Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thursday Art Date: Doorways and Alleys

Hello Friends!! 😊😊

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Doorways and Alleys. Sorry I haven't been around life is very slowly starting to balance out so I will catch up with you this weekend! I will also answer blog comments this weekend too if you asked me a question! (And Cathy I can't wait to check out your Looney Tunes this month!) 😊

I recently watched a tv movie version of Jack the Ripper. 1840's London is a great muse for this theme! Here is Bugs Bunny playing the roll of a Whitechapel-district "prossie". Bugs is sweet-talking someone in that alley...I hope it's not Jack the Ripper! 😲

The version of the story I watched was starring Michael Caine (here he is in charcoals). This was by far the BEST version of the story I've ever seen. If you can find it, it's worth the 3 hours. I love Michael Caine! 

Here is the trailer - warning - it's realistic and be forewarned!

If you're a Michael Caine fan and want a chuckle, these two comedians do impressive impersonations of him! (it's less than 2 minutes and really funny! Here's the link.)

A favourite movie of mine starring Michael Caine is The Prestige, set in the 19th century, also starring Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale and Scarlett Johanssen with a cameo by David Bowie. It's about magicians, illusion, rivalry and revenge. Oh it's good, I just watched it last night. It'll have you scratching your head and guessing until the very end! Here's the trailer.

I re-watched Hitchcock's Psycho recently and one of the scariest moments for me wasn't the actual shower was the few moments as the killer enters the doorway of the bathroom and you can see his/her shadow behind the shower curtain! I did this one of Janet Leigh in ink and graphite. Did you know that Jamie Lee Curtis is the daughter of Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis? Lots of talent in that family! This was a quick doodle, as was this one:

Anthony Perkins was excellent in this. Did you know that he did Psycho 2, Psycho 3 and Psycho 4 as well? They were all pretty good, but nothing like the first one!

Here's the official trailer of Hitchcock's masterpiece! Still gives me the chills when I watch it!

I spent some time this week canning salsa, pizza sauce and spaghetti sauce. 

Some meals this week were baked Alfredo spaghetti with asparagus and garlic bread; and all-dressed pizza.

Marlene is doing much better, though it seems she has permanently lost her appetite! 😞 I still have to force-feed her twice a day with blended kidney formula food. It's challenging, she spits it out...otherwise, she seems almost back to normal.

Jack getting a tummy rub. It's extra special when Jack lies on his back. When we adopted him in 2015, he was fear-aggressive and it took us years to show him he could trust us without him trying to bite us. He still growls at me when I rub his tummy, but I know he won't bite me and he never does because as soon as I stop rubbing his tummy, he stops growling and looks at me as though to say "why did you stop???". He's my little angel! 😇

The squirrels have finally found the bird feeder area!

I guess this is what's considered a short post for me! That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more "Doorways and Alleys" artwork!


April 8th: Next Thursday's theme is Evening. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. I am too much of a wimp to watch any of those movies.
    Love Bug's in disguise - and your charcoal art in particular.
    I am very, very glad that Marlene is doing better. Rubbing Jazz's tummy is like playing Russian Roulette. Some days he likes it - and other days he latches on with all his pointy bits. I am glad that Jack is much better behaved.

  2. Your art work is always so inspiring. Where did you get all the tomatoes for canning this year? Did you have a garden? So glad to hear Marlene is doing better. I wish her appetite would come back though. Jack cracks me up. I can see how he could worm himself into your heart. It's those sad eyes he has.

  3. Your Jack has the same behaviour/history as my Mollie cat - it has taken 6 months for her to trust me and she now invites me to stroke her tummy - I still feel she will suddenly bite me because she still has that reflex there, the wrong move can make her react - if it's taken you years with Jack you must have incredible patience! I like all the art and Michael Caine post today, he did some great films and was never a show off on the red carpet, he has the most beautiful wife.
    Betty x

  4. p.s. great news that Marlene is responding to treatment, hope she starts enjoying food/titbits soon.


