Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday Art Date: Your Favourite Decade - 1980's!

Hello Friends!! 😊😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Your Favourite Decade. Without a doubt my favourite decade was the 1980's. Bugs Bunny is doing his best Jane Fonda impression this week!! I was totally into the aerobics craze, I had every one of Jane Fonda's workouts and did them daily!

I created this collage of just a few of my favourite music artists from the 80's, can you name them? (Answers at the end of the post!) 

Those were the days when I was in high school and beginning university. I loved the music, I loved the fashion (at the time!!) and I loved going to clubs and dancing the night away. I moved out on my own and worked my way through university as a bartender in some of the trendiest bars in Montreal (Sir Winston Churchill's Pub and Alexander's for those who might know them). Does anyone else relate to this decade like I do?

I decided to focus on 80's music for my art this week. Here are The Blues Brothers in ink and graphite. Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi created these characters in the 70's but the movie came out in the 80's. I love this movie and every bit of music in it! I admit I haven't seen the sequel that Dan Aykroyd made in the 2000's with John Goodman. Maybe one day I will but it's hard to replace John Belushi. Here's the trailer for The Blues Brothers.

My newest art tutorials are now live on You Tube! Thanks SO MUCH ♥♥♥ my friends for supporting me on this new venture!! If you'd like to see the videos, click on the above thumbnails or on these links:

Let's Draw The Blues Brothers (time-lapsed tutorial)
Let's Draw Bugs Bunny (real-time tutorial with voice)

Annie Lennox in charcoals. The Eurythmics were fabulous and Annie is gorgeous! There was not one song that this band put out that I didn't like. I had quite long hair during the early 80's and I used to tease it à la Pat Benatar. But when I saw Annie Lennox in the "Sweet Dreams" video (here's a link to the video), I chopped it all off, shaved it short and coloured it bright orange!! I would bleach it all out every month and try a new colour. My poor hair back then...

...but at least I didn't sport a mullet!!! 😁  Though technically the mullet became popular in the 80's, I think the most famous mullet-wearing country boy was Billy Ray Cyrus during the early 1990's!!

Michael Jackson in charcoals. I actually saw Michael Jackson live in 1985 in Montreal at the Olympic Stadium. It was part of the "Victory Tour" he did with his brothers. It was fabulous. Those were the days when you camped out in front of the ticket agencies to ensure you got good seats! I remember staying up all night outside The Bay store in downtown Montreal where they had a ticket booth. That concert was a very precious memory for me!

My friends and I loved the Thriller song and video. I especially loved it for the dancing but also because Vincent Price voiced a creepy poem in the song. I admit it...I learned the Thriller dance and could wow my friends with my Jackson-like moves!!! 😳

Here's the video for Thriller!

Another great product of the 1980's was Spinal Tap. A parody rock band created by Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer - all great comedians and musicians. My favourite Spinal Tap song is Stonehenge. 😊 The movie is hilarious, most of it was improvised and there are so many great actors in it. Rob Reiner plays the director who interviews the band throughout this "mockumentary"...or rather, "rockumentary" as they say. 😊 I have a copy on DVD and watch it regularly for a laugh! Here's the link to the trailer.

Let's see some critters! I put up two more hummingbird feeders in hopes that I will attract many more hummers! For now it just seems like there are only one or two who regularly visit. This one decided to sip from all three, I guess to compare which one was the sweetest!

This is a photo from a few weeks ago. My dog's perspectives of how they saw the Fundy Bay. The myth that dogs can only see in black and white was disproven years ago. According to Penn State University, it is biologically proven that dogs can see just as we do. I'm glad to know that! 😊

The weather has been really hot and humid. A few drinks on a hot night is such a treat. Here I made a ginger ale, Limoncello and red Vermouth cocktail; and a lovely Sangria made with red wine, brandy, 7up and citrus fruit!

I made another SUPER EASY Tiramisu. I have issues with egg yolks. The creamy custard of a traditional tiramisu is called a sabayon and it typically consists of around 6 egg yolks. I can't handle that, so I looked for a substitute for the sabayon - vanilla pudding. Worked perfectly! Here's the recipe!

