. At our age that kind of food goes right to the wrong places, so we have to limit as much as possible ( which is rarely enough ). I do love the looks of your broccoli Quiche ... and that for sure I will try. Seems like you have finally got a handle on your life ... all good things coming from you. Thank you again and again for being so talented and sharing it all with us. Stay well, Rain ...

    Andrea @ from the Sol

  27. lol Bugs in braces looks like a rapper. Visiting from Face off, Elle/EOTC xx

  28. Looks like I’ll be making cheesy, oniony scrambled eggs for a meal tomorrow. I had a fun visit, thank you much. ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. I approve of Raven's sleeping posture. Poppy will sleep that way as well.

  30. Your broccoli quiche looks good.
    We enjoyed some quiche and salad yesterday ...

    Happy July wishes.

    All the best Jan

  31. Hihi dearest Rain,
    Bugs with the braces makes me grin! Luckily Raven doesn't need braces for his teeth ;-)
    Thank you very much for your invitation always to take part in the art date! I wasn't sure if my photos or collages were artistic enough... ;-) This time I even have something that fits the theme - namely in the penultimate collage, where I show our (silver and somewhat unusual) wedding rings. Oh, and you'll see that we also had pancakes several times in June :-D
    Congratulations on completing your summer garden - and I have my fingers crossed that you will have tulips next spring!
    You wrote me "I love the cover of the jug!" - yes I love it too and it's so handy to keep bugs or flying pollen out of drinks - we brought 4 as souvenirs from a market in Cape Town a few years ago <3 <3 <3
    All the best and happy July-days,

  32. The broccoli quiche looks delicious. I remember popsicles, loved them as a kid but don't see them these days. We used to make our own back when our daughter was young. Have a nice new week and month of July. Hard to believe July is here. :)

  33. Lindos dibujos adore a tus perros. Te mando un beso. Enamorada de las letras

  34. Hello Rain. Raven's sleeping pose made me laugh. Even I don't sleep like that even though I'm told I snore loudly - as if!

    I think you'd be warned well in advance if Jack and Raven saw a bear ahead.

  35. I was going to share art last week but now it's almost time for this week! Love that theme, though!

  36. Looks like you are busy doing wonderful and creative summer things.
    And videos! Wishing you continued fun.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!