Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday Art Date: πŸ”₯ By The Fire πŸ”₯

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date! 😊😊 Today our theme is By The Fire. Sylvester and Tweety Bird are braving the weather for some winter camping! I bet it's nice and cozy by that campfire!

Here is my latest Looney Tunes "Short" video! Drawing Tweety Bird!

I was talking with my friend Martha from Plowing Through Life blog and Mystical Empowerment Blog and YouTube Channel, the other day. We've both had a tough 2021 and she mentioned that she felt like the both of us were rising up from the ashes of 2021 for greater things in 2022! This inspired my charcoal drawing this week! Rising like a Phoenix from the fire! 😊

Here's something...I didn't realize I actually made some trick art! My eyes are a bit of an optical illusion. I recorded another short, it's 45 seconds, showing you the illusion! Let me know if you see what I see!

I have a few new videos up on my Spiritual Rain channel as well if you're interested!

Not much going on in the kitchen lately! After the indulgence of the holiday season, we are sticking to soups, leftovers and light pasta dishes. I had leftover Chocolate Sauce and it was perfect for hot chocolate! I did however manage to sneak in a Poutine and a few Focaccia Pizzas!! I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone!!! 😊

Photo Courtesy of Nicole (DV Artist)

This week's featured artist is my friend Nicole from DV Artist blog! Nicole is so talented, she makes beautiful art from so many different mediums. She has a great sense of humour and loves horror movies and pizza just like me, so what's not to like? 😊 Please visit her blog!! πŸ’—

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "By The Fire" creations! See you soon!!! πŸ’— πŸ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date: click on the links below for a description of the theme and inspiring images!

January 20th: Winter Sports
January 27th: A Winter Night Scene

February Feelings πŸ’•
February 3rd: Kindness
February 10th: Romance
February 17th: Excitement
February 24th: Despair

This art date is all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Your rising from the fire like a phoenix drawing is beautiful! Very cool trick with the eyes. And I love your key words for 2022.

  2. Oh wow, I DO see that optical illusion! It's SO COOL!

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by, fir your nice comment. Your plans for 2022 are interesting and good. Kindness is important ... and that to be is success, I believe. Kindness, in my opinion, become in this World more and more true rarity.

    Your drawings are again wonderful! ☃️

    Hugs, Heidrun

  4. Rain,

    Last year was tough for many. I hope 2022 is kinder to you, my dear. It would be nice if things went back to the way they were pre-Covid but I'm looking for that to happen any time soon. The whole pandemic is crazy. The so-called experts and authorities keep stepping all over themselves, most of the time much of it doesn't makes sense. The bottom line is to avoid people who are sick. That's something most people rarely do. We go out of our way to walk around anyone who displays the slightest signs of not being well. Of course, we aren't out in public like we used to be and for the most part I'm okay with that. I do miss some things, though. This will play its hand and I'm confident it will weaken as people naturally become immune to the virus hopefully without the really bad nasty symptoms. Thanks for hosting the weekly art challenge, my friend!

  5. Love the cute campfire scene and rising by the fire is a work of art wow. Amazing food and Nicole is so talented.

  6. Luv the look of that pizza. Bravo fir Nicole's portrait.
    Happy Thursday.

    Much love...

  7. main plan for 2022 is to stay healthy, my best to you!

  8. Love the campfire and your optical illusion. That´s nice work.

    I hope you will succed with your plans for the future. :) Take care and be well. Our snow melted last night so my world is gray once again :(

  9. Ohhh thank you for featuring me. Wish I had put up a real drawing and not a 3-minute warm up. LOL You are so excited about 2022. I am happy to see this enthusiasm. It sure is snowing at your place. I will pop over to watch more of your videos today. Stay warm over there.

  10. Hello,

    Love your drawing of the campfire with Sylvester and Tweety Bird. I hope 2022 is a great year for you. I would be happy with soup and pizza, it all looks delicious. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Whenever I come to your blog I leave hungry. Soup, foccacia, poutine. Sigh!

  12. How I hope that you, me, the world DOES rise from the ashes.
    Deep in our sweaty season I loved your snowy camping image. And always drool over your meals.

  13. Cool art, Rain...I love the one of you rising from the ashes and the optical illusion was so neat! Now, the question is why are your eyes looking to the right as you are rising from the ashes? On a subconscious level, what grabbed your attention? Interesting...

    I enjoyed your ritual and 2022 plans. Wishing you the very best!

    I reckon your kitchen must be a very inviting, loving space...almost like the heart of your home.

    Nicole does do great art! I enjoy visiting her blog too.

    Your prompts for February look good — I will try to join in.

    Enjoy the rest of your week,
    Serena xx

  14. I'm almost punctual this week! haha The blues of that gorgeous camping scene, I love it, you draw them perfectly. And your charcoal drawing is fab too. Omg, I drool at your pizzas and anything you make with dough. Have a good weekend, xoxo

  15. It is a very good time for a fire. Hopefully we we all indeed rise from the ashes, Rain. A wonderful sentiment.

  16. Yes, I like the optical illusion and also enjoyed seeing you in the snow for your January plans. May 2022 be a happy and healthy year for you.

    All the best Jan

  17. With Omicron, 2022 is not starting out well, so we can only hope that it will improve - for all of us. I keep telling myself that pandemics can't last forever, but I am starting to wonder. Maybe poutine is the antidote! And the Evening Grosbeaks at your feeders will lift your spirits. I am quite jealous I will have you know,

  18. It's been such a time. I'm cheered by your wonderful food and art!
    I'm having computer issues. Well connectivity issues. It's slower than molasses in January! Which is slow!

  19. Wonderful post, Rain! It does feel like we're rising up from the ashes and heading towards better, greater things. Side by side. Supporting each other along the way and cheering each other on. xo

  20. Rain - trying to be more understanding is an awesome goal for this year. I find myself with "compassion fatigue", so I could use a little effort on this! Your food always blows my mind! Have a good weekend!

  21. You just keep getting better and better, Rain. You have some awesome artwork and I know you set wonderful goals for yourself. I hope you have a great day---and now I will drool a bit over the food part of your post. xo Diana

  22. Yes 2021 was not very pleasant. Hope that 2022 is better. Love that top campfire picture. Cute and sweet!!!

  23. You draw the cutest Tweety Bird. My son-in-law was an F-15 Fighter Pilot. He is now retired. All those pilots were given nick names. His last name is Boyd so of course they called him Tweety Boyd. Always thought that was cute. Your painting of you rising like a Phoenix from the fire is amazing, your eyes are amazing.

  24. So enjoyed the video of you talking about your plans for 2022, Rain, and the fact that you did the video during a(nother) snow storm was really interesting. Hope your equipment kept dry! Thanks for taking the time to share a bit more about your past, present and future plans. I wish you all the best and it seems you are already well on your way, my friend. The optical illusion was such fun, so thanks for that video explanation too.

  25. Love your art ----i always do! and your food - ....I always do. And i would love an invite to I always do, lol

  26. That is so cool Rain and of course your meals look fantastic as always. I hope you have a great weekend!

  27. Your self portrait is wonderful. I thought you were looking to the right until I watched the short video! Really cool! I hope 2022 is better than this last year, which was terrible, so it must get better! Best, Celie

  28. Great post, and such great art info! Thanks for the food pics…going to eat now, because again, you made me hungry!,,, lol !!!

  29. How fun to visit the video and see the optical illusion. Love your creative posts, Rain.


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!