Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday Art Date: A Portrait

Hello Friends, ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ˜Š

NOTE: IF the link gadget below isn't working, let me know please! Blogger is having issues again.

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is A Portrait. I remembered just a few hours ago that I hadn't drawn a portrait of my Looney Tunes characters for the art date! Tweety Bird was sweet enough to quickly pose for this charcoal drawing. ๐Ÿ˜Š 

I spent many hours on my portraits this week! It was a lot of fun, but very challenging for me.

I've been wanting to draw Robin Williams for a long time. He has so much expression in his face. Also, he was one of my favourite actors - not just for his comedies. His dramatic work was stellar, the movies The Night Listener and One Hour Photo are two of my favourites. This is my ink and graphite piece of him as a younger man. Do you remember his first tv show Mork and Mindy? Actually he made his television debut on Happy Days as Mork from Ork the alien! Then Mork and Mindy became a spin-off success.

I decided to draw Robin from a photo I found online of him as an older gent with his full beard. He always looked so sad in the later photos. The left is white charcoal on black paper. The right is black charcoal on white paper. 

Lastly, I wanted to do a watercolour painting, using a glazing technique. I learned how to do this a few years ago but haven't really done it since. This is Robin as an older man, with another sad, pensive looking face.

The 25 Days of Looney Tunes Christmas Doors:

Marvin The Martian

Hippety Hopper

Tasmanian Devil

Wile E. Coyote (Genius)

Rocky and Mugsy

Elmer Fudd

Hugo The Abominable Snowman

Above are my next seven daily art drawings that I did for
Alexandra's Instagram drawing challenge called The 25 Days of Christmas Doors. I'm having so much fun with this and reacquainting myself with the lesser-known Looney Tunes!

On the food front, my Christmas Cookie list isn't going anywhere! I've made only one off the list and Christmas is fast approaching! But...I did have a great Potato Night!  I made potato rolls, potato puffs, homemade sour cream, potato gratin, and yes, potato candy. We had leftovers for 3 days! (Recipes will be added to my recipe page in the new year!)

My Colby cheese was ready to taste and it was AWESOME. We've noticed that New Brunswick milk is much better than Quebec milk, my cheeses have better flavour, texture and fragrance!

Pancake night with lacy hash browns.

My critters ๐Ÿ’— If you've been following my blog for a while, you know that I used to live in the Laurentian mountains in Quebec and that I bought my first home and moved to the Maritimes in May of this year. Well, in Quebec, we had snow (and I mean knee-deep to shoulder-high snow) from October through to May. It's December 17th and I can happily report just a sprinkling still! My days of back-breaking shoveling are over! 

I'm linking up with these wonderful bloggers today, please visit them for some really interesting posts! And why not join in on the link parties?

Friday December 18th: Paint Party Friday
Saturday December 19th: Eileen's Saturday's Critters
Monday December 21st: Angie's Mosaic Mondays

That's all for now folks! Please check out the link gadget below to see more Portrait artwork! See you on Christmas Eve! ๐ŸŽ…


Santa - ready for his long winter's nap (Acrylics 2018)

December 24th: Next Thursday's theme is 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. Check out the 2021 Themes here!

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! Please revisit to make sure you don't miss those who join in a little late! Also, if anyone adds a link that has nothing to do with the art date theme, it will be removed! The link gadget expires Friday at midnight (EST).



  1. Awe and wonder.
    Thank you for sharing your STUNNING work - and your food counts as artistry too.
    I love the furs too.

  2. Wonderful job on the Robin Williams portraits, and Tweety of course. Delicious food, interesting about the milk. Yes the door challenge is so much fun! I am so enjoying your beautiful Christmas card

  3. Wonderful selection of art and food, have a great day! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I had NO idea there were so many Looney Tunes characters. I absolutely LOVE how you have used each of these in front of their respective Christmas door. And Tweety is one of my favorite characters, but please don't tell Bleubeard. One of my favorites is also Elmer Fudd. I got to meet Mel Blanc in person and get his autograph when he gave a lecture at my undergrad college.

    You have created some genuine beauties with Robin Williams. I fell in love with each of these portraits and how each of these was created using a different drawing technique.

    I never saw Mork and Mindy, but I don't think I had access to a tv back then. I WAS familiar with the two main actors when I looked up information on Mark Harmon and learned that Pam Dawber was his wife. So sad about Williams. The world lost a real gem when he died.

    I can't draw (and don't profess to ever want to, either) so I was quite impressed with all the different ways you were able to draw Williams.

    I always love reading about your meals. I keep thinking I need not be hungry when I visit your blog (grin). Your potato binging is right up my alley.

    It sounds like moving was good for more than just meeting great friends who are kind and considerate, but also for having less snow. The critters all look happy in their "sweaters," too.

