Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Thursday Art Date: Colourful June - Purple!

Welcome my Friends, to Thursday's Art Date (posted on Wednesdays)!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š Today our theme is Purple! Following the prompt is optional! Please feel free to share any of your art, we would love to see it!

Bugs Bunny is fascinated by his crop of purple carrots! Have you ever eaten one? 

Here is my charcoal horse silhouette for Nicole's Friday Face-Off and Gillena's Art For Fun Friday! Why not share more of your creativity there? I filmed myself for the horse silhouette drawing lesson and it's sitting in the "editing" pile! Life is getting very busy again! Actually I don't know that it got un-busy!

Here are some watercolour balloons! I made sure to include some purple ones in there!

On the video front:

For Rain Frances Art, I have another Art Therapy video: How To Paint Balloons With Watercolour Paints!

For Rain Frances Art For Kids, here is How To Draw A Turtle!

And for Rain's Kitchen and Garden, I'm sharing a video on How I Hill My Potatoes!

The dogs are doing great! We're meeting Jeff tomorrow morning for Raven's new brace!

The garden is really coming along, though I haven't even finished transplanting my tomatoes or beets yet! I'll be out there this week making another raised bed. Here are some early strawberries, I do hope I can harvest these before the squirrels get to them this year!

On the food front, we've been eating a lot of Mexican style dinners. Here are breakfast burritos: a tortilla filled with fried onions and potatoes, some salsa, eggs, some Cheddar cheese and a wee sprinkling of cilantro. Yum!

Who can resist pizza? Not me! This is my Pour In The Pan Pizza!!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more artistic creations! See you soon!!! ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the prompt and inspiring images!

June 30th: Colourful June: Silver and Gold

July 7th - Playing Hooky
July 14th - Scratch Drawing
July 21st - A Poem

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! You can follow the weekly themes or post any art you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget will be available until the following Wednesday!



  1. I love those watercolour balloons! I'll come back and watch your instructional video about them later!

  2. Your theme is purple, Rain, and I have a beautiful Purple Finch or my blog, so that seems to qualify perfectly - nature at its best!

  3. Your puppies are so cute, Rain! ๐Ÿ˜

    Purple carrots! That sounds great. I haven't seen them around here, though.
    Do they taste the same as orange carrots?

  4. Always love your silhouettes, never had a purple carrot. The food looks so good.

  5. Hello,
    I have never eaten purple carrots, love the Bugs Bunny cartoon. The balloons are colorful and pretty. I am glad your furbabies are doing well, I hope all goes good with the brace for Raven. I am going to save your pizza recipe, YUM!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Hi Rain! Your title made me sing 'Purple Rain'! Great to see the doggies are doing well and Raven will soon have her brace. what a wonderful man he is to do so much for raven. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  7. Love, love, love that silhouette. And hooray for Raven's new brace.

  8. Rain, how wonderful that you posted about my favorite color, which is purple. I have heard of and seen photos of purple carrots but never tried one myself. How about yourself? Glad to read that Raven will soon get a new brace and looking forward to a future update. The pour in the pan pizza looked great and what's not to like about breakfast tortillas?

  9. The horse is amazing Rain, as are all of your drawings.

    Purple is my favorite color.

  10. I really like the watercolor balloons.
    The food looks delicious again.
    Your dogs are sweethearts.
    Greetings Irma

  11. I don't know which makes me happier, Bugs' purple carrots or the idea of pour in the pan pizza! Your garden is looking really good. Have you tried those purple carrots yet? They are so pretty in a salad. :)

  12. I'm loving your charcoal horse. It has a great effect using white on the black background. and hurrah that the pups are doing well. They are both so cute! And hurrah for strawberries. I bet you are excited to get some to eat. And your breakfast burritos and pizza look delicious. Breakfast burritos are a favorite (well pizza too). We've had Mexican for dinner twice this week too. Yummy. I hope your week has gone well, and you have a great weekend too. Hugs-Erika

  13. Fantastic art Rain- I couldn't pick a favorite! Your food again has my mouth watering- going to check out the pizza recipe:). Glad to know the dogs are doing well. Happy soon to be weekend!