I think I outdid myself....I made a Camembert Poutine!!! Using my Cams of course!! It was SO good. I followed my basic Poutine Recipe, but instead of the red wine gravy, I used my Chicken Gravy and topped it with pieces of Camembert. Seriously indulgent and decadent!!

This week's highlighted artist and/or blogger is Tracey from New Beginnings..Creating in my Corner blog! 💗 Tracey is such a creative artist. This is her journal painting from last week's "Mornings" theme. Tracey has a sweet little pup named Freya who is adorable! She's a very busy lady and I'm so happy when she graces us with her artwork here at the art date! Please visit her blog! 💗

Answers to my 80's collage!

1st Row: Freddy Mercury from Queen, Morten Harket from AHA, The Weather Girls, Weird Al Yancovic

2nd Row: Robert Smith from The Cure, Slash from Guns N' Roses, Olivia Newton-John, The Beastie Boys

3rd Row: Hall and Oates, Patrick Swayze, Cyndi Lauper, Boy George from Culture Club

4th Row: Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses, George Michael, Billy Idol, Tone Loc

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, or at least trying (!!), please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! 😊

Friday July 23rd : Paint Party Friday
Saturday July 24th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday July 26th: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link widget below for more "Your Favourite Decade" creations! 

See you soon!!! 💗💗💗


Upcoming Art Dates For Thursday Art Date with Rain:

July 29th: Musical
August 5th: Ditches and Holes
August 12th: Weather and Weather Lore
August 19th: Reflections and Mirrors
August 26th: Rough Textures

Click on the links for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! All spam and non-related links will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Love your Jane Fonda take ! Wonderful memories of the 80’s too. Your summer drinks look delicious!

    Tracey is so talented.

  2. The Blues Brothers was a FABULOUS movie wasn't it?
    Home made camenbert? Drool.

  3. Lots of beautiful 80s art, you made some great drawings. Love the pics of the doggies looking out to see. Lovely art from Tracey! have a happy day, hugs, Valerie

  4. As I ponder this topic and look back, Rain, I can't think that I have a favourite decade. Never having followed the pop music scene, many of the names you cite above are unfamiliar to me, and those from other decades too. I can think of highlights in my life related to my daughter growing up, some memorable travel destinations with exciting expeditions to find bird families I had never seen, but to pick an entire decade seems to be an impossibility for me.

  5. 80:s yes a quite good decade. I remember some of the artists you share. Culture club was my favorite. Don´t remember his name but I have seen him in one of those shows looking for new artists. So, he is still going strong. :)
    Jane Fonda, yew I remember her too, But did not much of her classes as I was involved with gymnastics, areobics, jazzdance and skipping. As a teacher and participater depending on what class.

    But I took a different take of the promt.

    Nice to see you have a few Hummers at your feeder. :)

  6. favorite decade came a lot earlier, I may have slept through the 80s. Thanks Rain for hosting the party, I'll stop back tomorrow to link.

  7. That tiramisu and drinks look yummy! The pudding is, I think, better. Glad you found that hack. Well, you sure triggered 80's memories for me. I was in that too, just older. Loved it all. xoxo

  8. The 80's was a magical decade. I suppose every person has one (Hopefully. Or how awful to not to have one). It certainly eclipsed any of the following decades for me - there was just something less magical about them.

  9. Fabulous post. Yes, I can name the artist in the collage. And Annie Lennox is still one of my faves. Great art my friend and the food. I will be over for dinner.

  10. Oh, the 80s! The Best and Worst of Times in my life, lol! I adored Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics too -- you're right, never a bad song from them! And thanks for that tiramisu recipe -- I've been wanting to try an easier version of this dessert and yours sounds ideal! My Rare One loves tiramisu so I'll make it for her!

  11. Yes, yes, yes. The eighties was also highschool and university for me. I knew most of the people on your collection (Didn't know the guy from Aha, or The Weather Girls, or Tone Loc, but know their music). The eighties just felt more alive, but I guess that's because of what I was doing in my life at that time. I loved the fashion, couldn't afford the real stuff that I wanted, did A LOT of sewing my own clothes, was a weird combination of preppy sometimes and New Age sometimes. Can completely and totally relate to your hair story. Had long, spiral perm hair and loved spraying the living hell out of it with hairspray and then went ultra short (didn't do the colour though). Great post, Rain!! -Jenn

  12. This is such a wonderful post, so positive and uplifting. I love the looks of those drinks even though I don't drink alcohol. Those drinks look so cool and inviting!

