Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday Art Date: ๐Ÿฐ Easter ๐Ÿฐ

Hello Friends! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

A special request ๐Ÿ’˜: We all know what's going on in our world, let's try not to dwell on it. Let's keep positive and hopeful. Let's stick to the rules. Let's enjoy our time at home and let's be grateful for what we have. Let's learn from it and be better and more conscientious, healthy and self-reliant people. And please, keep any negative or "doomsday" comments off my blog. I don't think it's productive to attempt to instill doubt, fear and anxiety in people as we all deal with this situation. Thanks! ๐Ÿ’˜

Welcome to Thursday's Art Date, today our theme is Easter. I hope everyone out there has a lovely Easter weekend (if you celebrate!). We managed to get a bunch of Easter chocolate the last time we went out shopping so we're good! ๐Ÿ˜Š Isn't Tweety Bird a cutie, all dressed up for the Easter Parade? 

I have a memory of when I was very young...dressing up for Easter in Montreal...I don't remember where in the city I was or if there was an actual parade, but I do remember my bonnet was green and I was wearing white gloves and black patent leather shoes. I also remember being so happy to see tulips growing. Up north though, there are no tulips yet, we are still buried under snow.

Here is a fun scene from the movie Easter Parade with Judy Garland and Fred Astaire. I love this scene! Fred Astaire sure knows how to move! Love his spats!

I made some Mushroom Burgers the other day and they really are delicious.

Alex made us pita pizzas and fries...lots of comfort food!

I've packed most of my art studio...all I kept out are my drawing supplies so I won't be doing any charcoal or painting pieces for a little while. We'll (hopefully) be moving in about a month! Thanks for popping in! That's all for now folks! But please check out the link widget below to see more Easter artwork! 


Water bubbles splashing up from a raging waterfall (Orford Qc 2007)

April 16th: Next Thursday's theme is Bubbles and Bubbly. Click on the link for ideas and inspiration! Remember it's all about creating. You can showcase your paintings, drawings, photography, sculpting, baking, poetry...whatever you like! ๐ŸŽจ

Thursday Art Date With Rain. Click on the link for a description of the art date as well as a list of upcoming themes. 

Don't forget to add the URL link to your post (not your blog) to the link gadget below to share your wonderful creations! The link gadget expires Sunday at noon (EST).



  1. Hi Rain! Once again I had to look at the food first, I think I am greedy. Love Tweetie bird, too. I don't celebrate Easter, but I remember being taken to Easter parades in London by my stepfather, and loved seeing the horses all dressed up for Easter. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. I LOVE watching Fred dance. Yes please on the potatoes and yum on the mushroom burger.

    Yum. Yum. Yum.

    Wow, only a month left to go. That's super duper exciting, Rain. Well done on getting most of your studio packed. Very cool.

  3. A very, very Happy Easter. How is your poor sore pooch?
    And that mushroom burger has me drooling.

  4. I wish you a nice Easter with your husband and all your animals. When I think you're still in winter and I'm in spring mode. You are used to the weather.
    Greetings Elke

  5. Love your Easter birdie. And Fred Astaire is always nice to watch. And bubbles are always a joy too.

    Take care and have a great Easter celebration.
    Monica at NatureFootstep

  6. Oh your burgers do look so GOOD! Happy Easter to you also!

  7. Cute Tweety bird. Well said on covid. Although I did post a negative experience on my non food delivery.Your food looks amazing. I didn’t realize it was a non meat burger.

  8. Very artfully arranged pita pizza slices and bowl o' fries! Have a great Easter, you two!

  9. i used to love watching fred astaire. that mushroom burger looks terrific! this sure will be a memorable easter!

  10. You Easter Tweetie is so darn cute. That mushroom burger looks just too good. I make Mr. M. beef burgers but I eat only viggie burgers that I make. (Not pre made from the store) I am trying to stay away from "comfort" foods. I have already put on a few lbs. LOL Have a terrific day, be safe and Elbow Hugs.

  11. Rain,

    I'm sorry, I came by earlier this morning read your post and linked up then forgot to leave a comment. I'm kinda busy with keeping up in Blogosphere this month. I will need a vacation after the A to Z Challenge ends. lol

    You draw the cutes Tweety Bird! He's ready for Easter. Who needs that bunny rabbit anyhow? :) Fred Astaire was so light on his feet, wasn't he? I love watching him. He makes it look so easy.

    We aren't mushroom eaters for two reason allergies and we don't 'em. Alex did a good job on the pita pizzas and tries - yum! Now, I'm hungry!!

    Let scat for now. Have a good day and continue to stay safe & sound, my friend!

