Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thursday Art Date: February Films: Comedies

Hello Friends!! 😊😊 

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Comedies. I'm more of a suspense/thriller film lover but I definitely love a good laugh! Bugs Bunny wanted to pose for his favourite comedy trilogy: Austin Powers International Man of Mystery. I think Mike Myers is really funny and I love those three movies.

I think a lot of the "modern" comedians rely too heavily on cursing to get laughs, I guess that's why I lean more towards older comedies. Here is my ink and graphite drawing of Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau from The Odd Couple. The entire cast in this movie was hilarious, but Jack Lemmon stood out for me as the funniest! Tony Randall and Jack Klugman starred in the tv show, which was also pretty funny.

John Candy in charcoal. He was such a loveable comedian and I enjoyed most of his movies. I was so sad when he died! If you're a fan of his, the CBC put out a documentary called To John With Love. It's very heartfelt and you can find it on You Tube. Here is the link. There are 5 parts and they play automatically.

John Candy was part of a sketch comedy show in Canada called SCTV. It played in the late 70's and 80's. It was a cast of greats and I remember staying up late and watching it every Friday night at 12:30am. 

This is John Candy, Joe Flaherty and Eugene Levy, drawn in ink and graphite. Joe Flaherty, who was the main writer on SCTV, played Count Floyd, the weekly host of "Monster Chiller Horror Theater". John Candy played Dr. Tongue and Eugene Levy played his Igor-like servant, Bruno.

Dr. Tongue fancied himself a 3-D actor, and his take on 3-D movies is hilarious.

For those SCTV fans out there, here is a 1:48 clip of "Dr. Tongue's Evil House of Pancakes". SCTV's comedy, at least for me, was genius! Second City (the "SC" in SCTV) was a comedy troop based out of Toronto in Canada, and Chicago in the States. It produced such great comedians as John Candy, Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Gilda Radner, the Belushi brothers, Andrea Martin, Martin Short...the list goes on!

I'm a fan of slapstick, and nobody did slapstick better than the Three Stooges! My favourite Stooge was Shemp 😊. You can find most of the Three Stooges shorts on You Tube. I've read all of their biographies and watched all of the movies and documentaries about them! Shemp was a hyper-phobic and led a life filled with anxiety and fear - though you wouldn't know it from his shorts and movies. I guess that's why I love to read biographies of my favourites, I can relate to them more when I know about them personally.

This was a fun theme...I won't keep you much longer, just wanted to show you my Valentine's dinner and dessert! We had a Raclette dinner - who doesn't love melted cheese on veggies? 

For dessert, I bit off more than I could chew (so to speak!). I made a Heart Log Roll Cake. It was DELICIOUS, but SO many steps...One of these days I will post the recipe!

One night last week I tried Vegetarian Meatballs for my Pizzaghetti. Yum! (Again, I'll post the recipe for the "meat"balls soon!)

Last night I made potato/egg filled fajitas.

For my birding friends, I have not found the time to put the "bird" cam back up, so here's a photo I took when I lived on Prince Edward Island back in 2010. It's a Heron, not sure if it's a Blue or a Great. These birds are so prehistoric looking, always so fascinating!

Charlie and Oscar

The pets are all healthy again, except Marlene. She is slowing down very quickly. She is now in diapers and not very interested in eating too much. She sleeps a lot. She has trouble standing on her hind legs. She still has a puppy-like spirit and romps around as best she can in the snow when I take her out. I'm making sure to take good care of her and make her feel safe and loved as she winds down her life. It's heart-breaking! 😢 We rescued her in 2015 from a bad situation and don't really know her age, though the estimate is maybe 14 or 15. We gave her the forever home that every dog dreams of...I'm hoping we still have lots of time with her!

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties? You can meet some really nice people!! 😊

Friday February 19th : Paint Party Friday
Saturday February 20th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday February 22nd: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more Comedies artwork!


Charcoal from 2020

February 25th: Next Thursday's theme is February Films - Tragedies and Melodramas. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! 🎨

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes.

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. I so admire your portraits - and your food is definitely drool worthy.
    I am glad that most of your furry friends are better - and send my love to you and to Marlene. It is so very hard watching them fade away.