    Thanks as always for hosting this event and thanks for posting next year's themes. I probably forgot to tell you last week.

  5. Rain I love how you focused on Robin a face I grew up with, I remember that Happy Days episode!! What a great man he was, another hiding behind a smile and one I remember with fondness. Great use of techniques, it's like each line of age tells a story. Beautiful and well thought theme.. Tweety deserves the spotlight. Thursday Hugs, keep the fur babies warm Tracey xx

  6. The drawing Tweety Bird is so cute and your other portrait drawings are fabulous. The Christmas door cards are wonderfully painted!
    Oh what delicious food and cheese you have served up again.
    The rascals in the snow are sure to be happy.The snow pushing is over with these crowds now, such a difference it is now.
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, hugs Elke

  7. My Christmas cookies and candies are all gone out with the mail to various parts of the country and world. One more round for the neighbors and I'm done for the year. We keep very little here to resist the temptation of eating them.

  8. Hiya, Rain! I sure do love getting your posts via email because my arthritic fingers cannot always comment so much after posting my own blog. I must tell you that Cubist Bugs from your last post is brilliant and no lie. Ha! I was born Leap Year Day 1956 and grew up with him and Robin and am also a Golden Age of Hollywood fan (Norma Shearer is my all time fave actress), so even old Cagney looks good I can testify! Your food always tempts me as well. OMG, potato graten 24/7/365 for me! And those crisps look heavenly as well. That cheese looks amazing! Can you just imagine homesteaders back in the 19th century saying the exact same thing about the local milks? Definitely! Even down here in Texas they said it. Everything was so local then and you are living their dream, honey! Keep up the good good work. And don't forget to post about it for me. Merry Merry to you and yours! XOX, Aimeslee

  9. I have not been a big movie fan, but I did see "Dead Poets Society" and I thought it was fabulous - but not as fabulous as your Colby cheese, of which I am totally envious! I couldn't imagine living without good cheese!

  10. you are good at portraits and will progress even further I think. :) My favorite of the portraits is the first one in the second row of Robin W. I don´t watch much movies lately but remember the name Mork and Mindy. I used to think it was fun.
    A bunch of lovely doors. Love the Hippety Hopper one. It is my favorite. :)

    Your cheeses looks so good and makes me sad I can only taste a small bite :(

    Take care.

  11. I never heard of those two movies with Robin, and I love him too! Terrific portraits of his beautiful face, you can see the compassion in his eyes. All your food looks delicious and I'm glad your cheese turned out even better then you hoped. Love the dogs in the snow and I'm happy for you that you don't have to shovel :) Enjoy the season! ~ Love, Karen

  12. I do remember his appearances on Happy Days Rain (good point for a trivia game somewhere). Tweety looks good in noir.

    I am sure that not having that much snow is a welcome relief. Is it as cold?

  13. Your art never ceases to amaze me Rain and your food too, everything looks so delicious! I'm glad to hear you aren't having to shovel like previous years too. Stay warm and stay safe!

  14. you sure have been busy woman! your art is amazing. it hurts my heart every time i see robin williams. i loved him. same with anthony bourdain. and your food....YUM! that is so interesting about the milk making your cheese better. i wonder why it's richer in NB? that cheese looks amazing!

  15. Rain,

    You didn't disappoint with your portraits. WOW is all I can say! Yes, Mork and Mindy is how I was introduced to Robin Williams. He was fabulous for the part! Wait, I may recall that episode of Happy Days but I didn't know that was his television debut. I didn't recognize Robin with all that beard photographed/sketched in your second set but then it clicked. lol It puzzles my brain that this man of laughter lived with such darkness. I hate depression robed him of his joy. He sure did bring a lot of to others with his funny personalities.

    Excellent Looney Tunes illustrations. I sketched Marvin a few years back, included Taz in a beachy Looney Tunes drawing, and did a pencil design of Wile Coyote and The Roadrunner. The other cartoon characters would be a fun challenge.

    Yum, look at all that potato goodness, colby cheese, and oh I want pancakes now! We were talking about has browns the other day. I haven't made any in forever. I need to change this fast. :)

    Thanks for hosting the weekly doodle tun, my friend. Keep warm and have a very Merry Christmas! ;)

  16. How can one not like Robbin? He brought so much to people with laughter and joy and then yes his dramatic work is some of my favorite movies. You did a great job capturing him. The Looney tunes are fabulous too. Wow what a spread and your cheese always impresses me. Love the expression on the dogies. Have a great day and be safe over there.

  17. ...what talent! Neat pancake, I'll be back tomorrow.