  5. Bugs Bunny painted great, who knows when he'll see around the corner 🤷🦹‍♂️!!!
    It's great that you have more freedom again.
    The creepy is not mine, I once watched the psycho film as a young woman as curiosity but it is not for me ... great drawings are included.
    Marlene, oh you have to eat something. It's a shame that it doesn't work - it actually looks pretty good. Nice that you don't give it up. Jack the little kid sweet and great that he is like that now and that you have seen him through.The squirrel is cute.
    You were diligent in cooking for your delicious pizza and different.
    I wish you and Alex and your rascals a happy Easter, hug Elke

  6. the video of the comedians is hysterical! and jack is too cute and too funny!

  7. ...that pizza looks heavenly!

  8. Lovely art this week Rain thanks for hosting. The food looks delicious. All the best to Marlene.

  9. Fantastic art as always Rain and I always love seeing your delicious food and those sweet fur babies. I'm so glad Marlene is doing well.

  10. My faves this week are your Psycho art! And thanks for the movie recommendations!

  11. So glad to hear that Marlene is doing better. Love your art and the movies too. Have a very nice day today.

  12. I live that sketch of Michael Caine. You are so talented!

  13. I'm so glad Marlene is much improved. That's a real gift. I hope she keeps it up. And I don't know why -- I'm not big on horror but Jack the Ripper just fascinates me! I haven't seen this version so thanks for the info!

  14. I would never growl at anyone who rubbed my tummy!

  15. A Happy and Holy Thursday
    Stay Safe


  16. Well Rain, who didn’t enjoy Psycho? I remember the scene with the shower curtain, probably the most scary bit of the film. That’s a great sketch of Anthony Perkins there.

    It seems most unusual for a dog to lose their appetite. Unless of course Marlene is enjoying the pampering?

    Hope you’ve caught up with all that you do now so that you can enjoy the weekend to the full. Just Slow Down!

  17. Aw to the adorable fur babes. And YUMMY to the food as always. But wow, the painting. I love your art work.

  18. Hey....I played along today!!

  19. All of the movie reviews were interesting and after watching the Michael Caine one, I'm going to check around for the full movie. I have never seen Psycho and have no plans to do so as Anthony Perkins is a non-favorite actor of mine. yes, I knew the Curtis family connection and have seen more of Jamie Lee's films than of her acting parents. All those canned salsa and sauces look wonderful as did the pizza! Glad for update on Marlene, Rain, and Jack is clearly a sweetheart dog with the tummy rubs. Sending Happy Easter wishes to you and Alex and the furry crew.

  20. Michael Caine is really a great performer. I especially remember “The Italian Job” made in 1969. But there are so many more!

    be safe... mae at

  21. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I see you are a very talented artist! My best to your Marlene, older dogs can be a challenge. :)

  22. Wonderful art Rain. Michael Caine is really a heartthrob! Glad Marlene is doing better. Your food looks wonderful, I am still on a bland and tasteless diet! Happy Easter to you all! Hugs, Valerie

  23. Hey Rain! Your sauces and salsa looks fabulous! Your little Jack is so precious! Hope Marlene gets to feeling better. Our little Milo suffered a small seizure last week, and we have been keeping a very close eye on him. I just hate when he doesn't feel good, and I can always see it in his little brown eyes. We are getting the garden set up, and looking forward to planting soon. I don't know if I told you, but I started blogging at Ridge Tails Farm. Hope you have am awesome Easter, and don't eat too many Chocolate Easter Bunnies!

  24. Sorry, the blog is " Ridge Tails"

  25. your posts are always filled with so much interesting things - like I just found Jack the Ripper 1988 on Amazon and put it on my watchlist. I'll check out the other movies later which a few I have seen before like Psycho but would enjoy them again. Love the photos of the kids and Marlene is so beautiful. Your art - is always so creative.

