Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday Art Date: Fine Arts - Pop Art

I hate missing out on the art dates! I had some great ideas too, maybe I'll post them for you next week!

My latest tutorials are up on my YouTube channels, please click on the images to check them out!

PS: To those who may have downloaded/copied my No Knead Toaster Oven Bread recipe....omg, I totally made a mistake with the water measurement...I fixed it now!

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "Pop Art" creations! See you soon!!! πŸ’— πŸ’— 


Upcoming Art Dates For Rain's Thursday Art Date:

September 23rd: Fine Art - Sculpture
September 30th: Fine Art - Surrealism

Click on the links for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Rain, I have no idea how to even envision 140 lbs of tomatoes. You are, as you have always been, amazing.

    Also, please send cheese...

  2. thats some crop of tomatos! just think of all those pizza toppings and sauce mixes you will have on hand though :) Sometimes real life does get in the way I havent made time to paint for ages. Hope you catch up soon and that the pets are all safe and well. Betty

  3. It's that busy time of year! Looking forward to seeing pix of all those lovely canned tomatoes and your wonderful cheese. Fur kids too!

  4. You take time to do what's needed Rain, glad I had an art piece already in the bag to share and come say Hi this Thursday.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

  5. I miss you, dear. I hope cheese and canning are the only things keeping you away. I worry about you because this has been a really hard year for you. Regardless, I totally understand you need time away doing things that don't include computer time. Stay safe and well, Rain.

  6. Canning tomatoes is an art form, too! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  7. The mere thought of tackling that many tomatoes is daunting, let alone doing it! Good luck with it all. You will have the base for a lot of pasta sauce!

  8. Hello Rain,

    Sounds like a busy time, making cheese and canning all those tomatoes.
    Good luck, I wish you a happy day!

  9. Rain,

    Don't worry about a thing, my dear! You have priorities outside of blogging that need your attention. I've not done any canning. I vaguely remember my grandmother doing it but 140 pounds of tomatoes really sounds like a lot. You're going to have lots of fresh tomato puree to make lots of good stuff with for sure. I liked your little stick lady. She's cute and she's wearing a hat. Wait, is that you? lol Of course, it is and doesn't this fall into the pop art category or not? Have fun in the kitchen! See ya next week, my dear. ;)

  10. Please do share your pop art another time! Wow on the tomatoes.

  11. Congrats on the toms. My question is where to you put 140# of tomatoes? ha ha ha. Get get overwhelmed just take one tomato at a time. Ohhh I am just cracking myself up. Like everyone else I can't imagine.

  12. Yikes. I only had a half-bushel and I was on my feet all day making pasta sauce out of them! That's a TON!

  13. Getting prepared for hibernation is a busy time and you have just begun! I look forward to more of your amazing adventures! and creative inspiration!
    Take Care!

  14. WOW!
    That is a good crop of tomatoes.

    Take care, you sound very busy :)

    All the best Jan

  15. Well that's no excuse, LOLOLOL Damn - you must never have time to relax..I wish I knew all about canning. My daughter in law in Washington, they have a huge garden and I know right now she is busy with a lot of whatever it is one does with all that grows in a garden.

  16. I'm linked, Rain! I'll be back later to comment and read everyone's posts. Crazy morning!

  17. OMG, Rain ~ 140 pounds of tomatoes! Lucky you! That's going be the basis of many delicious winter meals. And the sketch of you with the tomatoes is darn cute. My busy morning is behind me. I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening. Wishing you, Alex, and the Fur Babies a happy weekend!

  18. What a great haul of tomatoes, Rain, and a lot of work for you as well. But, the result sill be so deliciously worth your efforts. I know we will be seeing so many good foods. Life does come before blogging and everyone will be here when you returnπŸ˜‹

  19. And you still gave us art! Happy canning, Rain. It's been ages since I've canned tomatoes and green beans, but I remember how satisfying it all was to see those beautiful jars on the pantry shelves.

  20. Wowzers, that's a lotta tomatoes! Good thing you live up north. If you lived down here, you'd have 2 growing seasons of them, lol. Good luck! xoxo

  21. you are an achiever since always dear Rain :)

    oh this is such an enormous crop of tomatoes !

    best wishes for all you do my friend!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!