  2. Wow you outdid yourself with these fabulous portraits Rain. The food looks so good. I am sad about Marlene.

  3. Great art Rain, and your food looks wonderful! Lovely photos, too! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Very impressive great art and the Valentine's dinner is so delicious, great ideas and a beautiful set table. The dogs and cat photos very sweet! Have a good time!
    Unfortunately, I have a bad sciatic nerve and tension in my back, that's why I can't do what I want.
    Hugs Elke

  5. I start right away with the pets because everyone knows that you can draw so beautifully!
    I always like to see that the dogs and cats can sit together in peace.
    Poor Marlene! I hope she will be able to eat again soon and will no longer have health problems!
    Your food is so delicious ... can I be your Valentine for once ?! LOL
    I wish you very nice day, enjoy your last winter days ... Spring is just around the corner!

  6. It's always horrible when the pets are sick - here's to you and Marlene!
    Wren x

  7. You made the drawings beautifully.
    The food looks delicious and I love the dogs.
    Greetings Irma

  8. Hi Rain. Today I am really zeroed I have no clue whatsoever of the films you share. Maybe because I read books instead of seeing movies. And I had my days filld with other things.
    Seeing your furry friends I wonder how many times a day you vacuum clean? I am alone in my home and there are hair everywhere. On the floor, on all clothes I wear, in the bathroom, on my chair. Everywhere!
    Next week I will probably not join in. I think I would have trouble doing art with that weeks theme.
    Take care.

  9. You are right, Rain, melted cheese on veggies is wonderful addition. I have used Gruyère for this mostly, but it seems to work with a little of anything left in the fridge. Your bird on PEI is a Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). I suspect it was about to catch fish for dinner, eaten fresh and without cheese sauce! The weekend is coming up. Enjoy!

  10. SCTV was the best! Would you like.. some pancakes? Sorry to hear about your old pup. It is heart breaking when you know they are coming near the end, but it's obvious she's had the most wonderful home with you. -Jenn

  11. Hugs for Marlene. So hard when the furbabies are sick or old. We lost our 13 year old beagle Bailey right after Christmas. She had also gone downhill the past year and spent her last months sleeping and gradually becoming incontinent as well. Hopefully Marlene feels better and can give you even more time with her. Kudos to you for rescuing her and giving her such a good life!

  12. Rain,

    I apologize for the double link up. I got an error and tried again but got the same error. I refreshed the page. That's when I saw the linkup twice. Austin Bunny...LOL...oh my that's too funny! We watched one of the Austin Power movies. Mike Myers is an excellent actor/comedian. I love the spy spoof idea but I never really got into these films. Call me strange if you want. I love Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau together, especially in The Grumpy Old Men movies!! John Candy was a funny, funny guy. Uncle Buck is a hilarious movie but usually when I think of John my mind always comes up with Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. I watched The Three Stooges as a kid. In recent years, we saw the remake with James Gandolfini (aka Tony Soprano) which was surprisingly good. For slapstick, I'd have to say the I Love Lucy show is the best. Great job on all of your sketches. Incidentally, I wanted to ask have you used chalk markers on black drawing paper? Chalk dust bothers my allergies so I wondered how the markers worked. I'd really like to try doing what you do. I'm certain I will fail miserably but I have to start somewhere, right? Thanks for hosting the art date, my friend.

  13. wow...schemp and john candy are amazing. it all is but those two really jumped out at me. and that cake egg! i keep meaning to make raclette. it's one of our favorite meals. you give all of your pets such wonderful lives. i hope marlene doesn't suffer too much. she is so sweet. one of those birds ate all of my big fish in my lower pond.

  14. ...Austin Powers is a name that I've heard of, but the that about it! I'll be back tomorrow.

  15. I like your movie themes and adore your portraits. I loved The Odd Couple, so hilarious! Your table setting looks nice, too. So sorry to hear about Marlene. That's why I don't like having pets, they die and I feel so bad when they do.