  13. Congrats to Tracey, featured art today.
    Happy Thursday all. Thank for another inspiring prompt Rain


  14. Loads of wonderful eye candy, Rain -- art and all things otherwise! Your dinner looks to die for. Camembert Poutine. WOW!

  15. Wow, that is fantastic on making the Youtube drawing tutorials. Congrats. I always love to see what you are baking/cooking too.

  16. Your 80's were my 60's only you were dancing and we were demonstrating :) I had no idea you were so worldly ... good for you working your way through your college years ... bet you got an ear full, Ha! like you, I loved the music and I loved the music of the 80's as well and yes, I recognized most of the faces on your music collage. Actually I think the mullets are back now, some 30+ years later and Billy Ray's daughter is the Cyrus to watch :) And your Micheal Jackson is awesome as well as the trailer. I don't remember Spinal Tap ... I think I was busy with kids and mine were a bit young for their movie. As for your delicious food ... OMG, Rain. Is there no end to your talents?
    This is the first I have heard that dogs can see in color. That would be awesome for them. Poor cats, do you know if they see in color too? I have to say, your 80's post is fantastic ... loved every bit of it. Makes me almost wish we could turn the clock back :) Life is generally good, though it hasn't been so much for the last 5 years ... hope things continue to look up. Stay well, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  17. I'm blown away by your productivity Rain. You put my meagre efforts to shame, but we have been busy with grandkids this week. And Sue's eye test, and my gout. We'll get there. Yes, I guessed Guns N Roses but where's ZZ Top? I put a link to your You Tube. Hope you get some hits.

  18. Hi Rain, thanks for highlighting blogger Tracey's art - it's delightful, really fresh and soft - she is certainly talented. I confess I haven't looked at your You Tube tutorials yet - but I will this weekend! I think My favourite era was the 70s for the fashions, the music and of course it was my teen years so was lots of fun!

  19. what a fun filled post!! I LOVE your aerobics Bugs- I used to wear leg warmers too and do the Jane Fonda exercises:):)
    I knew most of the photos of the eighties singers- did not know Morten Harket and couldn't come up with the name Tone Loc. I did love the eighties but loved the seventies even more!
    Your food looks amazing as always- but yes, quite rich and decadent. My stomach would only tolerate very small portions. I do admire your cooking, cheesemaking, and baking skills.
    Love watching the hummingbirds!
    Happy PPF!

  20. What a nice blast from the past! I did recognize most of those faces. I do remember the first time I ever heard Annie Lennox sing and I thought wow what a voice! She certainly is how outlasted a lot of other singers from her generation oh, really kept her amazing voice.

  21. Oh Rain you are adorable, thank you so much for brightening my day, yup been another busy week and plagued with internet issues but I'm here to see your beautiful 80's work.. How fab does Bugs look with his matching leg warmers and boy can he stretch those legs hee hee..
    I used to really dislike the 80's, memories of school years and mean people, rock and early thrash music kept me sane (YUP.. you better believe it!!) but as I get older I love the 80's toe tapping music more and more.
    Your Annie Lennox charcoal is fantastic may I say.
    Thanks for sharing so many lovely things today and everyone's kindness, hope to come play again very very soon. Hugs to you & the furbabies Tracey xx

  22. Dear Rain,
    for me the 80s weren't quite "my decade". Of course that COULD have been "my time", and it was "okay" for me, but I was a hippie at heart, a 68er (regardless of the fact that I was only 7 years old in November 1968 ;-)) I loved the clothes and the music in the 70s (and still do) - and for a long time I didn't like to adjust to the broad shoulders, the gel hair and the bands of the 80s. Of course I liked Queen and The Blues Brothers, but as you said yourself, they already existed in the 1970s. Funny, I only recently read something very positive from Spinal Tap and Christopher Guest when I Googled some facts about Jamie Lee Curtis. I had never heard of Spinal Tap before - I really need to catch up on that ... Great idea to use vanilla pudding for tiramisu, yummie! Please gently stroke your critters from me!
    Hugs from Austria and happy weekend, Traude
    PS: Nice to see "our Arnie" Schwarzenegger ;-))

  23. What a great post and wonderful art.
    Love the Annie Lennox charcoal, we enjoy listening to her CD's and have quite a few.