  18. Thats fabulous work on Robin Williams, you have captured so much personality and humour in his face. I love seeing your pets, they look so patient and good and gentle. We get very little snow in the UK these days and I can't imagine it knee deep - I would love it - for it's beauty only! I'm glad you don't have to shovel snow any more. I am quite excited by your next theme :)

  19. "I don't know how youse done it, but I know youse DONE IT!" I love Rocky and Muggsy! Your first portrait of Robin Williams is outstanding! And yes, I remember Mork and Mindy. I even remember his first appearance on Happy Days. His manic comedy genius took our world by storm!

  20. I love this post! I was heartbroken when Robin Williams died in such a sad way. These portraits do bring back the grief. He was such a great actor. I love your heart shaped pancake. Lol.

  21. Gosh you have been very busy Rain - and it all looks pretty, colorful and tasty that's for sure!
    Glad the cheeses are turning out so well- I just bought my supply of English Stilton, French Camembert and Brie, Spanish Manchego, Danish Havarti with Dill and Vermont Cheddar all for Christmas/New Year nibbling and recipes. This after my doctor just told me at my check up NOT to eat cheese! Can you imagine life without cheese - no way! She also said to cut back on bread and pasta, and all dairy - this after telling me me current lab results were excellent!!!! I smiled at her but made no promises!

    Doggies look delightful in their winter coats. Glad to know the snow is minor - hope it stays that way.

    Merry Christmas to you all.
    Mary x

  22. You are SOOOO talented, Rain. I stand in awe of your talent~. xo Diana

  23. Ah, poor Williams.He had quite a time of it near the end.
    Your drawings are marvellous!
    And the food! I have NO motivation, it seems.

  24. The various faces of Robin Williams were well done, Rain, and he was also a favorite of mine. I really liked him in some of his dramatic roles, but more so for his comedic talents. He was gone too soon for sure. The Lonney Tunes Christmas Doors were fun to see and very creative and colorful too. And, now onto that food, which you certainly make me hungry when I read your posts. We like potatoes but haven't made them as many ways as you have done here and potato candy is a new one, but covered in chocolate, why not?

  25. I love every single photo -- all the colorful images make me smile and I am in awe of your splendid portraits. I think being able to capture someone's portrait is a great gift -- one I wish I possessed and alas, it's not so good. He was a favorite actor, too. Beautiful work.

  26. Thanks my friends for your continued support and lovely comments. I'm so happy that my Looney Tunes have brought back nice memories for you! And also my Robin Williams portraits...I have depression (managed by exercise, meditation, supplements and Nature) :), and focusing on Robin Williams this week has kind of brought it out a little bit...I can relate to him in too many ways. Your comments really made me feel good. Love to you all. xxx

    Just answering a few comments!

    Aimeslee: SO nice to hear from you!!! :) I was born on leap year too in 1968...we are leap sisters lol! :)

    TB: It hasn't been too cold. Always hovering around freezing. We did have a few days of -30C but just a few, fingers crossed it won't be often!

    Joyce: I don't know why the milk is better here. I think that the quebec milk is full of additives/gelatin fillers and it makes it sour faster. I'm very thankful for the better milk, that's for sure!

    Debra: You got Rocky alright!!

  27. Rain, you are an amazing artist! Your drawings of Robin Williams are wonderful. He did have a very sad look in his eyes. Always love seeing your three sweet doggies.

  28. Hi Rain. I think that Robin Williams was great in his later films as he matured with age. Like a good cheese or a bottle of quality wine. You certainly captured that mature kindliness in the beard pictures.

    I showed two of my grandkids Michelle and Simon those cartoons and they really laughed at the jokes within, especially Santa stuck in the chimney.

    Good to hear about your snow levels being low but I had to look see where exactly New Brunswick is located. I see what you mean about Quebec. But on an occasion we flew to the Caribbean in January we stopped off in Maine to refuel (yes it's that long ago). There were huge snow drifts alongside the runway, snow like I'd never seen it before.

    You seem to have a talent for cooking too. But there is artistry in cooking I know. You should taste my soups!

  29. Oh Rain ... I always loved Robin Williams in everything, even in his guest appearances of the night shows. You have captured a part of him that he didn't often show ... a sadness that seems to be a part of many great comedians. Your portraits, all of them, are wonderful, even sweet little Tweety Bird. I love your Looney Toons doors. You should make a booklet of all of your Looney Toons art work ... You so have it down! And, once again, you tempt my pallet with delicious everything ... but potato candy? I only wish I had known about that when my father was alive. He loved potatoes and sadly missed out on your potato sweets :) I will be looking for that recipe :) I have to agree, your cheese looks great and if it is the New Brunswick milk, so be it, but you are an artist even in cheese making. Heart shape pancakes :) Love your three beautiful critters ... the all have such sweet faces. As usual, you hit the mark! Your card is on the way ... don't know how long it will take, but I wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and wonderful New Year.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  30. Lovely renderings, as always, Rain. Particularly liked the Robin Williams ones. Wish I had even a smidgen of artistic ability..always wished I could at least draw!!! That Beautiful shot of the critters in the snow.