  16. Hi Rain, so sorry about little Marlene - she must feel so loved and cherished though and if she can get out in the snow despite being old and weak, she must still be enjoying her life. It is hard for you, I know, as I felt heartbroken when my little cat Amber was nearing her time to be at peace and I still miss her (I have her ashes in a cat ornament urn and stroke it and talk to her often). all the flowers I planted in her favourite spot are going to bloom in a week or two....
    I wont join in the art theme this week but will enjoy seeing everyone elses contributions, you have some very good art here :) Betty

  17. You remind me of my best friend when we were growing up. She knew every movie and every movie star's personal history. She read Movie magazines constantly and loved talking about her favorite stars. You seem to have the same knowledge base that she did and you put it to good use here. As for me, I know I loved movies and when you talk about them, I remember them ... but to just pull them out of my mind without a prompt ... Nope :( Don't get old:)
    So sorry about your Marlene. We are going through a similar period with our Chachi cat. We lost his brother awhile back and he is just hanging in there. We have to help him up and down from things and he even has a hard time getting in and out of his potty box. His days are numbered and we know it and like you, we are giving him as much loving as we can while we still can. As for your food, I really admire your commitment to creating fabulous meals and fun food (Loved the valentine cake). I know I have said this before, but I used to be a gourmet cook ... tried everything that sounded good to me, even if it took days to put together. Somehow, I lost the urge after I had children. Not only are kids not interested in fancy foods, but there are also too many other important things to address when you are raising a small crew :) But, I love what you do and love that you are able to do it and share it with us ... you lift my spirits every time I come here.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  18. Wow! Rain you certainly worked on this theme. All of these are just amazing. I agree I don't like the stand ups that swear every other word. Another Wow on your valentine meal. Girl you are just too good. I am so sorry about your Marlene.

  19. Oh Bugs, BEHAVE! Your portraits are so good, Rain! Love them all! And I was a huge fan of SCTV too and of the late, great John Candy. I will definitely check out that YouTube documentary you mentioned.

    I'm still hung up on Film Noir, LOL! Pop by my blog post for today's date -- it's a hilarious short satire of Film Noir movies!

  20. Your art is always amazing Rain! All of your food looks so delicious, and that cake is beautiful. I can only imagine the steps it took to make that. I'm looking forward to the meatball recipe. I tried one for eggplant and mushroom meatballs recently and was disappointed with the results. I love all the shots of your beautiful fur babies and I'm so sad to hear about your sweet Marlene.

  21. Dr. Tongue looks hilarious. And thanks for the link to the John Candy special. I look forward to watching that. As always, your artwork is terrific, Rain. :) I'm sorry to read that Marlene is failing. She still looks lovely, poor thing. She's is such good hands...

  22. I saw your art over at INstagram - wow, you are so good with charcoal portraits,

    Your dinner looks good and of course your furry kids are cute - always.

  23. by the way ...just noticed their names - or focused in on them is what I mean. love their names and for some reason Marlene's name cracks me up ...between Jack and Charlie ... I don't know why it makes me giggle though.

  24. Hello Rain.

    I agree about John Candy -how easily are these greats forgotten. I do like the Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau sketch.

    I'm with you on modern “comedians” too. We don't have any real comedians in Britain now, just foul mouthed political activists who think everyone should think as they do.

    Good to see the pets are ok now but not that one is suffering from old age. This is why we won't have a dog, the parting is heartbreaking.

    I made a tenuous link this week so maybe missing out on a new bird can be turned into a tragedy and a melodrama?

  25. Your portraits are always amazing. Especially loved the Odd Couple and John Candy.

  26. Wonderful portrait artwork and love your fur persons photo ~ so precious ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. I envy your remarkable portrait skill. Not my forte and I've tried! I love the Stooges -- I grew up with them. We had a college student live with us and he turned me on to the trio at the ripe old age of eight or nine! What a face.

    Your valentine table is beautiful and I have a feeling dinner was just as fabulous!

  28. All so fabulous Rain dear.
    Sorry Marlene is slowing down - I feel the same right now. I hope she will stay with you a while longer - you are such good, loving 'parents'.