  12. I love looking at your pics of food...always makes my mouth water. Can't wait to see your posts when you move into your new house. You know, I forgot how wonderful movies used to be. Musicals were so uplifting, especially with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

  13. Rain, the opening paragraph to this post was right on as we should all be considerate, all the time, but especially in the present time. Wishing you and Alex and the pets a wonderful holiday as we all self-celebrate. We have bought the items for our Sunday dinner and will be coloring hard boiled eggs this weekend. And, like you, we also bought chocolate. The pizza pitas and fries looked great as did that mushroom burger. Home cooking is the best! Syay safe and be well, my blogger friend.

  14. Wow that mushroom burger looks awesome! ~ Love your Easter Tweetie ~ Blessings

  15. I like your food and the drawing of Tweety. I am glad that you are so organized about packing and getting ready for the move. Blessings!

  16. That burger made my mouth water....YUM!

  17. So excited for you, Rain! I bet you can't wait to get into your new home. Awesome. Totally totally awesome! And I love your Tweety Bird. Really adorable. The colours are wonderfully bold.

    I totally agree with your beginning statement. No gloom and doom from me. I am feeling positive and optimistic, and I refuse to budge. LOL We're all doing our best and doing our part. In the meantime, George and I are keeping busy at home. As introverts, the staying home part comes easy :)

  18. Hi, Rain! Tweety Bird is darling. Bonnet, gloves, and black patent leather shoes ~ I remember those days! I bet you were adorable! Fred Astaire was amazing. Like you, I think it's important to focus on being positive and having hope. I have a post focusing on hope tomorrow, and I plan to keep things lighter hearted on my blog. Your blog is always uplifting. Your comfort food looks so good. I think a lot of us are indulging in comfort food. Wishing you and Alex an enjoyable Easter. ๐Ÿฃ ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’–

  19. I fondly remember Easters as a little girl, getting a new dress and it seems new shoes (either white or black patent leather). A hat with a blue ribbon seems a favorite memory,and gloves - if they had buttons, they were really special. And if I was really lucky I had a new little purse, too. Being an April baby, I enjoyed having at least one Easter birthday. Thanks for causing me to bring up those memories. I hope you and Alex have a wonderful Easter.

  20. So exciting that the move is coming up so fast. We are having intermittent spring weather, snow again this morning. More time to plan the garden. :)

  21. Morning Rain, that mushroom burger does look lovely. Must try out that Mushroom burger recipe is looks delicious my Daughter would especially love it. Those pencils will be great company whilst all your other arty supplies wait for their new studio. Wishing you a very Happy Easter, when I was younger it was a time to be with all the family making Easter bonnets with Easter egg hunts in the garden with all my cousins. Happy happy memories..
    Wishing you well & safe.. Take care Tracey xx

  22. Your mushroom burger looks absolutely delicious!

  23. Well, do we date ourselves by recognizing and even appreciating Fred Astaire? He really was an amazing performer and sadly tap dancing doesn't seem to be in favor any more. Time changes so many things and not always for the better. But Tweety will always be Tweety Bird ... he has been a favorite in our house since my children were young so a perfect choice for Easter. And, my husband's favorite food is a mushroom -swiss cheese burger. I used to be able to get them premade at the grocery, but now I have to order ahead because they say the mushrooms turn dark and then they don't sell ... :( I would take one of your mushroom burgers, in fact, I may just go down to my kitchen and see if I can't whip some up. It depends on what I can find in my freezer as I can't just run out to the store to get stuff anymore :( You seem to be ahead of the game if you are almost all packed and you aren't moving for a month. That time will pass quickly though and you will be moved in and settled before you know it. At least you have something to keep your mind occupied while the rest of us sit locked into our homes worrying about everything that comes into our house. It will be a relief when this all passes ... but in the meantime, I will concentrate on finding bubbles :) Stay safe, Rain ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  24. Saturday art fix from Thursday (lol). I can remember Easter Sundays as a child. Momma made us matching outfits to hers, white shoes, tights, purses, bonnets, and gloves to wear with them. This continued until I was 12!

    As for not getting sucked into the Corona Virus hype, we're just keeping on, keeping on here on the homestead. There's critters to care for and gardens to plant.

  25. Happy Easter dear Rain :)

    i loved Tweety :)

    your food looks so inviting as always :)

    i will keep you in my prayers ,may you move to your new lovely home soon and with all peace ,amen!
    hope this snow give you break eventually
    this water bubble image is exquisite :)
    stay well and blessed!

  26. Your food always rocks! Love what you had in the last post too. That cheese looked amazing and the doughnuts!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Thanks for the beautiful Easter post and the yummy food! Big positive hugs!!!! Stay Safe!


❤ Thanks for your comment, I love hearing from everyone! ❤ Why not join me and my fellow artists every Thursday for TADD? That's Thursday Art and Dinner Date! It's a lot of fun!