  26. Not much going on here just waiting for surgery.

  27. Hello Rain,
    Happy April! It has been awhile since I watch Psycho, not sure if I have seen Jack the Ripper.
    Love your sweet furbabies, my dogs loved their belly rubs. Take care, have a great weekend! Happy Easter!

  28. No movie has frightened me more than Psycho. Your sketch of Anthony Perkins and charcoal of Michael Caine are terrific.

  29. You certainly are well versed as movies go. Bugs as a "prossie" is a hoot, though I certainly hope "she" doesn't meet her demise in that alley. Michael Caine has to be everyone's favorite over time. His accent went perfectly with the rolls he played. I hadn't thought of him until today ... when you get to my age, you don't retrieve names or faces easily. That said, I have no trouble remembering Psycho and Janet Leigh was a favorite back in the day. I don't know anyone who was alive in those days that doesn't remember (and tremble at the thought of) the shower scene ... I think it was the pulsing, high pitch music that made it so scary. My Mother used to can vegetables and fruits. I remember the whole process, but have never tried it. Guess I came of age in a time of convenience, so I lost track of the art. You never cease to impress ...
    So Marlene ... are her stools close to being normal and does she drink? If she drinks, you can put water in her food and maybe she will drink enough to keep her healthy. I know this is so hard for you. I have a diabetic little boy cat that has to be nursed along. We lost his brother last winter, but he seems to be hanging in there. We will care for him as long as he is comfortable ... and he seems to be. Bless little Marlene ... she is a sweet dog, as it Jack. Maybe he is dog purring when you rub his tummy :) And, good luck, now that the squirrels have found you, you will be spending much more money on seed :( And don't think you can keep it from them ... they are magical when it comes to getting bird seed, Ha! Have a Happy Easter, Rain and enjoy the coming of Spring.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  30. Wonderful variety of posts ~ artwork is great ~ Psycho was a great movie ~ classic ~ Xo

    Living moment to moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. So much happening here, Rain! Love it. I loved the Psycho sketch a lot. Marlene and Jack are so cute. And that squirrel, oh!! I once had a squirrel for a pet years back. We used to love each other so much! :)

  32. Wonderful art again, you are brilliant at getting a likeness. Have a great Easter.

  33. Bugsy made me chuckle. You have been busy with the canning.

  34. I had no idea Michael Caine was in such I movie. I will look for it.

    That is a lovely evening picture!

  35. You and I are on the same page! Just rewatched psycho on TMC. Love Michael Caine!!! What a fun post!!!
    Happy Spring

  36. Wow! You have been busy. Great artwork. My favourite is Michael Caine. Your dogs are gorgeous, and I'm glad Marlene is feeling better. I have an aging Collie, so I know how heartbreaking it is when they take ill. Happy Easter. Stay Safe.

  37. Hello Rain,

    I will have to look for the Jack the Ripper movie with Michael Caine, I do not remember seeing it. Your sketches are always amazing, well done. I am so happy that Marlene is feeling better. Your furbabies are adorable. Happy Easter to you and yours! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  38. Ahh your wee Bugs Bunny is great, made me smile. I have a morbid curiosity to all things Ripper. Loving the Michael Caine charcoal. WE have started calling our kitty Norman as he sits waiting outside the shower ready to pounce!! Have a lovely weekend, Happy PPf, Hazel(Didos) x

  39. Hello Rain,:=) I do so hope your dog Marlene recovers completely and starts eating unaided. It's so distressing when they loose their appetite. I think most dogs like a tummy rub, ours used to love one. Cute squirrel at your feeding station, and great sketches of Bugs Bunny in disguise, and Micheal Cane. Can't remember if I already told you that hubby and I are Movie buffs. We have seen all the films you mention, and some that are up for an Oscar as well. I liked "THE DIG", but "THE FATHER" made me very sad. Thank you for such a varied and interesting post, and have a Happy Easter.

  40. Fabulous art as always rain! I'm not so much into scary or frightening movies.
    And you still also get in so much cooking and baking- wow- all those jars of delicious homemade sauce to have on hand!!
    Glad Marlene is doing better, and hopefully she'll get her appetite back.
    Aw, and sweet Jack:)
    Happy weekend and a happy Easter !