  29. I too liked John Candy and he died prematurely like John Belushi. Thanks for the link to the CBC documentary which I plan to click on after some blog reading. The Valentine's dinner looks great and cheese is always good on anything and everything! I often wonder how you find the time to do all the wonderful sketches and then show us these wonderful meals. We both like cooking but I am trying not to spend hours for a single meal and also trying to make extras for leftovers. Sorry to read the update on Marlene, but sure she knows you love and will care for her as long as possible. And I also thought the photo was a great blue heron as David G did and he would certainly know!

  30. Your charcoal drawings are fantastic, you really capture the likenesses of the actors. Once again your food looks very tasty.

  31. Wonderful portraits, Rain.
    Such tasty looking food too.
    I agree. Herons do have a prehistoric look. I love to watch them take off.
    So sorry to read about Marlene. It’s wonderful, though, that she has such a good home
    there with other beautiful doggies and you.

  32. I prefer old comedies too Rain - modern comedies, to me, are unwatchable. I cannot think of the last time I saw a modern comedy. It is easy to be funny with crassness and profanity; much more difficult and rewarding to do it without both.

    I miss John Candy. I always enjoyed everything he was in.

  33. What?!! Not Martin & Lewis not Laurel & Hardy??!! They were always good for a laugh or two. Glad your fur babies are doing well.

  34. Hello, Rain
    Great sketches of all the comedians, there are so many I like it is hard to choose a favorite.
    I agree cheese goes well with many veggies, I love cheese. Your meals and desserts look yummy.
    Love your sweet furbabies, my heart breaks when our pets get old and sick. I want them around forever. Prayers and hugs for your sweet Marlene. Great capture of the Heron! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, wishing you a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the visit and comment on my blog.

  35. I love your art and really fell in love with the charcoal! WOW! It's so rich and detailed! Enjoy your weekend!

  36. They say practice makes perfect and you are a good example of that! Your art work is amazing. Your food creation sare amazing too! It's so sad to lose anyone when you love them. We always wish for more time but you have given her a dream life for a dog. Just feeling loved and safe and secure has meant the world to her, I'm sure. I still miss my Annie and Nitty but now I think of all the good times we had together.
    I'm hoping to find your email as it is your birthday today (19th)....I'm going to go look! I hope you have a wonderful one!!! Hugs ~ Sam

  37. Brilliant post Rain! Truly love all your art! My heart was touched seeing John Candy! I loved him! I remember his funeral, I cried and cried! Such an amazing soul he was!!!! Thanks for sharing your food! Heart log roll cake! Wow Rain!! Give your fur babies a hug from me! I am so sorry about Marlene!! Big Hugs!!

  38. Gosh Rain, it's ONLY Saturday and I'm finally getting around to visiting you. Yes, I'm that far behind!! Too many troubles to discuss here.

    You draw so well. John Candy is my favorite. Believe it or not, I am familiar with SCTV, which is a bit odd, since I live in the states. At some point, I thought they moved to Chicago, but I could be wrong.

    LOVE the perfect Valentine's Day meal. That cake is incredible, but I love all the food you shared.

    Sorry to read about Marlene, but I know she is now in good hands and will be loved and cared for until the end. Hope you have a great weekend.

  39. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau were the best! I think they'd like your artistic version of the them. :)

  40. Beautiful portraits, they are like the ordinals.

  41. Beautiful art, Rain. It's nice to see your pets, they look nice and comfortable. I hope Marlene feels better and can eat. Our pets are precious members of our families so I hope she will improve. Have a wonderful week!

  42. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau were so funny, I too enjoy the older comedies as well. John Candy also

    Your valentine dinner looks lovey as do all of the other meals you photographed.

  43. Your portraits are very well done...and the melted cheese on veggies is a must! ;)
    All the best!

  44. Morning Rain, sorry i'm late again trying to play catch up and dealing with an update glitch hasn't made visits very easy this week. Your so right about new comedy now, I enjoy older comedy so much more but sadly some is not what the world would call politically correct so is lost in the archives. Great sketches, John Candy was such a funny guy, another smile taken too early.
    Nice Valentines meal, clever introduction of the hearts.
    Good to read the fur babies are doing well now, an extra hug to Marlene this week she's very lucky to have you and visa versa.
    Stay safe Hugs Tracey xx

  45. Beautiful drawing and delicious food. Have a great week.

  46. Oh, it's so sad to read about Marlene... tears in my eyes, I know how you must feeling. Hugs for you and especially for dear Marlene 🥰

    Rain, you wrote "I think a lot of the "modern" comedians rely too heavily on cursing to get laughs..." and I agree. Especially Jack Lemmon and Walther Matthau are my favorite Stars. And of course Stan Laurel with Oliver Hardy... I love the films!