    Enjoy your weekend and have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  24. Your work is so creative and the portraits are amazing! Love the photo from the dog's perspective:) Happy PPF!

  25. I loved the Eighties, Rain! I knew that was your decade the moment I saw Bugs in his leg warmers. And the music of the 80s was great. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. And that poutine ~ OMG! I visited Tracey's blog last week. She is definitely creative! Have a great week!

  26. Super interesting post. Love bugs, certainly has more energy than me with our too hot to go out weather. Your drawings are amazing, and I love your cookery posts. I wish we had humming birds, I have only seen one once in Chile, many years ago. Have a great weekend.

  27. Hello, Rain

    Yes, the 80's was a great decade. Love your Bugs in the leg warmers. I do not think I have ever waiting in line for concert tickets, I might have made a lot of phone calls trying to get tickets. Love the sweet hummers, maybe you have a nest nearby. Your dogs have a pretty view of the Bay of Fundy. The Tiramisu looks yummy, thanks for sharing. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  28. Some really interesting art in this. The drinks look delicious!

  29. I'm taken with Bugs doing the Jane Fonda routine.

  30. Fun reading about your '80s, Rain. I was in my 20s and while there were certainly some good things in that decade, it had some heartache too. I was a kid in the 60's (born in 1959) and I have a real thing for movies and some TV shows from that era (or that depict that decade). I love your Bugs in tights and leg warmers. LOL I owned some leg warmers back then, but I didn't have the confidence to actually wear them anywhere. :)

  31. I loved the 80s, Rain. I have so many great memories from that time. Your artwork, the food and - of course - the fur babies...all wonderful!

  32. Rain - what a coincidence that you should write about the '80s as your favorite decade! Earlier tonight, I was looking at some clip art as I prepare to design a button for this year's Winter Carnival - and the theme is the '80s! I was in college/grad school throughout the '80s, and it was TOTALLY AWESOME! I had big hair and loved all the fashions (that I could afford)!

    I haven't had sangria in a long time - it has been hot here too, and that sounds so refreshing. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy your week ahead!

  33. It's always a great pleasure to visit your blogsite. Especially today, seeing the Blues Brothes here. My gosh, I love their Rhythm so much.

    Rain, your illustrations are again fantastisc.

    Have a wonderful week.
    Happy MosaicMonday

  34. Your work is beautiful Rain. I like the video of Michael Jackson. Have a nice week.

  35. Hi Rain, lots of great art and good in this post. And I will check out your newest art videos too, even though I am not an artist, these are enjoyable and glad you are enjoying them as well. I will say that you seem a lot more upbeat these days and hopefully you are feeling that way as well. I didn't recognize all the artists in the college, perhaps only half. The drinks sound wonderfully cooling and I will add some fruit to our red wine tonight for a quick sangria. Thanks for the reminder of how good this combo is!

  36. fun drawings today - thanks for making me smile

  37. The Blues Brothers were it, love it. Whole your blog is greatness, thanks Rain.

  38. Bugs Bunny has the Jane Fonda pose and leg warmers in perfection! Haha! So fun!

    Love all your artwork and your poutine looks amazingly delicious, Rain

  39. Rain,

    What's not to like about the 80s? It was a fun decade! I'm trying to get my sketches caught up so I can do a super post this week so if I get done in time then I'll join the fun. Don't go holding your breathe, though. I'm a little worried. Your charcoals are excellent! The music and movies were awesomely good. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed everything you shared here!

  40. Very interesting post. Such a great quality variety!

  41. What beautiful drawings you have made.
    The food and drinks look delicious too.
    Greetings Irma

  42. bugs is awesome, truly awesome but those leg warmers are the best!!

    i was having my children in the 80's and always listened to music from the 70's!! i did not discover the greatness of queen until the movie came out a few years back.