  14. The charcoal horse is stunning - with a few strokes you captured the beauty of this horse. I also like the balloons very much, they are so happy! I will watch the potato video a bit later.

  15. I am having a hard time leaving comments, so hopefully this will go through. Purple carrots yum yum LOL. Good videos too. The food look delsh as always. Have a great day.

  16. The horse is AMAZEBALLS! You are so good. Creative and talented!

    Interesting your Mexican foodie theme!
    (ใƒ„) from Cottage Country , ON, Canada!

  17. I love how luminous your balloons are! And that pizza looks to die for!

  18. Purple carrots are not always easy to find, but they are very nutritious.

    Love your balloons, and so pleased the dogs are doing well.

    Enjoy the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  19. Rain - love your charcoal horse! As for breakfast burritos, it is our tradition to eat them as we start a serious hike. As we re-enter hiking season, I am already salivating at the thought!

  20. I do love purple carrots, they taste much more organic my veggie Daughter adores them. Your watercolour balloons look fab Rain lovely how they each have areas of light would make a super card for someone. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S I'm sure Raven will really make the most of her brace.. bless her x

  21. I did link my purple post this week. I will catch up next week.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  22. I am such a bonehead. Mr. Linksy is now on my blog. Have a great day.

  23. Dearest Rain,
    today I can actually participate in your linkup because I have a lavender collage - and lavender is purple :-DD (and I habe photos of a few more purple flowers too). I especially like your balloons, but Bugs with the purple carrots is cute, too :-) And of course the dogs! <3
    Mexican style dinners are great - my husband especially loves them, but I like them too!
    All the best and have a nice weekend!
    BIG HUGS! Traude

  24. Never heard of purple carrots before. How weird! Love that horse! Gigi hawaii

  25. Beautiful. I really like your horse silhouette done with charcoal. So wonderful!


  26. LOVE the charcoal horse and the adorable balloons. Glad Raven will finally get a good brace.

    Your breakfast burritos sound wonderfuyl and the eggs are perfectly cooked, too. Cilantro adds that special addition, too. And who would turn down pizza? Not me.

    Sorry I can't play this week or next. Life is very complicated right now.

  27. I love your charcoal horse silhouette, Rain. And I've missed that you have a new youtube channel. I'm your newest subscriber and have enjoyed watching two videos of you and your garden already. Looking forward to catching up there. :)

  28. Rain, your drawings again fantastisc. I love the horse, too. In younger years I paint them often ... especially the blue one of Franz Marc.

    I hope my link is okay for your meme in this week? It's a circle with different colours and the Highlight is the word Peace ... I made it with hopeful thoughts.

    Have a good week. Much hugs of me for you, Heidrun

  29. ..I've seen purple carrots, but never eaten them! Mexican night at your place looks muy buena!

  30. Hugs and healing to your doggies ~ sweet photo ~ and Bugs is great and wonderful creative post and photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. Hi Rain! Wow, purple carrots, did not even know about them! Gorgeous charcoal horse and water color balloons. Your potato video was so fun and informative to watch! And I love you wear a George Strait Resistol hat! Texas! Made in Garland, Texas which is how George found 'em. Love it! And OMG I can't even, that food! You did not roll that breakfast up, did you? Technically, not a burrito then but a chalupa, but who's watching, eat it quick and hide the evidence. DELISH! Your pizza & dough is awesome-looking, always! XOX

  32. Good evening Sunday, sorry I am so late visiting, I have been engrossed in my latest craft project. your dishes look delicious. I have a taste for a pizza lately-I need to make us some soon. I make a gluten free for me and wheat one for Larry.
    I am off to check out your videos-hugs from the lake Kathy

  33. I wish I was an artist and able to join in your linky, Rain. I love your drawings, especially the mysterious horse. I did eat a purple carrot once but I don't buy them as my grandchildren don't like them--they want the old-fashioned orange ones. Your dinners look yummy! I am making steak fajitas tonight.

  34. I'm late to the party (been so busy this last week)...Love Bugs and the purple plants, cool And the food!! and the doggies.
    Have a great week!

  35. Finally made it to the purple party

    much ๐Ÿ’œ love


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!