  41. Glad that Marlene is improving. Your art really shows the great talent you have, I wish I could draw. Psycho was a scary movie when I first saw it in the movie theatre. I only saw it once again about twenty years ago. Take care and have a happy Easter.

  42. Rain - thanks for your recent visit to my blog! We are missing you at Mosaic Monday, but NO PRESSURE whatsoever.

    That's a lot of canning ... I hope feeding Marlene gets easier!

  43. Beautiful art! You are so talented.

  44. I always enjoy seeing your art.
    Your food always looks delicious.

    Pleased to read that Marlene is doing well.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  45. I always enjoy our art - Ms Bugs looks fetching and of course Psycho art is scary. Happy Easter!

  46. you are so enormously talented!!! such sweet puppies, i hope marlene is ok!!

    jack seems to be enjoying his tummy rub!! happy easter!!

  47. There are films I like to see too. They are good performed with fantastisc Stars like Michael Cain.

    Hope for Marlene, she gets better. Oh, there are sorrows about beloved pets, I know it. Our Luzie is ill, she will lose a thooth. But enough... let's enjoyed Easter.

    Happy Easter to you and your Family.

    Stay healthy, be blessed.

  48. I like bunny is the first picture. I dare not watch horror movies because my own imagination will scare me even after the movie is over. Hope Marlene gets well soon and her appetite will return soon. Jack is so cute, waiting for his tummy rub. Cute squirrel!

  49. Happy Monday
    I am at #11 on the mosaic linky today

    much love

  50. Time to answer some questions!!! Thanks so much for your comments my dear friends!! :)

    Marsha: I don't have a garden yet, and likely won't have much of one this year. Whenever I see organic whole tomatoes on sale, I buy a few dozen cans to make my sauces. It's not the same as fresh but they still turn out very good!

    Phil: I thought about that with Marlene...she may be getting used to being force fed...that would be very lazy of her though lol! :)

    Andrea: Yes, Marlene is pooping, peeing and drinking! She just turns her nose at food for some reason. We thought maybe her teeth weren't doing so well, but that's not it...I also wondered if she lost her sense of taste and smell maybe. Once in a while she'll eat a little pork if I hand feed her, but she spits it out and seems to just tolerate eating it for my benefit lol!

  51. You are so talented at capturing famous actors with your art! Amazing! Enjoy your week! Thanks for always sharing. I know sometimes we feel shy about sharing our art.

  52. That Michael Caine charcoal is on pointe. The Bugs Bunny one made me laugh because he's got bustle junk in the trunk. Marlene 🙁. ❤️ Jack Jack.

  53. Dear Rain - Your Bugs Bunny and two portrait sketches are awesome! The Prestige sounds intriguing. Your relationship with Jack made my heart warm.


  54. Those scary movies, I’ll have to check Netflix, most of them I’ve never seen.... but if I watch the Michael Caine one, I won’t be able to unsee Bugs in a starring role )). ... Your food (including that put-by for later) always looks amazing and to me it is a wonder (and a lucky thing for us) that you ever have time to blog at all with all you do . What’s an all-dressed pizza? It looks delicious whatever it’s wearing. Your dogs are both so sweet, I wish the best for the one who’s ailing.

  55. Stefanie: :))) I'm so glad you noticed Bugs' bustle junk in the trunk, that was very deliberate lol! :)

    Sallie: All dressed pizza is just the works...veggies, lots of cheese, anything you want, but traditionally it's some kind of meat with mushrooms, peppers, olives, tomatoes, onions...I think that's it. I make it meatless with Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese, peppers, mushrooms and olives! :)

  56. Love your art Rain!!! Bugs is so cute, all dressed up! LOL! Your Psycho drawings are brilliant! Salsa and pizza sauce! Yummy! Love you Marlene! Jack is precious! The little squirrel is so cute! Big Hugs and stay safe!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!