    I love tiramisu and i always use pudding, i have a great recipe from pampered chef if you want to google it!!

    and poutine, gourmet french fries, i did not know but followed the link!!

    a great post today!!

  43. Oh so sad for me, the 80s is way later than "my" era -- my kids all graduated high school in the late 70s, early 80s, so we were almost empty-nesters again. But, huh, maybe that makes in my favorite decade after all, LOL! However, I DO remember exercising to Jane Fonda and loving every minute of it. No pain, no gain, remember? Bugs looks great in those leg-warmers (which I also remember)!

  44. I guess I don't have a favourite decade or a fan of music artists but I am a Waltz Disney cartoon fan. I like the bug bunny doing his aerobics. Of course, I can recognize Michael Jackson in charcoals. I am glad that dogs can see just as we do, in colours. The weather here is also hot and humid. We are drinking lots of coconut water to cool down.

  45. I loved the 80's also and most of the big hair bands. I loved Motley Crue. and I am a 50s girl but I loved rock and roll and hard rock---Metallica etc.
    Thanks for the look back


  46. I so love your artwork. But I would love to try your cheese!

  47. Yes Elephant's Child!! An amazing movie! :)

  48. Thanks Valerie! :) I love getting my dogs' perspective of life. :)

  49. Hi David! :) Having special moments throughout your life is just as great as having a favourite decade. I have much more special moments from 2020 than I did in the 80' general though, I loved the whole atmosphere of that decade! :)

  50. Hi Monica! :) Boy George! :) I didn't know he did those shows. I really liked him. Funny, when I saw Culture Club's first album, I really thought he was a girl! :)

  51. LOL Tom, I feel like I slept through the 2000's!!! :)

  52. Thanks Aimeslee! :) Yes, I agree, the pudding is better in the Tiramisu. I've eaten both, though couldn't digest the authentic one very well.

  53. I agree about the 80's TB :) It was magical, nothing compares 2 it! ;) (Did you get my reference there???) :)

  54. Thanks Nicole! :) There is always a place set at my table for you! :)

  55. LOL Debra! :) I know what you mean about the best and worst ha ha ha! I hope you tried the Tiramisu, let me know! :)

  56. Hee hee hee Jenn...spiral perm hair! I know, I know!! ha, that made me laugh. Like you, I whipped out the sewing machine and made most of my own clothes, couldn't afford to buy fashionable eighties attire on my allowance, and then on my salary from Dunkin Donuts!! :)

  57. Thanks Gillena and you're welcome! :)

  58. Thanks Kristina! :) I'd been wanting to start this channel for a very long time. It's a lot of work but so rewarding! :)

  59. Thanks so much Andrea! :) I don't know about cats, but I think that as long as these critters have the same biology as we do eyes-wise...they must all see what we do. I would be a happy girl if I never saw a mullet again lol...I had a lot of fun working in bars during my school years. The schedule fit mine and the tips were amazing! I think you'd like Spinal Tap, if you can find it, it's hilarious. :)

  60. Thanks Phil! :) ZZ Top lol...forgot about those dudes!!!

  61. Thanks Betty! :) I was a fan of the 70's too, but I was too young to really appreciate a lot of what it had to offer fashion-wise and music-wise! Now as an adult, I LOVE most 70's disco and rock. Great stuff came from that decade!! :)

  62. Thanks Linda! :) Oh so nice to hear I have a fellow aerobics-bunny friend lol! :) I have a big place in my heart for all things 70's too! :)

  63. Thanks Nancy! :) Glad you enjoyed the blast! :) I agree about Annie Lennox, she is so talented! :)

  64. LOL Tracey...I wish I could stretch as well as Bugs! :) Well, I was more into the punk scene! I even had a mohawk at one point...chopped off my hair, died it black and spiked it up like Sid Vicious lol! I wish I had photos of those times! (or maybe I don't lol!)

  65. Thanks Traude! :) LOL YOUR Arnie lol! Love that. He was a big part of my teenage years that's for sure! :) Oh my gosh, the shoulders of the 80's...I forgot. Women looked like football players! I read that Jamie Lee saw Spinal Tap and fell in love with Christopher Guest...of course they ended up married! If you have a chance, I hope you see that movie, it's very funny! :)

  66. Thanks Jan! :) I haven't heard Annie's latest stuff, but I'm sure it's just as powerful as her music from the 80's and 90's. I love her voice!

