Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday Art Date: Architecture

Hello Friends, ๐Ÿ˜Š

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Architecture. Bugs Bunny put on his best sales jacket to try to sell the house he designed for his target audience. I think he'll be a success! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm still on a Blog break, so I'll be back to visit you all in October! ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ Please check out the link gadget below to see more Architecture artwork! 

PS: ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ… I will be adding this to my posts for a few more weeks: Please contact me via my contact form on the right side bar of my blog if you want to be on my Christmas card list! Send me your address and I'll send you mine! And also please contact me if you have been previously so I can give you my new address! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…


Besides my impending potato harvest, this is all I have to show for my garden this season! Five squash...but they are still quite tiny. Fingers crossed they'll grow before the snow falls!

September 24th: Next Thursday's theme is Crops and Farming. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. I love how Bugs' jacket matches his home he's selling. This is a fabulous and amazing dream home. Enjoy your time away and don't work too hard. Give yourself time to rest, please.

  2. Bugs is certainly dressed for success. The colours of your squash are so vibrant. Enjoy your blog break!! Thanks so much for hosting!


  3. Creative carrot home Rain and the squash looks good.

  4. Fab picture with Bugs! Have a good rest, be well, hugs, Valerie

  5. Toll Bunny the architect with his pretty carrot house and suit
    To begin with, see the pumpkins, they will definitely be much bigger rain.

    All the best to you all of you take care of yourselves, hug Elke

  6. I don't always have time to follow the links let alone take part! but did today, I love your house sale cartoon. Your participants this week have done some great art work. Your squashes will probably get gynormous as long as they get lots of water, I have a plant that keeps flowering but produces no pumpkins - disappointing.

  7. Rain,

    I should've known Bugs would share his dream home with us today. I love the carrot house design! His jacket makes me think of a door-to-door salesman from the 50s. :) Perhaps those Squash will take a growing spurt before the cold season reaches Canada. This weekend, our forecast at night is calling for the mid-40s which seems a bit early. I'll have to get my sweat clothes out if it gets that chilly. Thanks for hosting the fun. Have a doodletastic day, my dear.

  8. love Bugs take on today theme.
    Take care.

  9. Hello,

    Love the Bugs Bunny cartoon. Your squash look great.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  10. Bug’s dream home is perfect. Hopefully, there are no other wascally wabbits around to munch.

  11. Enjoy your blog break and your growing squash ~ Blessings to you!

  12. You sure love Bugs! Me, too.
    Good work on the veggies. You truly are amazing!

  13. Bugs has really out done himself with that carrot house
    Happy Thursday everyone

    much ❤ love

  14. I like that carrot architecture. Cute and funny.

  15. I took a break busy as the temps have fallen! This is the summer I've been waiting for! LOL! I love Bugs and the jacket is adorable! The house is cute too! At least you don't have squash bugs! They destroyed everything last year.

  16. They may be tiny squash to you but to me they are the mark of careful garden tending -- far more careful than I've ever done!

  17. Hi Rain!
    Great pic of Bugs! So artistic- I admire that you draw it out and in completion. I love art myself but I find myself stopping midway or giving up on my drawings. I am more of a painter these days but I am not sure why I stop with my drawings. Also yay squash!

    I never got to thank you for your very thoughtful comment on my last blog post. I really truly appreciated it (my work week is often very chaotic and busy with my personal life and full time job working from home) so my response lacked as I forgot. But I do want to thank you for being so kind and thoughtful about my situation with bunny and piper dog. It meant a lot! Things are starting to loosen up between the two now- it's not perfect but it's not terrified or bad behavior. So maybe time was just needed.

    Looking forward to your blog return in october. I think I read that somewhere recently you were on a break til then.
    Cheers to the much needed break (I took a few months off at start of pandemic) and to a fun return (I am back and loving blogging again!)
    Franee xo

  18. Your squash are beautiful - I can't tell from the pictures that they are small, but I'll take your word for it. I am amazed that you have any harvest with all you and Alex have gone through. Next year, I'm sure will be a completely different story. ;^)

  19. hope bugs succeeds to avoid eating up his house lol

    what an amusing and fun piece of art dear Rain ,i enjoyed it really :)

    you are being missed definitely my friend
    sending you lots and lots of best wishes for all you are busy with

    happy harvesting ,your squash look great to me :)
    stay blessed and take care
    hugs and prays for you !

  20. Bugs has a great eye for design, I hope he won't take a bite out of it when he's completed it hee hee!! Hope you are keeping well during your blogging break Rain, a handful of squash is better than non and you have just reminded me I have two, gifts from my Son that I need to make use of. Stay safe Tracey x

  21. I do like the carrot home :)

    All the best Jan

  22. that is adorable - bugs - you're cute.

  23. With your garden ~ There's always next year, Rain. You'll work your magic. It just takes time to condition the soil. And it's YOUR soil!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!