  31. Love the Looney Tunes and your series is so fun! Your portraits are lovely as well. I miss Robin Williams. What a great actor gone too soon. Your food photos are always making me hungry. Looking forward to the recipes from the Potato Night. Especially the potato candy sounds interesting. Happy PPF! Hope to join in for TAD next week.

  32. Fantastic portraits, and love the rest of your art work as well. Have a great snow free Christmas.

  33. Oh my, what is not to love from beginning to end...
    The cartoon art always has me smiling- and reminiscing!
    And speaking of- we loved watching Mork and Mindy and also remember Robin Williams first appearance on Happy Days! On a side note, hubby and I saw him live and we were in the -FIRST row!!! I was SO afraid he might find something to pick on me for in public- lolol. Your drawings are amazing!
    Oh , and the food- amazing as well-it'd be the end of my figure to be living and dining at your home;)
    And the pups- always so sweet.

  34. You have made beautiful drawings Rain.
    The food looks delicious.
    Your dogs are sweethearts.
    Greetings Irma

  35. Oh Wow! t kick off your post with my fave cartoon character is just the best and totally love it. What a great tribute you've shown to the late and great Robin Williams. When I think of the pain he must have been suffering, it just saddens me all over again, and I sure wish he was still here to share his many gifts. As always, we always enjoy your food pics, (lol) and thank you very much! I really like snow, but I agree - having to shovel tons of it is definitely NO fun at all! Merry Christmas and lots of hugs, RO

  36. Hello Rain,

    I have always loved Tweety bird. Your Looney Tunes cartoons are just amazing. I love the Robin Williams sketches as well. I remember a favorite cinnamon potato candy, they usually had them at our spring fairs. Your cheese, food and rolls all look delicious. Your furbabies are adorable too, it is great you could get the three to pose in the photo. We had 11 inches of snow this week to shovel, it is not fun. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  37. Well I was going to comment about the art but then I saw the food... I forgot everything after I saw the chocolate OMG I want one!!
    I'm happy you don't have so much snow now!

  38. The Robin Williams portraits are amazing! As is all the food. It must be wonderful to be out east. I hope to visit one day.

  39. potatoes are my favorite food
    a little snow is a good thing... we had snow 4 days out of the last 8

  40. How do you find the time to do so many drawings, all that baking, and play with those sweet dogs, wonder woman? You have a knack of doing portraits so spot on, and I love all the wonderful cartoons that remind me of my younger years. Wishing you a lovely Christmas with just the right amount of snow. Take care.

  41. Wonderful images of Robin. I’ve enjoyed your post. Merry Christmas!!

  42. Thank you for Robin Williams among all the cartoon characters where he belongs.


    by EAGHL

  43. I was a big fan of Robbin Williams (still am). The second photo reminds me so much of Ulysses S Grant. And in the next photo he looks so vulnerable and a little lost. I like your sketches!

  44. A fabulous post.
    Such a lovely selection of art and your food looks so delicious.

    Sending my good wishes and happy seasonal greetings too :)

    All the best Jan

  45. Rain you are so talented. Love the portraits of Robin. Great job.
    I hopefully will be joining in again after the new year if you do this again. We are in the middle of a long distance move right now. Life is kinda crazy.
    Merry Christmas
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  46. Rain - I also loved Robin Williams - I think I read somewhere that he suffered from significant depression. Thanks so much for enlivening Mosaic Monday this year - so glad to have you. Merry Christmas!

  47. Hi, dear, I also liked Robin Williams very much... So sad..
    And the topic of my recent blogpost is sad, too. Because my mother died of Covid a few days ago... But my obituary also has some very positive things to offer. She was a woman with a happy outlook on life...
    I wish you and those you love a Merry Christmas, happy hours around the turn of the year and a wonderful New Year!
    All the best

  48. Hello Rain - lovely to see some of your Artwork here, so impressive I am in a Bangkok Art Group who do wonderful work, this year they have been very kind and I have used the art space to write! I have published a post on their work and I will share her in the new year.
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
    Wren x

  49. Love seeing your canines. Great art. Your Robin Williams ones look like an app had done the work; that's how good they look. Mr. Williams kids used to go to my fraternity brother's school in SF.

  50. Your Robin Williams faces are amazing! Wow! All your Christmas art is so much fun! I think you should open a take out restaurant! I would be there! LOL! Your fur babies look so cute! Big Hugs!

  51. Wonderful art, wonderful food, darling fur babies, Rain! Your cheese looks delicious!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!