  67. Thanks Louise! :) Yes...those legwarmers lol...I feel like knitting myself a pair now! :)

  68. Thanks Wendy! :) I don't have Bugs' energy by a long shot...I did back in the day though. Oh that's a shame you don't see the hummers!

  69. Thanks Eileen! :) I remember calling the radio shows trying to get free tickets!!! Actually one summer I worked for a scalper (ooops, don't tell anyone!)...he paid my friends and I to sit outside all night, waiting in line for the best concert tickets! There were a lot of board games played those nights. I think you may be right about the hummer nest...I saw a few teeny ones at the feeders today! :)

  70. He does look fabulous doesn't he Lin? :)

  71. LOL Becki! :) Too bad you didn't wear the leg warmers!!! They were so fashionable. I mentioned to my friend Louise that I'm tempted to start knitting a pair for myself now! 2020's fashion be damned! :)

  72. Thanks Angie! :) I hope your 80's themed Winter Carnival is a BLAST, of course it will be! So happy you chose that theme, you'll have so much fun with it! BIG hair oh yes, I remember lol! :)

  73. Thanks Dorothy! :) Yes, I am feeling a lot better than I was the last few months. I think that the YT channel really pulled me out of the darkness and I'm very grateful for it. :) I read your comment when you posted it and I'd run out of Sangria at that point, so I did the same, added some OJ to my red wine that night with a twist of lime! :)

  74. Thanks Carol, glad I made you smile! :)

  75. Thanks so much Bob! :) Glad to know another Blues Brothers fan! :)

  76. Thanks Pat! :) That poutine was so amazing...I'm glad you enjoyed Bugs in his leg warmers! :)

  77. Thanks so much Cathy! :) I hope you had a little time to watch some of the charcoal tutorials I made, that will show you my whole technique if you want to dabble with the white charcoal pencils. :)

  78. Thanks Irma! :) Glad you enjoyed it! :)

  79. Thanks Debbie! :) Oh thanks for the Pampered Chef suggestion! I just looked it up! :) I'm a big fan of 70's music too, what's not to like about that decade! Glad you enjoyed the post! :)

  80. Thanks Sallie! :) LOL...great comment! OMG pain no gain, I do remember that awful saying that brought me so much pain ha ha!

  81. Thanks Nancy! :) I am also a Walt Disney cartoon fan! Probably just up until The Lion King though. After that, I didn't have time to watch them so I got out of touch a little bit! Good idea to drink coconut oil. Our weather has been chilly and damp lately, I kind of miss the heat and humidity! :)

  82. Hi MB! :) Glad you enjoyed the blast from the past! I was in love with the 80's "hair bands" myself! :) I saw Metallica in Montreal in the 1990's, great show! :)

  83. Thanks Jenn! :) Send me an email with your address and I'll put you on the autumn cheese list!! :)

  84. You are absolutely the most talented lady!! You can do everything! I knew just a few of the music artist from the 80s. Of course, I grew up in the 50s. :) But the 80's had great music! Your drawings are so good! I'm glad to know that about dogs seeing the same as we do. Sure enjoyed this post.

  85. Thanks Henny! :) So glad you enjoyed the post! I'd love to read about you growing up in the 50's!! :)

  86. what a lovely tribute to your favorite decade and artists dear Rain !

    mine was 80 either because i was in school and with my parents so most beautiful memories belong to that decade when life was like puzzle and i wanted to solve it .

    i can see few familiar faces here but sorry can't name because it was long ago and i forgot though one of them who appeared in movie "Ghost" i remember him more than others .
    the art is marvelous !
    and food oh my ,yes we too take help from drinks to cool down and they work.
    pretty feeders and bird .
    relief to learn that dogs can see just like us :)
    Michal Jackson was really popular here too ,we liked his unique style as well .

  87. Bugs was always a crack up. I see some musicians like too in your collage. I have to say I was surprised you had Tone Loc in there. How cool you struck out on your own and bartender. You go girl!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!