    Have a very good week, stay healthy and well, dear blogfriend.
    Happy MosaicMonday

  47. I'm still laughing at Bugs International Rabbit of Mystery

  48. Happy Monday Rain


  49. Your characters are fabulous, wonderfully done, each.
    You are such a tease sharing your food ;-)

    Lovely to see all your fur kids too.

    Wishing you a lovely evening.

  50. I love your drawings. You are soooo good at everything you do! Including jogging my memory! Lovely remembering a couple of favorite movies and learning that the Stooges and the John Candy thing are on You Tube. I’m really just “Covid-learning “ how much is available on that sweet platform, We actually enjoyed Schitts Creek (after first thinking we wouldn’t) and in reading about Eugene Levy I learned more about SCTV and the great comedy it generated. So interesting. Llike you I enjoy reading bios of my favorites ... a thing my husband does not share at all. He prefers to think about the stars only as their characters.

  51. Your artwork is amazing, those charcoals are just brilliant.

    Delicious food and I think melted cheese on veggies is definitely extra scrumptious :)

    Have a great week.

    All the best Jan

  52. I like your choices of comedians that you drew. Your rendition of Mo, particular his eyes, is wonderful.

  53. Rain - I agree with you about comedians. I don't think dirty words are necessary to be funny; it is a real turn-off to me. Your artwork is wonderful, as usual! We learned about raclette cheese in Switzerland, on the same trip we learned about Tete de Moine - yummy! Your furbabies are lovely, and I hope that Marlene will be comfortable as long as she is here. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  54. Very funny, your portrait of Austin Bunny :-) And I've always loved the comedies with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau - your illustration of them is so great! Raclette is a wonderful Valentine's dinner, mmmhhhhhh, I love melted cheese! :-) The Heart Log Roll Cake seems to be a lot of work, but it looks delicious. So sweet the photo of Charlie and Oscar... and so sad to read, that Marlene is gradually losing her strength. I can see the same thing in our old cats. It's like old people ... we don't know how much time they have left, but we can make it as nice as possible for them ... You definitely gave Marlene some wonderful years!
    Hugs from Austria,

  55. The John Candy drawing was spot on. I like how you got the little hearts in the roll cake. This type of cake is one I need to try.

  56. john candy, wasn't he the best!! i LOVED uncle buck, it is one of my favorite movies!!!! your picture of him is awesome!!

    your food always kills me, i am a food junkie and it too looks awesome!!!

  57. Wow! Girlfriend your art work is really going places. They say practice makes perfect and I can see so much growth from when you first started posting. I an amazed and just want to say, "Bravo!!"
    As for your artful skills in cooking . . . all that I can say is I would love eating at your table, it not only looks delicious but everything is so pretty.
    Wishing you a lovely day and thank you for remaining a true blogging friend, even though I post less than ever before.

  58. Hello Rain! First, let me say, awesome news about your pets and your old one will cross over in the best earthly hands possible, our jobs as their guardians no matter how painful. <3 Your sketches are as always pure Heaven, so good! And that food! Love your Valentine dinner napkin folding. I'll just add one little bit about the Odd Couple movie vs. TV casting: I always thought it was cool how different aspects of Felix came out. Lemmon honing in on his neuroses and Randall honing in on his too-sensitive heart and soul xoxo I do not think Lemmon could have done what Randall managed to do even though both fine actors. Ok, that's all, carry on, heehee xoxo

  59. Sorry for the late visit. Great drawings as always. Oh man, The Three Stooges was one of my Daddy's favorites. I miss hearing him laugh at those goof balls.
    Love seeing your furbabies and that cake, yummy.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!